
Zombie Fodder//Ereri Zombie Apocalypse AU//

After a biochemically weaponized gas escapes a lab, all hell breaks loose. Billions get sick at once and the remaining people, unaffected, are deemed immune. At least, to the airborne virus. Panic spreads but then dissipates when no one dies from the illness. A week later, nearly ninety percent of the population is dead, but they don't stay dead. How does a nerd with a major in graphic design survive, alone, in a zombie apocalypse for three months? Easy, Eren stays away from all people, dead and alive alike. His father taught him how dangerous a person can be, so he's avoided them since the beginning. Well, that is, until he stumbles upon a settlement. Will he decide to leave and continue relying only on himself or will he take a leap of faith and trust his comrades? The characters are owned by Hajime Isayama, but the plot is mine. This is a Ereri boyxboy so find a different book if you aren't into that. This is rated mature, because of language and sexual content. There is also other triggers. Just be careful and safe. Enjoy the book! Word Count: 110,849

rythebiguy · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

One Final Test

I have been in the Levisquad for a month or so now. It has been weeks since the incident at the cabin. I hadn't forgotten, but I wasn't going to be petty either. We were a team, regardless.

Petra and I were currently sitting on the rock at the lake. Yep, the same rock Armin and I got high on. Weed Rock. Speaking of, that's what we were talking about. She was smoking one of my menthols and listening to the story.

"He was a giggling mess and ate a whole family-sized bag of chips by himself. I don't know how he didn't puke. Then, he fell asleep and left me to deal with a grumpy Levi. It was so hard to keep a straight face when he gave that bored look, you know this one?" I said, trying to imitate the face he makes.

She bursts out laughing and starts choking on smoke, making us both laugh more. I throw her my water bottle and she takes a few gulps, still chuckling. Petra and I had gotten closer over the last couple weeks.

She kept a close eye on me and would always help me when I was at my lows. I even introduced her to Armin and Mikasa, who both loved her bubbly personality. Armin and her were like twins when it came down to personality.

"So... So you're telling me... That Armin was hella high in your arms and Levi and Erwin saw?" when I nodded she continued. "Ain't no way Erwin didn't get a kick out of that. Bet Armin would've been a blubbering mess if he was awake!" she says before busting out laughing again.

I'm quick to join her and then we're rolling around, holding our aching stomachs. It felt nice to laugh again. Her laugh was so airy and soft that it made me smile even when it was hard.

"What's so funny?" Levi asks in a bored tone.

I look at Petra and mimic Levi's bored face, making us both cackle and hold on to each other. Looking at Levi, I see his eye twitch, a clear sign he was getting irritated. Oh, no. Last time he did the eye twitch, Petra and I had to run laps all day.

Levi is a cruel Captain, truly. Even with my great endurance, I was exhausted and close to puking. A shiver runs through my body at the memory and I elbow Petra, giving her the 'shut up you fucking twat' look. Levi looks at both of our scared faces and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"If you're done acting like idiots, I have jobs for you. Petra, the others are training the other squads right now, so go join them. Brat, you have one more task before you become an official member of the Levisquad."

I look at Petra with wide eyes that screamed help, but she just grinned and winked at me. Well, that was so helpful. Thanks a bunch, Petra! She runs off, while I'm dragged farther into the forest by a certain, cranky Captain.

He's been more tense than usual lately, especially around me. Since the trip, I haven't heard Petra and him have sex, so that's probably why. He did say it was his way of relieving stress.

Petra has been practically attached to my hip and I get it. Without Levi's touch, she was starting to get lonely, so I tried to give her as much attention as I could. Did they break it off because of what I said to Levi that night?

Shaking my head, I try to physically shake the thoughts of him from my mind. He had taken up residence in my thoughts and now he wouldn't leave. I was starting to feel like a hormonal teenager, a stage I was lucky to miss when going through puberty.

But I couldn't stop thinking about him and what it would be like to be in Petra's place. Having his hands all over me, no clothes separating us. This coming from the virgin who hasn't even had their first kiss, and I oop.

A throat clears and I'm brought back to the present, with a blush staining my cheeks. I sneakily look and see if I had gotten an issue from my thoughts. Good, I hadn't. What a relief. I look up and take in our surrounding.

"Why are we back at the cabin?"

"To be part of the Levisquad, you have to pass my final test. We're going to fight and I'll deem whether you have what it takes." he says in a bored voice.

I hate that bored voice that he hides behind. He hasn't smiled or laughed since I yelled at him and it made me feel guilty.

"Okay, where are we training at?" I ask quietly.

"Right here."

He points at the ground we're standing on. He wants to fight in the dirt? A clean freak wants to fight in the dirt?

"Levi, are you sure? You'll get dirty..."

"Yes, now get into a fighting position before I change my mind!" he says harshly, making me flinch.

I spread my legs and feet slightly apart, bending my knees slightly, then raising my fists. I'm going to have to hold back, but how much? I've never seen him fight. I even had my back turned when he was fighting the zombies.

"If you plan on holding back like you've been doing, we can forget this and head back right now. I'll take you holding back as hesitation and you'll be shit outta luck!" he growls out.

I never fucking hesitate and he knows that! He's poking the bear right now and it's aGrrrvating. Sorry... But if he wants me not to hold back, fine with me. I've been meaning to kick his ass for weeks.

I rush him and throw a quick side kick at his neck, which he dodges fast. He has fast reflexes and his eyes are tracking my every move. Is he looking for my tell? He won't find it, because I don't have one anymore.

He throws a punch and I block it, throwing one of my own. We continue throwing blows back and forth until we both get bored. Just by what I've seen, he is a very skilled fighter. His moves are quick and seamless, making it hard to track fast enough to parry.

"Heh, and you told me not to hold back! Don't hesitate remember!" I say with a smirk.

His face twists into a sardonic grin, which, quite frankly, scared me a little, then he swiped his leg. Jumping, I spin and send a kick that hits him in the chest. I thought for sure that I would have won, but I hadn't.

I had a new respect for the raven in front of me. That kick has knocked larger men than him down, but he had managed to stay upright, even out of breath. Before he could recover, I send a feigned jab at his rib.

When he goes to block, I completely twist my body and duck under his arm, jabbing him in the back with my other elbow. I hear him fall and smirk victoriously, until I hit the ground, dazed.

He... But he was down! What I had thought was my elbow connecting with his back was actually his arm. He's extremely fast, even faster than me. He had used his other arm to throw me over his shoulder before I even knew what was going on.

"Never underestimate your opponent, brat." he says with a cocky smirk.

Like that cocky bastard has room to talk! We're almost equal in battle. He has military experience, though, which is something I don't have. Isn't he underestimating me right now, by talking and giving me a chance to recover?

"Same goes for you."

"Huh?" he says in confusion.

While I'm still laying in the dirt, I cross my legs and swipe, making him lose balance. He was supposed to topple backwards, but instead he landed on top of me, knocking the breath from us both. With him on top of me, trying to recover, I try to push him off me but he stays put.

Our legs are entangled, chest to chest, and our faces are only inches apart. Something was burning deep in my chest. A feeling so primal, so out of control that I didn't know if I'd be able to get up anymore. A warmth pooled in my stomach as our eyes met.

So many emotions flickered in his eyes, but then they glazed over with lust. His eyes went from my lips to my eyes, as if he was waiting for me to push him away. I should have, but I couldn't hold back anymore... I didn't want to. Want ran through me like a raging current and I nodded.

His lips were on mine in an instance, knocking the breath from me and stealing my first kiss. My lips moved just as fervently against his own and I was quick to open my mouth when he licked my lower lip. His tongue tasted every inch of my mouth, not even needing to fight for dominance.

The taste of mint followed his tongue and I hummed in appreciation. At least he practices good hygiene, even in the apocalypse. My mind starts to fog over and my body shakes slightly.

We gave into the passion completely, losing ourselves in each other. His mouth strayed from mine, so we could breath, but he set to work kissing a trail down my jaw. My breath caught when he started nipping at my skin as he went.

He found a spot on my neck that made me whimper embarrassingly, fuck my life! Attacking that spot, he lets his hands trail under my shirt to run up my sides. It feels more comforting, like he knows I'm conflicted. No matter how much of a jerk he may be, he'd stop the instant I asked.

Not once, in the time I've known him, has he ever forced anything on others. He was a very strong believer of independence and even encouraged his team to do what they felt was right. I respect and admire him for that.

"What's going on in that head of yours? I need to know if you want me to stop. If we go any further I don't know if I'll be able to." he asks, breathlessly.

I nod but that doesn't satisfy him. His hands leave my body and a whimper leaves my mouth.

"Y.. Yes.... Yes, I'm sure." I say more confidently.

He's back on me in an instance, licking my neck and then letting his breath fall over the damp skin. A shiver runs through my body and I wrap my legs around his waist. I hadn't even realized I had done that!

In embarrassment, I go to remove my legs, but he pulls me closer to him and stands up, with me still attached. For a man shorter than me, he's really strong. We continue kissing as he walks with me in his arms. Then, my back hits a soft bed and he's standing at the foot of the bed, watching me.

Both of our breathing is labored and I'm painfully hard. I can feel my precum dampen the front of my boxers and I shift around uncomfortably on the bed. What is he waiting for?

"You are sure? I don't do commitment, so if you can't do that let's just go back." he says.

God, I already said yes! Why does he insist on second-guessing me? Crawling over to him, I tug him by his hair and pull him into another deep kiss, leaving us both breathless.

"I already said yes, but if ya keep asking I'll change my mind out of annoyance. You worried you won't be able to satisfy and keep up with me?" I say teasingly.

In all honesty, I don't have a doubt in my mind. There are very few people who can touch me without setting me off and he's one of them. I trust him completely and I wouldn't mind him being my first.

A dark look crosses his face at my challenge and then he gives me a Cheshire smile. Flashing me his pearly whites, and making me question his sanity for a moment. His hands trail down my neck and chest to the hem of my shirt, that he then yanks over my head.

Geez, impatient much! His fingers glide across my skin, before he massages one of my rosy buds. I almost fall onto the bed at the sensation, but just let my head fall back instead.

With my neck exposed, he starts nipping and sucking on the skin, probably leaving a bruise, while his hand pushes me back on the bed. One of his hands continues to rub my bud, while his other palms himself through his sweats.

I climb farther up the bed while he removes his shirt and climbs toward me slowly. Like a predator, slowly stalking their prey.

Levi pulls me towards him by my waist and hovers over me, kissing me quickly. While we're kissing, he removes my pants and boxers in one move, throwing them on the floor.

Levi backs up and takes in my fully exposed skin with an unreadable look. All my scars, tattoos, imperfections, bared to him. I cover myself with a blush and look away. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"You're beautiful. Don't hide." he says lowly.

Warmth goes through me at his words. Am I really beautiful to him? His warm hands remove mine as he lays butterfly kisses on my lower stomach and hips. I watch his lips trace over the black roses on both hips before he meets my eyes.

With his raven hair hanging over his forehead and hooded, glazed eyes, he was quite a sight. My breath stutters when he licks my tip lightly. Clean freak, what are you doing? I'm a very clean person, though so I have no room to talk.

I shave my legs and pubic hair regularly, because it makes me feel more clean. Hair is sparse on me as it is, so shaving isn't difficult or extensive. And boy, am I glad I shaved a few days prior to this.

An embarrassing whine leaves my mouth when he takes me into his mouth. I cover my mouth, face red, and watch him bob his head. The warm heat of his mouth running against my sensitive member has me panting behind my hand.

This is my first time, so don't judge me! You're reading this shit with a nosebleed, so you have no right to judge!

My hips twitch at the foreign feeling building in my stomach and I try to close my legs. Levi opens them back up and looks up at me with those hooded eyes, making me come undone.

"Levi... Fu..stop!" I say, before I cum in his mouth.

A look of surprise crosses his face, but I see him swallow, even still. He climbs back up to me with that cheeky grin he wears so well.

"What was that about not being able to satisfy you? Seemed pretty satisfied to me.."

"Can I try?" I ask, embarrassed.

Like I said before, I'm a virgin and I'd never even touched myself, so this is all new, but I have a general idea.

He nods and lays back, not making fun of me for my question. I'm Eren fucking Jaeger! I've got this! Pulling his sweats off and throwing them on the floor, I stare at the noticeable bulge and gulp. How is that going to fit? That's gotta be at least nine inches!

A chuckle makes me lift my head back up to Levi, where he's staring at me in amusement. I'm gonna knock that look off his face!

With renewed confidence, I lick him lightly through his boxers, running my nails down his chest while I do. Discarding his boxers, I kiss and nip around his v-line before tentatively licking his tip. I do that a few more times, then feel his hands run softly through my hair.

He's not being impatient or getting it done quickly. He's letting me experiment.

Wrapping my lips around him, I slowly take him in, making sure to hollow my cheeks like I saw him do. I don't have a gag reflex, so I manage to take him all in.

"Fuck, brat! Do you not have a gag reflex?" he says with a quiet groan.

I hum around him, making him groan again, then start bobbing my head like he did. The feeling of fullness in my mouth has me painfully hard, yet again. When his breath started to come out in pants, I was suddenly removed from his member and flipped on my back, with him hovering over me again.

His lips find mine as he roughly claims my mouth for himself. I pull away when I hear the crinkling of plastic. Where he got the condom, I don't know, but I wrapped my hand around his own and took it from him, rolling it up his length.

I feel saliva pool around the corner of my mouth as he pumps himself, while maintaining eye contact. He crawls back over me and lets me watch as he coats three of his fingers in saliva, before he places one at my hole.

I tense as my mind clouds over with fear. I'm not scared of pain, but for a split second I wasn't with Levi and someone else was in his place. Warm hands rubbing my sides, pulls me back to the present. It's Levi, staring up at me with a softness I didn't know he possessed.

"Just relax." he says softly, still rubbing my sides.

My body melts under his touch and I close my eyes. His wet digit circles around my hole, making me twitch. This continues on for some time, just him teasing me and barely letting his finger enter me, then pulling out just as fast.

"If you're not going to do anything, I can always do it myself.." I say with a smirk.

He sits back on his knees with a smirk and motions for me to go ahead. Wait, it was a prank! I mean, I know what to do but he's going to be watching and it's embarrassing...

"Don't let me stop you. Thought you said you could do it yourself, hmm?"

His challenging tone brought me out of my thoughts and fueled my competitiveness. If he wanted to play, let's play!

Keeping eye contact with him, I slowly bring three fingers to my mouth and coat them thoroughly in saliva. His eyes follow my movements as I bring a finger to my hole and push it in.

I feel the strangeness of it pushing past the rings of muscle, but there's no pain. I move and wiggle my finger around inside me and then add another. The weirdness of it turns into pleasure as I continue to fuck myself on my fingers while Levi watched.

There was something so arousing about him watching me pleasure myself. His glazed eyes following my every movement and soft groans in answer to my own noises.

A whimper leaves my mouth when I add the third finger and speed up. The sting from the third only adds to the pleasure, leaving me a panting mess. Levi had been palming himself along with me, but he had stopped and was just staring at me now.

I felt hot all over and I could feel a small line of saliva on the side of my mouth. My eyes slam shut and I moan when I hit a spot in me that makes me see stars. Then, my fingers are removed.

A whine leaves my throat at the loss of the sensation, but it's replaced with another moan as he places something bigger against my hole. He rubs his member along my hole, teasingly, making my hole twitch in want.

"What do you want, brat? Gotta tell me or I won't know..." he says in a low, seductive tone.

Fuck, that was hot! I grin at him and pull him flush against me, while wrapping my legs around his waist.

"You.." I whisper, smashing my lips to his.

While our tongues battle for dominance, I grab his member and align it back with my hole, then I push myself back against him. I feel the burn of him stretching me to my breaking point and tears slide down my cheeks at the feeling.

Once he's settled into me, he stays still so I can adjust. I wiggle my hips in answer as he pulls almost completely out, then slams back into me, hitting that pleasurable spot dead on. We both groan at the feeling as he pulls me into a sloppy kiss.

His movements start to speed up as I meet his thrusts. The thrusts are precise as he hits my pleasure spot every time, making me moan. Covering my mouth in embarrassment at the noises I'm making, I stop moving.

"None of that. Let me here you.." he pulls my hand away and slams roughly into me, making me moan loudly.

He groans softly and starts sucking on my neck, probably leaving more bruises. Suddenly, I'm flipped over on my hands and knees, with him never ceasing his thrusts. I moan at the new angle, him thrusting so much deeper now.

His member rubbed against my walls as he slammed into me quickly. I could feel that knot in my stomach tightening to the point of snapping, but I wanted to wait for Levi.

His grip on my hip tightened as he brought one of his calloused hands to my dripping member, stroking in time with his thrusts.

"Cum for me, Eren." he whispers huskily.

When he said my name, the heat pooling in my stomach disappeared. My mind blanks as pleasure shoots through my whole body at the overstimulation, making me cry out. He strokes me through my climax, then I feel his thrusts get sloppier.

I tighten around his member when he continues to caress my sensitive walls with his twitching cock. He pulls out quickly, removes the condom, and groans loudly as he finishes. His warm cum hits my ass and thighs, making me shiver and whine quietly.

I feel his hands massaging my hips as we both try to catch our breath from the pleasure we just felt. He gets up, but I'm too tired to even see where he went, so I just lay on my stomach and sink into the bed.

A damp cloth wipes along my shoulders and back, before he goes over my ass and thighs. He picks me up and turns me around, wiping my front and member down. I whimper at how sensitive I am and cringe from the touch.

He leaves again and I nod off. I'm so worn out from that. He has the same amount of endurance as me, so it wasn't quick or gentle. I feel a dip in the bed and warm arms wrap around my chilled body. I cuddle my head into his chest and sigh contently.


I nod and feel his chuckle reverberate through him. Blankets cover us both and he holds me against him, silence around us. Does he regret it? Did I do bad? Shaking the thoughts, I tumble into a dreamless sleep. For the first time in a long time, I don't have a nightmare.

Turns out, this training I'm supposed to do with Levi is supposed to take a few days. It's safe to assume we didn't train much, during our stay, but now it's time to go back...

This chapter has smut, so be sure to grab some tissues in case you get a nosebleed. Enjoy!

rythebiguycreators' thoughts