
Zombie Apocalypse on Easy Mode

Connor, a zombie apocalypse enthuthiast died due to a heart attack during a food competition. His fate changed forever when he met with a ROB. Told his next reincarnation would be a zombie apocalyptic world, he was horrified. So, in order to make his life a little safer, he decided to get the powers of the Titans Superboy.

Mottor_Writing · Others
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2 Chs

The Neighbor

Connor woke up in high spirit, feeling refreshed and about to start a brand new day. The first thing he saw when he got out of bed was the boxes filled with weapons filling quarter of the room from the floor to the roof. He smirked a little when he remembered how he got those weapons. After two days of following up with the local PD, he knew that the weapons they have confiscated over the year were going to be transported to a smelt and so, he ambushed the van.

It was not hard to do so, especially now that he had the powers of Superboy. Of course, they weren't the powers of the comics Superboy but from the TV show. He had arrived in this parallel Earth a month ago and he had been spending every sunrise to sunset making sure he was properly sun bathed. This had brought a drastic rise in his capabilities that he had body checked the van, making it roll five times, stopping more than thirty metres away. That is counting the weapons it was carrying.

Of course, the weapons were useless without ammunition but getting all the ammo for all these guns might alert the AFT and FBI. He would rather not spend his pre-apocalypse time fighting the government agencies. So, he was waiting till the public got into full panic mode in order to go to work and secure himself enough ammo to arm an army. However, what he could get in abundance was money. Right now, to get the best of everything he needed money and since he was sure the government was in its final stages of a full blown freakout, going on vigilante runs would not be a bad idea. So, he hit a cartel hideout, taking with him twelve million, three hundred and seventy thousand dollars.

He also came to know that a point blank shot gun shot to the head stings like a motherfucker. He was just glad that they did not have high calibre weapons at that time or his growing invulnerability would be shredded to pieces. But, his Winter Soldier fighting capabilities came as a clutch, making him get out with far less bullet holes than he would have gotten without it.

With the money, he bought himself a villa pretty out of the city, making sure it had a panic room, a large sized panic room at that, and stocked it with canned food enough to last him and his big appetite for five years. He didn't know what kind of zombies this world would throw at him so he had his fingers crossed. He hoped it would be TWD kind of zombies, slow, shuffling, decaying kind of zombies. World War Z kind of zombies might be manageable but he truly hoped they weren't the ones. The Last of Us kind of zombies are a definite nope. Between the spores and the many kind of infections, he would rather be stuck in the World War Z kind of zombies. However, the ones he dreaded even more are the Black Light kind of zombies. If they were those kind of zombies then he will make sure he gets himself a volcanic island and stay on it forever. He would only be saved by the fact that it cannot travel across oceans.

"So many things to think about!" Connor sighed as he walked to the bathroom.

He got into the shower and took a quick dip before dressing up. He stopped a bit when he was walking past the mirror, seeing his reflection. "I can't get used to this."

In his previous life, he was a short, pudgy, glasses wearing geek with zero social interactions. The greatest actions he has ever seen was when a granny accidentally bumped into him in a bus. He worked in a store, a thankless job that sucked his soul away little by little. He felt like killing himself whenever a customer came to complain about a product or ask him where a certain product was. However, his greatest pain was his manager, a spineless little Chinese man who worked them to the bone.

Due to the harsh adult life, he had reclused himself in fiction. As long as a comic book existed, he made it his effort to make sure he read it. Any work of fiction was fair game to him, though he found himself slowly loathing harem oriented works of fiction, it might be because of his lack of pussy, not that he was going to tell. But the ones he loved the most were zombie kinds of works. He especially loved the DC's Blackest Night and Marvel Zombies. His favourite might be Zombie Sentry and his second favorite was Alex Mercer.

In this life, however, he was a 6'1 blue eyed, chisel jawed, buff Joshua Orpin look alike and he was loving every second of it. Due to the yellow sun making him stronger by the second, he was stronger than he looked, but it still gave him muscles. He was a total hunk but his zero experience with girls cuckold him more than once. A girl would hit on him only for him to totally ignore the signs. He would later connect the dots later during the night or after two days and he would feel like kicking himself in the nuts. Having seeing enough of himself, he walked out of his apartment and as he was locking the door, his neighbor, a thirty something years old cougar walked out of hers wearing a night dress and a seductive smile.

"Hello, Connor," she greeted him seductively.

"Hello, Ms Henriette. Sorry, don't have your mail today," he told her apologetically.

"Nevermind about the mail, I have a problem with my plumbing and I need your help fixing my pipes," she said, practically inviting him into her apartment.

"I unfortunately don't have any knowledge with fixing pipes, Ms Henriette. I'll call the Super to come and fix them for you," he sadly told her before walking away. Ms Henriette was left frowning and blue balled before she scoffed and got into her apartment. Conner heard her scoff and frowned a little, wondering if he had done something to upset her. That's when it clicked.

"Fuck! I'm such a stupid little shit, aren't I? She wanted me to fix her 'pipes', rhetorical pipes!" he realized, coming to a step at the stairs. He looked up longingly, wondering if he should skip the day's sunbathing just to get some action.

"Why is this even a debate! When the zombies get here, I might just find every pussy is gone. Why am I refusing a free meal now?" he argued with himself before power walking up the stairs, stomping over to Ms Henriette's door and knocking on it twice. With his sharp hearing, he could hear her moaning stop just after a whirling sound was cut off. She heard the shuffling of clothes then slow footsteps towards the door. Using his X-ray vision, he saw her fixing her gown and hair with red cheeks before composing herself then opened the door.

"Oh, do you need something?" she asked him in surprise. This was the first time he had taken the priority of finding her.

"Yes. I remembered it's been a while since I fixed pipes so I might remember a thing or two," he said, a little too seriously. This was the first time he ever approached a member of the opposite sex with this kind of thought. Ms Henriette frowned and he could tell she was thinking he was here talking about fixing her literal pipes, so, he gathered all his courage, borrowing the vast untapped courage of his previous life and risked it all with a kiss. Due to his height, he had to bend a little in order to reach her lips but, he got the job done. A peck on her lips and just like that, his courage was gone. He felt his knees shaking, heart beating so fast he thought it would burst through his enhanced bones. He withdrew from her and they stared at each other. Due to his speed, he might have thought that the staring was longer than it really was and due to this, he might have lost his nerves. Feeling like it was time to bolt, he was about to turn away when she suddenly jumped on him, legs crossing over his waist, hands hooked onto his back and her lips smashing on his hungrily. It only took a second for his mind to click into place and start going full on sex mode. It was time for him to experience heaven after thirty three years of being a virgin.