
Zombie Survival System

In 2025, the mysterious “Virus Z” appeared in the Russian city of Sevastopol, transforming citizens into ravenous zombies. What was first thought to be a simple epidemic quickly revealed itself to be the most threatening pandemic in human history. Confident at first that they could stop this new pandemic, the world's governments failed to grasp the scale of the threat. As a result, China and Korea were among the first to fall. Then India, then Russia, until the whole Asian continent had collapsed. With no army able to stop the zombie tide, all of Afro-Eurasia succumbed and became a massive uninhabitable zone. In the end, only nature's impassable borders—the oceans—halted the spread of Virus Z. Ten years later, the world is divided into two zones: the forbidden Black Zone, where the infection is still present, and the White Zone, home to the world's survivors and refugees. The White Zone survives only due to Dr. Goldberg's “Genesis Project”—the creation of living biological weapons immune to Virus Z. These people, whose DNA has been modified to make them super-powerful, are known to the world as “Hunters." Follow the story of Alexandre, a young American of modest origins and appearance, who becomes a novice Hunter and joins the most brutal and mysterious training ground imaginable—Hunter Academy! ------------------------------------------- Tag : Action, Adventure, System, Cultivation,SuperPower, School, Gore, WeakToStrong, Apocalypse. ///Zombie Survival System stakes inspiration from movies and video games like "World War Z" and the Fallout series. The system is inspired by "My Vampire System."/// ///Co-authored by Hamapo and EldritchBlade/// My Other Novel : https://www.webnovel.com/book/mmorpg-rise-of-the-interstellar-god_22293904705399805 =====>https://discord.gg/6WRpyJmvgC

Hamapo · Fantasy
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114 Chs


General Pantherson took the microphone and began his speech. "First of all, I'd like to congratulate you all on coming so far in the Hunter examinations. The competition has been heavy this year, and the tests themselves have been brutal. By far, this is the most difficult and selective test you'll find in the entire United States. You deserve my congratulations for having passed the first two tests. However, you still have one more challenge to overcome!"

General Pantherson gestured to the hundred or so students in military uniform who were in the nearby stands. "On the other hand, these Academy students deserve no such congratulations. These students have failed to qualify normally for their second year status at the Academy. Today is not only your final exam, but their make-up exam!"

There was a murmuring among the gathered candidates as they expressed their shock. Nobody could've guessed they'd be pitted against actual students! What exactly would the rules of this engagement be?

After a few moments, General Pantherson continued speaking. "The final test, combining both exams, will consist of a simple cat-and-mouse game. The examiners will give each candidate a GPS watch with your candidate number displayed on the frame. Your goal is to keep hold of it for ninety minutes. Run, hide, or fight… try any strategy you wish. No matter what, if your watch is removed from you, then you're immediately disqualified. Good luck to all, and may God protect you!"

At that moment, the loudspeaker blared, "The hunt will begin in five minutes. Retrieve your watch from the red tables to your left. If you do not have your watch before the event begins, you will be disqualified."

Though the mood had been initially one of surprise and fear, it turned into one of excitement as the candidates swarmed the tables where they'd be given watches.

"What's ninety minutes? After what we've been through, that's nothing! Hell, I can just run in a straight line if I need to!"

"At last, my dreams are coming true!"

"Just a little longer and I'll finally have all the glory, power, and fortune I deserve!"

But not everyone turned loudly eager. Some candidates remained just as tense as when they'd first realized they'd be fighting Academy students. They stared at the large number of medical staff on the field, realizing that just staying alive might be harder than everyone else understood.

Alexandre got in line and quickly received his watch. The system must have been integrated with the drones flying overhead, because as soon as Alexandre snapped the bracelet shut to attach the watch to his wrist, his candidate number of 23,332 flickered into view on the display. "Fancy," Alexandre muttered. He gave the watch a practice tug. It was difficult to tell how sturdy the bracelet was. Hopefully it wouldn't break in the middle of a fight.

For the next several minutes, many students could be overheard discussing strategies among themselves. There seemed to be two primary strategies—a large number of students intended to simply run straight into the forest. Even if they got lost, it seemed like the simplest way to ensure they'd escape pursuit.

The second strategy was somewhat surprising. Some students agreed to group up and cooperate, hoping to fend off the Academy students and make them prioritize easier prey.

'You absolute idiots,' Alexandre thought to himself. 'None of you have any idea just how large the gulf is between any of you ordinary fools and even the weakest student here. You'd be better off all running in different directions.'

After the five minutes had passed, the loudspeaker blared, "The third trial has begun!"