

Roosevelt stabbed a zombie’s head as it got close to her. In her state of excitement, she had forgotten to check the surroundings and the inside of the building through the windows and well she could only be thankful she brought a knife along at least.

As the last zombie fell to the ground with a knife stabbed into its skull, she began to ransack the building. Considering the fact that the house had never been visited or looted, she felt like lady luck was smiling at her from above and she couldn’t help but smile back. At a crucial moment of her life when she was beginning to feel like it was an hustle to only be capable of carrying so little for fear of slowing down and stilling worrying of how to get more before it completely ran out, she couldn’t let anything go to waste. After packing everything she felt was valuable, she took a little time to rest. Even though the sofa was covered with dust and the house stank of decaying flesh, she still dosed off too tired to care about that.


Comfort sat in the RV with her friends, looking out of the windows at irregular intervals. She turned to face her friends while thinking of her life before the apocalypse, the more bodies or zombies she saw, the more emotional she felt. She knew it was pointless to have such feelings but she just couldn’t help it after all she was still a teenager.

“Hey have some food ” Mercy said.

“She looks like she would rather crawl into a celling to hide herself right now” Larry said, “Marvellous you might want to check on this lady”.

“Hmph . . . She looks so pathetic right now” Marvellous replied, making face like someone eating faeces.

They had been trying hard to keep from starving and at the moment when they were about to eat and get ready to hunt, a certain lady was bringing them to the past. ‘How infuriating’ he thought.

“It really is a good thing to have something to eat” Timothy said with a satisfied look on his face.

“ Well I loved the food” Basit said, “These girls sure know how to cook !”.

Zombies in the surrounding area were congregating, around a certain bushy area, within the bushy area was a clearing with an RV.

Figures could be seen moving through the window completely ignorant about the danger that loomed around them. Perhaps one or two noticed but none of them seemed to care.


Roosevelt felt a sharp pain in her neck as she rose from the chair, almost immediately . . . BOOM !!!. The smell of decaying flesh invaded her nostrils practically causing her brain to shake and tremble in her skull.

*Gedeng* she fell to the ground feeling her brain ache.

With great effort, she staggered to her feet and dragged her a** outside. The hot sun immediately flashing in her eyes caused the ache to intensify.

“Dammit” she cursed through gritted teeth as she tried her best not to scream. In her current state if she so much as attracted a zombie, she would be done for. With her hands shielding her eyes from the burning sun, she walked to her new truck.

Her bag was on the front seat exactly where she left it and picking up the bag, she checked the back seats to ensure her supplies were still there.

After eating to her fill for the first time in God knows when, she got into the truck and prepared to continue her journey, she was still scared of staying stationary for long and considering the fact that she had spent about half a day and the whole night in that house, who knew if zombies hadn’t began to pick her scent in the air?. Checking her weapons to ensure they were intact, she closed the door only to realise that she had forgotten about the keys. ‘Dammit how much of a moron am I ?’ she thought as she got ready to use the emergency method. In the apocalypse, everyone knew the emergency method ‘cause not every car you could find had keys in them. Just before she set to work however, some zombies suddenly appeared from behind the house.

“The heck !!! . . . to think you guys actually showed up” she silently exclaimed as the thought of what would have happened if she woke up some minutes later appeared in her head. As the thought of how she could not even open her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she began to work on the ignition while keeping sounds to the barest level to avoid the zombies attention.

Somehow, using the emergency method actually reminded her of the last group she joined, she had been so tired and hungry looking wretched when she met them on their way returning to their sanctuary. They took her in despite having no knowledge what so ever of who she was, and taught her everything she wanted to learn. But remembering them actually brought back memories of ‘him’ - Drake, he was her closest friend there, almost a big brother and losing him made her realise that in this era, human attachment would only bring pain and so she left.


The car sounded as it kicked to life attracting the zombies but she could not careless. Turning the gear to reverse, she left the compound and continued her journey. She just hoped the fuel could take her far away.


As night approached, the joyful teenagers finally began to feel hungry. Having wasted a lot of energy having fun and trying to forget their predicaments, they were faced with the harsh reality of the apocalypse and hunger.

“I’m damn hungry” Joy spoke finally speaking the minds of all of them, “What do we have in our supplies ?”.

“Let’s eat bread, sardine and . . . ” Zainab said before Marvellous interrupted her. “Let’s just eat what we have, quite a lot of buddies have gathered outside the RV and I don’t want us to face those things tonight. We can hardly even see anything out there now” he said.

Casting a quick glance outside before turning back to his friends, he continued “Tim is able to walk now but his leg is not fully healed. I don’t want another one of you injured”.

Just then, Timothy came out of the store with loaves of bread and tins of sardine. “Thank God I was close to the store when you said it, I just decided to save you guys the trouble and brought it” he said failing to notice the shock on the in the atmosphere.

It was common knowledge for them to see Marvellous with a blank and emotionless face even seemly wicked at times but how many times did they get to see him showing his emotions and thoughts?. All in all it only seemed to make their shock even more outspoken.

Finally, seeing the shocked expression on the faces of his friends and sensing the difference in atmosphere, Timothy asked, “What’s going on?, are you guys not eating ?”.

“Timothy, what the heck is wrong with you?, so it only too you an instant to get to the store ehn?” Zainab said, “To have the cheek to steal the food, you are wicked!!!”.

Right at that moment, all of them seemed to have woken from their dreams as all of them pounced on Timothy and wrestled their share of meal.


It had been a week since Roosevelt found the farmhouse and got her treasured truck, within that time she had travelled through three cities and was nearing the fourth one ‘Forth Night City’. If not for the circumstances surrounding her, she would have been over joyed but now she had another matter that was eating at her heart, her fuel was almost used up and she was yet to find more. Aside from that, at this moment she wasn’t in a remote area but on a main road which increased the danger by over ten times. When the apocalypse stroke, a lot of people began to flee their cities looking for safe abodes which increased the concentration of the population on the main streets and roads. Her fear was having to face a large number of zombies without fuel, even if she choose to abandon the truck, she would have to leave weeks worth of supplies behind and that did not guarantee that she would be save at all.

Roosevelt was still thinking about her problems when an even bigger one surfaced almost driving her nuts, a road block made of jam-packed cars came into view and worst of all, hundreds if not thousands of zombies were scattered around and at that moment they were rushing towards her truck as fast as they could. If there was one dis advantage of the truck, it was the noise it made which always attracted zombies - actually when she had enough fuel it wasn’t a problem after all she could just outrun them but not now, she had no fuel to outrun hundreds and probably a thousand zombies.

“Shit” She muttered, grabbing her pistol and checking the number of bullet magazines she had left - and believe me, there weren’t many left causing a frown to appear on her face. To make matter worse, she spotted a bunch of swifts making their way over, thinking about her life and how miserable it was, she wined up the windows and locked the doors. Seeing how fast the swifts were approaching her, all colours seemed to drain from her face as a certain anger seemed to burn within her.

‘Originally she thought she would have at least a few minutes to plan but since she didn’t, why would she have to plan?’ she thought. A look of madness appeared on her face as she changed gear and slammed her foot on the acceleration to make a quick escape for as long as her remaining fuel could last. ‘She couldn’t die yet’ She thought.