

This story is about a stone that has the power to destroy the world. But fortunately this story was divided into many parts. The one who is able to collect all those parts, will be able to hold that power. Even though in old times people had magical powers, nowadays people think those stories are fantasy stories. But even now some Mysterious villages holds that power. But, they didn't show their power and because of this, nobody knows about them. Like those mysterious villages, our mc Ryu also lives in a mysterious village. He was living his life normally, but suddenly after an incident he found out that many people were trying to collect those stones. Now, as a mysterious power holder, he also gets the responsibility to collect those stones so that nobody with bad intentions gets those stones. So, he and his friend Zeus went out from their village to collect those stones. In this journey they were able to learn many things that surprised them. They faced many things that they never thought they would face. In this condition he didn't give up even after facing this tough situation. He even faced a betrayal by his close friends, but still, he didn't give up on his mission, that is to collect those stones called ZIRKON. --------------------- Hey guys, I am a new author. This is my first time writing. My English isn't that good, so many times there may be some mistakes. But don't worry I will try to improve my English. At the same time, I'm hoping you will like this novel. If you find any mistake, then please let me know, so that I can correct that. Also, at this time, if you have any suggestions about my novel, do tell me about it.

ItZ_Prosenjit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Present time;

"You grew very big, Monetha. I still remember those days when I first bought you in my house. I planted you, fed you, took care of you. But when you were going to die, I gave you a second life. But that tragic night, I had to keep you somewhere. Don't you recognise your master?.... Tell me.. And here you tried to kill me....Don't lie to me… You knew I was here in this kid's body. You knew it, right?" Red said to Monetha.

Zeus stayed quietly as he tried to make a plan on how to overcome this situation. He quietly approached Vargas little by little, but Monetha noticed him. She threw a needle at him. Zeus has no physical power so he dodges her attack. But this action made Red very angry because it was in the middle of their conversation.

"What are you doing here punk? You wanna die that badly? Let me help you", Red said with so much anger.

He raised his hand towards Zeus as he tried to suck up his life energy. When Red tried to use his magical power, he crumbled to the ground. He couldn't do it as Ryu tried to stop Red from doing that. Red could not raise his hand. Monetha took that chance and attacked Red from behind with ber vines.

As she touches him, her life energy gets weaker and weaker. Because Red made an invincible barrier around him. Red used Ryu's ability and started to float as a feather. In that state he could easily move everywhere with so much speed.

Monetha was also scared. She lost that vine. So she used her stone power and shot a beam at Red. It was so powerful that everything near that beam ignited itself. As the beam full of thermal energy touched Red's barrier, it all started to be absorbed by it. Zeus made a move and took Vargas to a safe distance.

"Thank you for warming me up, it was all I needed. That was everything I need to put an end of you", Red said.

" What?? My attack could not bring a single scratch to his body." Monetha said. She was surprised. She didn't know that Red could do such things.

"You were a very good plant. There is no personal grudge against you. But I need that stone. But you won't give me of your own Monetha. So I just have to destroy you now. " Red said.

"No no, if you take this stone I will die. How can I give it to you? " Monetha said. Monetha was really scared. Her attack didn't work at all.

"Please don't kill me master, I will serve you till my death, let me leave", Monetha said.

Red didn't care about what she said till now. Now he raised his both hands upward and suddenly a ball full of energy started to generate. It wasn't that big. It was all Monetha's beam energy and all that energy gathered that one ball. Red threw that ball towards Monetha . When it touched her, it made a huge explosion that destroyed not only Monetha but also the whole forest around her. A huge mushroom-like thing created in a second and could be seen far from that jungle. Everything fell to dust in an instant. At least a 1km radius of the area just burnt into ashes.

By using his ability even in that huge explosion nothing happened to his body. Red just wanted that thing. Everything was gone, just a stone could be seen floating in the air. That red stone was called Zirkonite. When Red finally saw that stone , he smiled, a terrific laugh.

"At last I finally found what I have created in the exchange of half of my life span. And now is the time to take it back and restore my lost ability", Red said with an ominous face.

Then Red flew at that stone, he was so happy. And as he held that stone , it made an immense shockwave and threw Red at a distance. Red fell to the ground unconscious.

At that time, Vargas broke his shield and saw Zeus was lying down there. He was totally burnt but he was alive because Zeus hid behind Vargas shield. Zeus was unconscious. Half of his face was burnt, right arm broken. Because that explosion couldn't break Vargas's shield, Zues was alive at that moment but in serious condition.

Vargas ran towards Zeus and froze his burnt area with his power. Suddenly the cocoon started to break and a beautiful young girl just came out of it. She has black hair, blue eyes and she was about 15 year old. Vargas just took a look at her and his lost memories began to return.

Father…..Is that you… father? " That girl said.

Vargas broke into tears. That girl ran into Vargas and hugged him.

"Aly, you are alive," Vargas said.

"Yes, Father",Aly said.

When he was about to experience her best moments suddenly she saw someone lied down there.

" Who's that? " Aly asked Vargas.

"It was Zeus, who helped me to save you. Without him we might be caught up to that explosion at a blank spot. " Vargas said.

Aly ran towards Zeus. She examined him very carefully. Vargas broke his magic that she could look at him properly.

Aly, daughter of Vargas, has two kinds of abilities. One that she got from his father Vargas , the freezing ability and second that she inherited from her mother, healing ability. By using both of her powers she can heal any kind of major wound. But she couldn't bring back any torn limbs or organs.

Aly used his ability to heal Zeus completely. But she looked so dense. It was Monetha who sucked up all energy from that cocoon. But Aly didn't stop. she was sweating and gave her best to heal her.

Zeus could not open his eyes. He was just lying there helplessly. He just saw a girl desperately trying to heal her. After that Zeus fell unconscious.

On the other hand,Ryu was unconscious too. All that fight and even after a huge explosion,Ryu was totally unscratched. There is no sign of any cut or stain of blood. He was lying down under scraps. But looking at her face, it like he was doing a fight in his own mind.

In Ryu's Inner Soul Realm.

We can see two different places. Like a thin line dividing the two worlds. One was a field full of mustard flowers,clear blue sky, gentle breeze and the other side was like a volcanic eruption place ,filled with molten rock,lava.

Ryu was standing there, looking on the other side. He was asking someone. That man was Red.

Ryu: Who are you?

Red: It's a pleasure to meeyou….. I'm Sir Eustas Red. It's a pleasure to meet with you.

Red just sarcastically greeted him by bowing his hewd down. And with an ominous laugh, Red raised his head. Both of them stood right in front of each other.

Ryu: I don't understand what are you doing here? And where are we now?

Red laughed,a huge evil laugh. Now Red put a step in Ryu's side and entered successfully. Ryu stepped back as he was in fear of him. Red came close to Ryu and grabbed his neck. Red lifted Ryu from the ground as he wanted to kill him.

Red was about to choke him to death. Suddenly Red let him go because he couldn't breathe properly. It's like someone also wanted to strangle him. Red didn't understand what was going on. So he picks up a sharp pointy stone from the ground and moves towards Ryu. Ryu was scared so he tried to use his power. But it wasn't working. He couldn't use his ability in his soul realm. Now he truly felt that he was in real danger.

Ryu: Who are you? What do you want?

Red: You fool, your ability will not work here. You have to die here so I can keep your body under my possession. It is your inner soul realm and that is mine. Now be a good boy and let me kill you.

Ryu: What? I have to be with my friends. They need me. I have to save them. I can't die here. I will do whatever I have to do.

Red: You can't ,little kid. You have to die here so that I can live my unfinished life again.

Ryu: So you just wanted to kill so that you can live again. No.. I can't let that happen now. If I could not do it here now , I would never go back again. I can't die here… I can't lose here.

Now Ryu wasn't scared at all. He ran towards Red to defeat him. Ryu was only a 16 year old kid and Red was a 32 year old full grown man. Knowing that there was no chance of beating him with physical strength, Ryu made a plan. That plan ruined instantly because of Red. Red used his brute strength and he grabbed Ryu and hit him with a sharp rock that he was hiding from the very beginning. He successfully made a cut on Ryu's face. Blood coming out from that wound. Simultaneously they also made a cut on Red's face. Red was shocked. He had no idea what was going on. It was the same thing that happened before when he tried to strangle him to death. So he made a slight cut on his hand for an experiment, he thought there should be a wound in Ryu's hand. But there is no sign of a cut or anything on Ryu's hand. But whenever he attacked Ryu , he also felt that pain.

It is because Red performed a restricted spell so that he could control someone's soul and steal their remaining life span. But during the spell casting, he made a mistake. That's why he couldn't take over his soul but their souls became infused with each other. Because Ryu was alive and Red had very little energy while casting the spell, Ryu's soul was dominating him. Whatever happens to Ryu's body, everything will affect Red's body similarly.

Red: You brat. What have you done to me? Is it kinda Magic? No, in this soul realm, magic doesn't work here.

Ryu: I don't know and I don't wanna know. Now tell me who are you?

Red looked at all of the surroundings, he was surprised. It was the same as before.

Red: It means he didn't become weaker. Even if he isn't,why couldn't I kill him? Listen kid, you and I,both are infused with your body. No one can escape unless anyone dies here or any special magic from the outside world. We have to share your body.

Ryu: What are you saying? I don't believe it. You may have hypnotised me or something. I won't share my body with anyone else. It cannot be possible. I was there in the jungle a few minutes ago….. Ohh yeah, now I get it correctly ..when I'm in that fight,you kidnapped me and also hypnotised me. And you bring me here.

Red(angrily) : Listen you little piece of shit. I have told you the truth. This sounds strange but it is the truth. I have to go now. If you really wanna go there , we have to make an agreement. Are you okay with this?

Ryu: Yes!

Outside of Ryu's inner world to the real world.

Everything was just burnt to dust. Ryu found himself under a fallen burnt tree. Surprisingly he wasn't hurt at all and there are no scratches or burned marks in his body. He easily gets out of there. Suddenly Ryu heard a voice. No isn't a sound from outside. It is a sound from inside Ryu's head. It seems someone tried to contact him with telepathy. But no, it was Red who was telling him the story about what happened when he was unconscious

Red said,"You see? There is no wound or pain in your body. It's all because of me. If I wasn't there, you all must be dead by now. Ha ha ha".

Ryu could not believe it. He thought it was all a dream. But after seeing all this commotion, he realised that what he was told was true. Ryu was shocked. He was surprised about Red.

"How?? How did you enter my body? How? Answer me ," Ryu asked Red.

Red stayed quiet. It seems he didn't hear Ryu's voice at all. He was restoring his energy.

"Why are you quiet? What did you do to me?"Ryu was very angry and crying simultaneously. His eyes were full of tears. Even though he didn't want to get controlled by Red, he knew if Red wasn't there, he wouldn't survive at all.

"No, I don't have time to waste. I need to find them", Ryu wiped away his tears. He looked around like crazy.

[A/N: As you guys know, I won't be able to update the chapter of this novel daily because of study. But I hope you guys will like this novel.]