
Chapter 1

I opened my eyes everything was red and yellow then flowing with energy and then with a grey aura "What the hell is this"

[It is the skill *All seeing eyes of Hades*]

System explain i thought [It allows you to see all of the electro magnetic spectrum heat and Life force itself You can also proccess things extremly fast] I procceded to ask the system what other skills i had but when i saw it i was dumbfounded by the amount of information there was infornt of me. It was a jade green screen that expanded across my feeled of vision within dark abyss i trapped in.

[Name : Zih Lung] Class: G

[Status: Normal]

[Titles: Unawakend Diety] [Mp: 4000]

[Race: Demi God, Primordial Zombie]

[Army: *None*]


[Conversion: Ability to turn anything with a soul to a Zombie via biting or magic]

[All seeing eyes of Hades: After Years of being in the underworld Hades found himself with the ability to see all types of energy radiation Life and magic itself]

[Primordial Undead body:

All physical stats are increased dramatically and fatal wounds wont kill you even a drop of blood is enough to come back over time]

[Dark magic: You have the ability to telapthicly commuicate and move things with your mind. You can cast spells and curses but mana is needed]

[Nigh Self sustance: You dont needfood water air or any sort if energy to suvive you only need life essence]

[Toxic manipulation: You can release powerful blasts of toxic energy form hands mouth or eyes. You can control the state of matter of said poison from gas to liquid]

[Omnilingualism: You can speak all languages of the infinite multiverse]


[Toxic blasts: level 1] [All seeing eyes of Hades: Level 1]

[Primordial body: Level 1]

[Enhanced senses: Level 1]

A Smiled devily as my powers were god like even though they were supressed.

I was about to test my abilities but then i realised i wasnt in a void No... I was in dirt. I forced my body out of the ground and it seemed as if i was in a forest. Nothing but building high trees Dominating the area with only a small lake infront of me. "what is this place " i tried to say but only a growl came out. This was what i was scared of. I ran towards the nearby lake and looked into the water

(Note: Zih lung looked like the stories cover)

I was hideous nothing but a deformed beast. But out od knowhere leaves being pushed apart behind me. I was being ambushed.

With pure instinct i Punched the figure behind me with all my strength only to find out it was a wolf. I hust blown it peices i thought. I began to turn my attention to the other 6 wolves.

I wanted to try out my toxic ability but the moment i said this my eyes Turned into a misty green and a beam of Emerald green energy erupted from my mouth in an electrical manner.

Leaving a 5 metre wide gap sent hundreds of metres back completely vaporizing two of the wolves.

But the poison gazed one of the wolves as ut started to choke when blood came out of all of its holes when it started to decae from the inside out.

The 4 remaning wolves were pist they knew Death was inevitable but wanted to go at with a fight they all charged at me but all i did was breathe out a toxic wave of gass which had the same effects that the left over radiation had on the wolf. Painful death.

[You have killed 6 Elven wolves and a Elven wolf alpha]

[Toxic manipulation lvl 1 -> lvl 2]

[Mana 4000 -> 4050]

A smirk appeared on my face.

If those were Elven wolves which were not named after their own attributes then that means theres a dominant race in these Woods. But for now i have to lay low as i dont want either a small village or a entire nation chasing after me as i dont know how powerful they were.

(Note: Im a terrible writer so if you dont like my writing either leave or try and endure the terrible English)