

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he therby become a monster. Zodd a "lucky" person who finds him and everything he was dragged into the world of monster's and demons.As they live among human society corrupting the world slowly with evil desires eating men,horrible acts of violence,any thing they want to do.Can he really continue living when his days are filled with violence and his night's restless filled with dread and destruction.His blood calling to the monsters non-stop,a delicacy to them.Though all hope is not lost for Zodd as something very ancient and powerfull favors him.Join Zodd on his Journy through hell and beyond. Authors note:check the chapter comments if there is a big event Or important story event I will add a personally hand drawn image to show the event like I intended if my words can not express it.

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13 Chs

Forged in Fire 1


Zodd-*Deep Inhale*

Where am I?

Why's my body hurt so damm much?...!!



I begin to shake as what felt like a nightmare had just ended.My Aunt how good she was to me and how did I pay her back by geting her head crushed.And my friends all dead it seems everything I once called my life is gone.All the memories burning in my heart,My eyes flowing like never before.


I slam my hand on the table beside the bed causing it immense pain.


Am I even safe now,I can't stay here.I have to find them all and kill them.They wronged me and if not for me for them.I must get revenge for them.All they were too was smuthered by the monsters.And what remains is a raging ember within me.Roaring to fight for what's left.


The door hisses and slides open as Doctor and a giant man walk in.The doctor with a head full of white hair and odd glases like triangles.

But the giant man is what catches my attention his body filled with rippling muscles but the scars giant nasty ones.His face just slightly disfigured and a bald head.

Gordon-What an astonishing recovery!?Almost unheard of even among mutants.


Gordon-Yes just like Aziel right here.How do you feel?

Zodd-*teeth grit*I-I have to KILL.

*Flash back*


They watch as I shake and growl at the thought of the monster's.A mix of fear and rage making me sick to the stomach.

Aziel-You know what must be done...don't you.Join us and bring death to those thing's which prey on man.

Zodd-Join you?In what?

Aziel-We the Order of Man have long been protects against this evil.For what ever reasons we fight it only matters that we do.We can supply you with the weapons and gear to oppose the monster's and demon kind.

Zodd-tccch!!All you had to say is that I could kill them.I don't care about protecting mankind I only want revenge.

Aziel-Come down to the forge when your ready.

Aziel walks out the room.Leaving only me,Gordon and all the rage.

Gordon-Can I ask something?


Gordon-I was wondering if by any chance,I mean any chance at all that the monsters were hunting you specifically?

Zodd-I don't know?

Gordon-hmmm...well I'll be off.

As he leaves so many questions fly around in my head.Mutants?Demons?

It pisses me off because I only want to kill not think.

I lay back down on the bed,crying to my self again.

How am I going to kill them?


Suddenly rage begins to flow through my body,making me grit my teeth to the point of bleeding and a nasty snarl on my face.This I can use,it's all I need!






Lightning splits the sky in two with it's light.Rain pours on the ground like barrage of missles.



Keep pushing!

I take off sprinting once again,my legs burning as I run laps around the track.My lungs fighting for air.I must keep going.FASTER!FASTER!FASTER!FASTERRRR!!!



My legs collapse from exhaustion and I vomit from exhaustion as well.I look up at the giant spotlights on the tall ceiling.

Struggling to catch my breath,I think to my self.

I really haven't spoken to anyone since then when I awoke.Other than the medical team that would check up on my injuries.Which have almost completely gone away.Though one I can't seem to ever forget about is my hand...or lack of hand.

I get up off the ground my legs shaking as I trudge over back to my room.I seem to be in some sort of facility.Air tight locks everywhere,large hallways.The cement on the walls seems to be worn,scratches and marks on it like some one had driven a jack hammer into some parts and scraped a knife on others.

And those giant men I see,Mutans Gordon called them.I wonder how they became mutans...Could I ever be one?I would do anything to better help me fight these cursed nightmares.

Though I've been gaining strength,stamina and muscle at an alarming rate.Never have I felt soo strong and debilitated after a workout.Truly pushing on my limits.


The door to my room slides open and Inside I see a giant man standing in there.Shirtless,dark grey camo pants and his flowing white hair with dark spots like it's dirty.Just as muscular and scarred as Aziel.And maybe about 7 feet tall.

Korgar-Aziel wanted you to have this...

He presents me a mechanical hand, jet black steel and heavy.

He begins to walk out but right before leaving the room he says.

Korgar-Are you just planning on working out until you become strong to go fight the monsters?


Korgar-Let me just say I've seen many try that and not a single one is still alive.Go out and fight,It will always take everything one has to kill a monster.hmph!unless you get "lucky".

With those worda he leaves the room the door shuts back in place.And im left staring at the mechanical hand.As I inspect it seems to have no entrance for my forearm stub.Holding it near my arm.It begins to whir quietly.




What feels like metal spikes being drilled into my bone and arm muscles.The pain makes me drop to my knees as It ends abruptly.

It's joint bend awkwardly as I focus on it.Slowly clicking into place.Soon it moves just like my other hand yet It's input is delayed and weaker than my other hand in it's grip strength.As with my other I can crush and apple in it but with this metal hand I could barely even squeeze it.

I head to the shower,soon I find my self laying in the water as I think.Lately I have been thinking alot.It's not like me to be so thoughtfull and hesitant.Tommorow I set off out of here...NO Today!?First I need something that wont fail me.I won't need to reload often...something I can just use that will bring devestating destruction with it.

Something they can FEAR.

Check chapter comments for 2 personally hand drawn events that happened in this chapter

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