

one of the top aristocratic families in countryA has a scandal ...... the once promised and prominent heir of the Rothschild aristocratic families has been reduced to a mere bastard child his future has been shattered as well as his mother's status shifting from being the illegal wife to a third wheel mistress and causing his siblings to never raise the heads in public as more and more people pointing their fingers at them with mockey again and again hence causing their freedom in the family and friends to be strained. In addition not only did the new wife of his scum of a father become satisfied she continued to scheme towards Andreas remaining family causing destruction and unity of Andreas remaining family as Andreas mother disappeared leaving him with his siblings to fend for themselves and also set up a successfully honey trap for Andreas leading in to welcome unexpected surprise of having twins and to add insult to the injury the girls family which accused him of molesting their daughter pouled more dead water on his reputation accusing him also of r**p, dishonest, cruelty. In order for the aristocratic family to save their face and their own reputation they can only abandon him and banish him from the family. However to those who schemed against Andreas this was worth celebrating as an obstacle is removed for step siblings. However Andreas mysteriously died and a new soul from another Earth switch bodies into the current Andreas with a system *********** ★★★now let's follow Andreas the fallen aristocratic to raise his own family, support his siblings and friends, fights his enemies and get his vengeance upon those who inflicted suffering upon his life and his siblings and most of all to to find his soul mate ★★viewed names, characteristics businesses, places events customs and incidents are the authors imaginations any familiarity to the actual persons,one living ,Dead and to event is properly a coincidence the book has referenced to real companies, organizations, individuals persons,however the use of these differences is not meant for harm and defaming organizations and individuals if they exist or are into existence. The picture is not mine, apologies for the offense to the owner.

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Chapter 6 Appearance of a Black card

After entering the hotel, Andreas went to collect the key card for the room, before he could talk to the receptionist someone called for him behind.

"Hello,we meet again " said a lady in a casual attire said to Andreas with a polite smile on her face .

Andreas nodded in acknowledgement and replied back "hey..... It's nice to me you"

"Nice to meet you too.... I actually wanted to thank you for the trouble of bringing the package "

" It's no big deal, and your welcome "

"Sir your room card" said the receptionist handing the key card to Andreas

"Thank you"

Andreas bid farewell to the young lady and went to his destinated room, after Amy and Amelia entered they went directly to sleep.

As for Andreas, he got is phone to check out the general information about Amazon group and the current situation of country B capital city. The capital city of country B is called Vienna it's by dominated by four major families going by the surnames Smith, Morgan, Williams, Kingston, there businesses where focused on food, technology, real estate, entertainment and so on. There are also other elite families who also have risen to power recently, though the development of country B huge it's still cannot compare to country A. The major reason is that the powers in country B are not integrated and the other reason is that competition is very intense on market.

Away from that Andreas desided to checked on Amazon group, surprisingly the company was built near in the city centre where as the four major families company headquarters where are located such as the Kingston to the east, the Smith to south, the Morgans to the west and then the Williams to the north .

As for Amazon no one knows who built it since it's the newly established company which was built five years ago, now it's said that the company is facing some challenges because it's new in the market, due to the momentum it was founded which brought wariness to other major families and elites who are already in the business world try to suppresse it in various ways at the same time they don't want to offend the mysterious backer of Amazon group.

Andreas smiled in emotion seeing the building which is similar to in structure to Torre de crystal from his home earth, the building was 540 meters, with 100 floors.

He was not worried about the suppression though, since he has the system with him they nothing to worry too much about, Andreas looked at his two adorable munchkins who were sound asleep and vowed in his heart to let them always smile and not wronged.

Andreas also prepared to go to sleep, tomorrow it be a long flight.


Inside another presidential suite of the hotel a young woman who just met Andreas downstairs in the lobby of the hotel sat before her grandfather, the old man gave off a different demure and aura like that of an experienced veteran who has already passed through the test of times, but that was masked up from how simple he dressed and was not bothered even a little bit about it.

"Is what you said true" the old man inquired

"Yes grandpa absolutely it's true, that's why am puzzled as for why the man like him could be doing in this small town " Laura Kingston said.

That's right the young woman who Andreas met is one of the socialist and from the top major family in the capital and the old man beside her is Leonardo Kingston the old master of the Kingston family.

The reason Laura Kingston took interest in someone like Andreas who she met for the first time was because during payment for salon in the afternoon the card he removed was a plain black golden trimed card it had a shield and a sword at the middle however how was a card special, it was because the cards are only given to those who have at least spent or deposited more than 30 billion into swiss Bank and have a long term corporation between each other, therefore should be treated as VIP.

However it was not that simple as just depositing billions, it should be known that even if one spent spent hundred of billions you can't have the right to access the black unless you have a very special status or an official of absolute importance it's said that a black card holder can even summon a small unit of troops as long as your intentions don't threaten the country in other words the black card has many privileges that's why only it's limited to few important qualifed figures.

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