
Zombie Survival Class

In a world suffocated by the ravenous undead, survival is an unrelenting battle. Tomiya Kiriyama, once known for his laziness, finds himself thrust into a waking nightmare as a catastrophic zombie outbreak engulfs the nation. Amidst the chaos, Tomiya and his classmates venture beyond the school's crumbling sanctuary, discovering that the plague's reach knows no bounds. As the nation faces its downfall, Tomiya unveils an unexpected enigmatic persona, defying conventions and showcasing his unique approach to survival.

Okunola_Champion · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Zombie Survival Class volume 1 Chapter 1

Society, a complex web woven by humanity, appeared inherently cruel. Its rules, expectations, and judgments acted like invisible chains, constricting potential for true individuality and freedom. For just a moment, I wished this intricate construct could crumble, enabling us to rebuild a world free from prejudice and cruelty.

The veneer of civilization masked deep-seated inequalities, discrimination, and cold disregard for those who fell through the cracks. I yearned for a chance to tear down the façade, revealing the ugliness underneath. Hunger for power and indifference to suffering blended into a symphony of heartlessness echoing through every corner of our existence.


I realized that change wasn't simple. It wasn't just a j-

*poke!* *Poke!*

I realized that change wasn't simple. It wasn't just a j-

*Poke!* *Poke!* *Poke!* *Poke!* *Poke!* *Poke!* *Poke!*


Raising my head, I saw the person who kept poking me despite my lack of interest in responding.

"What do you want, Kaori?" The girl with long black hair and crimson red eyes, squatting right in front of my desk, was Kaori Tanaka, my childhood friend.

We've been together since elementary school, always sticking to each other like glue. Actually, she's the one who's always stuck to me. She's been by my side, and I didn't mind until high school. People spread rumors that we're dating or that I'm her slave. She's popular, smart, has lots of friends, and the teachers love her. She's also the school's vice president. People wonder why she likes hanging out with a boring loner like me, even though they know I'm her childhood friend. They couldn't understand her choice.

Sigh~ school life is really hard...

"Are you done monologuing, Tomiya?"

"Yeah, I am... So what do you want? Can't you tell I don't want to be disturbed?"

I said, resting my head on my desk.

"I could... That's why I came here, to disturb you!"

She said that with a smile on her face.

"Besides, you shouldn't be lazing around. Aren't you supposed to catch up on the notes you didn't copy? Seriously, is this how lazy you've become, Tomiya?"

In that case, I'll do what I usually do when I don't want to do something.

I gently placed my hands on her shoulder and gave her puppy dog eyes.

"I could copy it, but my body's been hurting for a while now... I think I should see a doctor. Until then, I can't do anything that might require too much energy. So, please, Kaori, could you help a friend out?"

Her face blushed a little, and she scratched her cheek.

Bull's eye... I win.

"Well, since you're not well, I guess I could hel-"

"Nope, not this time."


As she was about to help me willingly, she was interrupted by a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a strikingly handsome face. His name is Hiro Nakamura, the student council president. He's always on my case about being lazy, pushing me to do things I really, really don't want to do. He's intelligent, good at sports, and popular around the school. He's also trustworthy.

"Seriously, Kaori, you fall for his tricks every time. You might not know this, but it's because you keep helping him that he's this lazy."

"You're probably right..."

He suddenly dropped a stack of books he was carrying onto my desk.

"Here, these are my notes. Copy them and return them when you're done, okay?"

"Sheesh! Why do I have to?"

"I'm not going to answer that."

This son of a bitch!

"Is this real?"

"It can't be real, right? Right?"

"Is this some kind of joke?"

The three of us turned our attention to three boys at the back, currently staring at their phones with fear and confusion on their faces.

What's with that expression? Are they watching a horror show or something?


Suddenly, one of the guys shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. Some pulled out their cellphones to check the news, while others went to see what the boys were watching. Kaori, Hiro, and I did the same, turning on the news.

[In a shocking turn of events, communities across the nation have been rocked by a sudden and unprecedented surge in aggressive behavior, resulting in tragic and horrifying incidents. Reports are flooding in about individuals attacking and harming others in an alarming manner. Authorities are working around the clock to understand the root cause of this sudden wave of violence, which has left many in a state of disbelief and fear.

Eyewitness accounts describe scenes of chaos and panic, with individuals exhibiting an eerie lack of empathy and displaying an insatiable hunger for violence. Law enforcement agencies are urging citizens to exercise extreme caution and avoid large gatherings as they work tirelessly to bring the situation under control.

The medical community is also closely monitoring the situation, as there are concerns that this could be a result of an unknown infectious agent or some form of mass hysteria. However, experts are quick to reassure the public that they are actively investigating the situation and will provide updates as soon as more information becomes available.

As the nation grapples with this unprecedented crisis, it is imperative for everyone to remain vigilant and prioritize their safety.]

Oh, what the hell is this?

I observed the entire classroom; fear and confusion were written all over their faces.

I can't help but have a really bad feeling about this.

As I was thinking to myself, a sudden female scream in the hallway caught everyone's attention.

Everyone rushed out of the classroom to check out what was happening, and what we saw was something we wished we hadn't.

A girl from our school lay in a pool of blood, and beside her was Class 3-C's homeroom teacher, his body drenched in blood, his mouth covered in blood, and his hands stained with blood. His face looked as if it had been drained of life... he almost looked... dead!

Everyone froze with fear at this sight, then as one of the girls screamed, the seemingly dead teacher began to charge towards us. And with that, everyone started running in the opposite direction.

"What is happening?"

"Is he insane? Has he gone mad?"

"What's wrong with him? Someone help!"

Shit! This must be what they were talking about on the news. Aggressive behavior! He has no sense of reasoning... it's almost like he's a zombie.

I quickly grabbed Kaori's hand and started running.


"Shut up and run!"

We ran as fast as we could, and as we approached the staircase leading to the second floor, multiple zombies started charging at us from downstairs. Most of the students who went down got caught by them and lost their lives, while some ran back up to escape.

I took Kaori down the hall, running with all our might... but the zombies were quickly gaining on us. Then, as we turned the corner, I spotted the school's art room and pushed both of us inside. As I was about to close the door, someone called out to me.

"Tomiya, wait!"

It was Hiro!

He's not dead... Thank goodness, but pick up the pace, damn it!

He was running at full speed before he finally arrived and entered. I shut the door and used a chair to block the door handle, but this wouldn't be enough.

"Kaori! Hiro! Gather everything you can and let's barricade the door!"


They started piling objects against the door, and after about three minutes, we successfully barricaded it.

We decided to take a break to catch our breath.

"What... is... going on? Why is... this happening?"

Kaori asked, her voice trembling with fear and exhaustion.

"I don't know..."

Hiro responded.

I opened the window to let some fresh air in, and as I did...

"Guys, you've gotta see this!"

Curious, they both looked at me and stood up to see what I was looking at.

"N-No way!"

"This... this can't be happening."

The city was engulfed in turmoil. People sprinted through streets littered with debris, their faces etched with fear. Abandoned cars formed a chaotic obstacle course, and among the wreckage, lifeless bodies served as stark reminders of the dire situation. Distant cries and muffled sounds filled the air, carrying an overwhelming sense of urgency.

"This can't be happening... Why is this happening?"

"This... society has crumbled."

I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that my earlier monologue might have contributed to this chaos.

"Tomiya... What do we do now?"

As Kaori asked that, I looked at both her and Hiro before responding.

"Isn't it obvious?"

I turned toward the window before expressing my thoughts.

"We try to survive!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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