
Zodiac knights

A long time ago, there was perfect harmony on earth and all the races lived together. one day, the demon race suddenly attacked the other races, the war raged on for a very long time with the demon race holding the lead in the war. the human race was completely helpless and couldn’t be of any meaningful help in the war. just when the humans were pushed to a corner and the fate of their race was bleak, they discovered a sacred treasure. the titans tusk. with this sacred treasure, they managed to seal the demon race but a lot of damage had already been done. a few years after sealing the demons, humans realized that due to their inexperience with the titans tusk, they had leaked a deadly energy that fed on negative emotions, converting this negative emotions to extremely powerful and ruthless beasts that now posed a really serious problem to the survival of humanity. humans had eventually evolved to possess extremely powerful and rare bloodline abilities, but they couldn’t be sure if it was really a blessing. the beasts created from humans negative emotions also had the bloodline ability of humans. living in immense fear, humans kicked out every other race that was around them and they built an energy dome around themselves to protect themselves from both the beasts and any other race that might decide to go crazy. in this present time, there is an illusion of peace that has lasted for quite a long time, little will the humans find out that the sacred treasure protecting them had weakened and could no longer hold the seal nor energy dome. they discover that they have only a month before the sacred treasure finally gives in. so, in a month, they will have to battle the demons and the beasts, at the same time. It was either they found a way to go around this, or they risked exstinction because they were never going to win the war.

Krystal_george · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

before mission

Tega stared at Oliver with a panicked expression. W-why are they after me?

Oliver looked away as he shook his head. He totally understood Tega's plight and there was nothing he could do or say to soothe or allay Tega's worries.

None of them even knew what the DOD faction was, but since even the golden k I guts were scared of them, why won't they be scared too?

Tega's fear was not uncalled for. For a faction that posed a threat to the entire kingdom to have their sights set on a particular person, it would be a piece of cake for them to get rid of him easily.

The only reason he was still living was because they had a greater goal…

Oliver face was twisted in confusion as he scratched his head, trying to recall something. That demon tattoo…where have I seen it before?

Do you know what they are? Lena asked.

Oliver shook his head. I only heard about them today…but that tattoo looks weirdly familiar, where have I seen it before?

It's no use, it's been too long ago, I can't remember…

Let's leave now. Oliver said. Get some rest and let's relay this whole message to master Scott when we're back.

Tega nodded slowly as Lena helped him up and they exited the scene.

Early the next day, the teams participating in the mission were woken up by a blaring red alarm that echoed with a shrill sound

The teams assembled at the Golden knights camp or villa…whatever you call it.

A boy named Derek stood beside a pretty blonde girl named Anna. Derek yawned tiredly as sleep had not yet fully cleared from his eyes. He looked tired with a red sleepy glint painting his eye.

Why are we leaving this early? Derek complained as he scratched his sleepy eyes. Why don't they let me have some sweet sleep?

Anna shook her head as she twirled her long hair in her fingers.

Apparently, they had two reasons for leaving this early, firstly, they didn't want to alarm the masses and make them panic unnecessarily by leaving in broad daylight where everyone could see them. And secondly, before they reach Dallas, the village closest to the dome in their direction, it would already be bright. At that time, they would only hope that the villagers that would spot them would not think too much about it. We would be travelling on a very fast mechanism that was only built recently, it hasn't even been named yet, but it's building process was accelerated for this process.

Derek picked his nose nonchalantly. Is Dallas that far?

Anna nodded. Yup.

Derek nodded absent mindedly, sleep was coming very fast.

Anna peered at him with a curious expression. Why does it seem as if you're hearing this for the first time?

Derek shrugged. Cause I am. I slept all through the briefing session. How dare they wake me up by 2am!?

Anna laughed coyly at her friend's fairly unreasonable pain.

Just then, Team Scott passed them with Tega trailing behind. Derek saw Tega and he squinted his brows. Huh? Isn't that the hybrid?

Tega froze on hearing this, he instantly welled up with mixed feelings. These past days, he had gotten carried away a bit and he forgot about his identity as a hybrid.

Anna saw the instant changed in Tega and she was slightly annoyed at Derek. Couldn't you have been more polite? Or at least more secretive?

Derek poked his finger at his ear as confusion washed over him. Huh? Why do I have to? I don't have any problem with him…

Anna stared at Tega's back. Well, he certainly doesn't think that now. Quick, let's go.

Derek raised a brow. To where?

Anna was a bit surprised at how stupid Derek could be sometimes. She pointed at Tega. To meet him of course.

And do what?

Anna creased her brows. To express some goodwill!

Derek scratched his sleepy eyes as Anna dragged him towards Tega.

Tega forced a happy demeanor out as he stood with Oliver and Lena, trying to seem happy so they won't notice his unhappy countenance.

They were waiting for the Golden knights to make a last minute speech before they officially started out on their journey.

Hi…Anna greeted, flashing a smile that men could kill for.

Derek raised his hand in a waving fashion. Sup.

What's up? Lena greeted, flashing a smile that was equal to Lena's own.

Oliver shrugged in an uncomfortable manner as he greeted with a hand gesture, the same way Derek did.

Anna lowered her head a bit as she spoke. Errmm… My friend here kinda said something rude about him and that's why we're here, to apologize. Anna stared at Tega. He didn't really mean it that way, he's just really dumb and tend to sound that way most times.

Derek's face turned red in anger and the sleep in his eyes quickly vanished in one go. He still managed to pull himself together and bow in apology.

Tega nodded quietly, there was no problem if they apologized. Anna extended her hand for a handshake and Tega took her hand, smartly tilting it to see if he would spot any tattoo on her hand.

Lena noticed this small action and she couldn't help but smile fondly. Tega was starting to get more and more careful of his surroundings.

Oliver snorted quietly at this action. He was happy Tega had changed a bit, but he still had his stupid idealism of saving everyone.

At least he now knew that everyone wanted him dead and he wasn't going to give his head to them on a platter of gold.

Golden Knight Ryan.

Ryan turned around as he stared at Benjamin who called him.


I heard that today's your wife's birthday and your son's graduating too?

Yes…Ryan said.

Congratulations. Benjamin shook his hand with a smile.

Thank you sir…Ryan said slowly.

You should celebrate with them. Benjamin said.

Ryan nodded. I know I should, but the kingdom's affairs is more important than my personal life sir, I have to be here.

I commend your great fighting spirit. But take it from me. You should go home and spend some time with your family.

I'll see them when I'm back, sir. Take care. With that, Ryan left.

Benjamin heaved a sigh as he stared at Ryan's retreating figure.