
Zodiac knights

A long time ago, there was perfect harmony on earth and all the races lived together. one day, the demon race suddenly attacked the other races, the war raged on for a very long time with the demon race holding the lead in the war. the human race was completely helpless and couldn’t be of any meaningful help in the war. just when the humans were pushed to a corner and the fate of their race was bleak, they discovered a sacred treasure. the titans tusk. with this sacred treasure, they managed to seal the demon race but a lot of damage had already been done. a few years after sealing the demons, humans realized that due to their inexperience with the titans tusk, they had leaked a deadly energy that fed on negative emotions, converting this negative emotions to extremely powerful and ruthless beasts that now posed a really serious problem to the survival of humanity. humans had eventually evolved to possess extremely powerful and rare bloodline abilities, but they couldn’t be sure if it was really a blessing. the beasts created from humans negative emotions also had the bloodline ability of humans. living in immense fear, humans kicked out every other race that was around them and they built an energy dome around themselves to protect themselves from both the beasts and any other race that might decide to go crazy. in this present time, there is an illusion of peace that has lasted for quite a long time, little will the humans find out that the sacred treasure protecting them had weakened and could no longer hold the seal nor energy dome. they discover that they have only a month before the sacred treasure finally gives in. so, in a month, they will have to battle the demons and the beasts, at the same time. It was either they found a way to go around this, or they risked exstinction because they were never going to win the war.

Krystal_george · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


Rey stared at Lena. So..she's the earth user?

Lena nodded. She was trembling slightly as she could not still fight off the realization that she had just battled a Golden Knight. What if they decided to do something scary to her? and to Tega? And Oliver-*cough* Oliver was scary on his own, so she was mostly worried about herself and Tega.

Benjamin was a bit confused. So you guys aren't the demons of doom?

Tega shook his head silently.

Benjamin spoke slowly, his confusion still imminent. If you guys aren't the demons of doom, then why...why did you want to pull the building down?

Oliver and Tega turned to look at Lena in unison, as if waiting for her to come up with a talk. Seeing their looks, Lena shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Errm...we weren't trying to destroy the overly luxurious building...


The Golden Knights coughed embarrassedly when Lena mentioned this part.

Lena comtinued. We had been moving for a very long time but we didn't see anyone so I decided to do that as it would draw attention to ourselves, I just didn't imagine that it would result to this...

Tega raised his hand. Um...What is this Demons Of Doom you speak about?

Benjamin waved his hand across his face. They are just a faction that is against the survival of humans, their members possess an identical tattoo on their wrists, but that is a talk for another day.

Rey nodded. We'll intimate the knight squad about them after you rmission a short time from now.

Oliver raised a brow. Missiom? Two days time? What's it about?

Scott nodded. Okay, let's get to the mission now, that's the reason you were called to this place in the first place.

I thought we were supposed to rest untill five days time, when we attack the Titans domain? Oliver complained.

Benjamin stared at a book on the table. That's right, but it won't be that easy. We'll need a batch of Zodiac knights to go ahead first, and clear the road for the knights that will embark on the mission in five days time. Beasts will surely make the mission a difficult one, so you guys have to clear the path, and make that mission a lot easier.

By ourselves? Tega asked skeptically.

Benjamin was amused. No, don't be silly. You would all die out of exhaustion if you were sent alone.

Can tier one knights do the job? Oliver asked, certainly not seeing the wisdom in the mission being allocated to tier one knights.

Rey and Scott turned to him too, it was obvious that they had had this discussion before. In fact, the rest of the Golden Knights didn't see the wisdom in sending inexperienced Knights whose main job was supposed to be assistance.

Tega looked at Oliver. What? Are you trying to look down on us tier one knights?

Lena answered his question. No, he's only trying to be realistic.

Benjamin stared at Oliver. It is only natural for tier one knights to do the job, because the main mission will be allocated to tier two and tier three knights, they will be the ones that will attack the titans nest. We can't have them still do this mission as it will take a toll on their stamina and their mental health.

Scott turned to face his team, deciding to explain better. Twelve teams of tier one knights would be dispatched first into the forest, they will take different approaches and clear the beasts, untill they get to the titans forest, then you all will return together. A day after your return, we'll attack the titans nest, by the time you guys are needed again, you'll be there to serve as reinforcements.

The formation will be spelt to you guys on a broader note tomorrow.

So, when we're back, you'll tell us more about the Demons Of Doom? Tega asked. Rey nodded. Definitely.

Benjamin sighed as he thought to himself. That's if...you survive this mission...


Benjamin stared at the door after the three teammates had left. So, that's the hybrid boy...huh?

Scott nodded. I'm not sure he's a hybrid yet...but that's what the rumors definitely says. But one thing's sure, he's not normal. He possesses the Divine Blue flames.

Benjamin smiled. He actually seemed quite strange. But I'm afraid he's more special than being a half human, half Divine...

What do you mean? Rey asked.

Benjamin smirked. Nothing much, let's wait and see.


Lena suddenly walked forward and blocked Tega and Oliver. We've been walking around for over thirty minutes now, does anyone mind if I...?

Lena knelt and placed her hand on the floor while peering at her teammates quizzically.

Tega and Oliver glanced at each other, then looked back at Lena.

Mm, mm. They both nodded their heads in unison. Very well then...Lena said with a smile, and a second later.


The building started shaking violently.