
Zhanye Black - [Being rewritten]

This is story is the old versin, you can find the newer and best version on my profile, thank you.

Zhanye · Urban
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Looking at the silhouette coming toward me I'm curious. I can feel something in common with me.

As I think, the man who looks 25 is approaching me. Green eyes and brown hair cut in military style.

"Boy, congratulations on your Awakening." he says as he smiles at me.

"Awakening? Excuse me, but I don't know what you're talking about. "I say confused.

"We all awakened somehow differently boy, and I know you woke up. I can feel a sift mana coming from you ... "Seeing my face of doubt he stops talking and is astonished. "Boy ... Didn't any of your stats go from 100?" He asks.

'This guy talking about the system? Does he have one too? "I begin to think of doubt. "No, none of my stats are over 100." I say.

"My God ... Well, every once in a while you're going to get some missions, then one hour you'll be able to get her past 100 points. You apparently never contacted any brotherhood ... Would you like to visit mine? We are a new brotherhood, but we are very welcoming. "He says smiling as he hands me a card with a phone and an address.

"Brotherhood? By the way, what do you do there? Who are you? "I ask.

"To summarize, we are other people who have awakened. After you wake up, some missions appear to you from time to time. If you complete these missions you can get stronger. We gather to study this world and help us complete our missions. Of course, no one will force you to anything. And for the last question, you can call me Kevin Martin. I'm the Hooligans recruiter. May I know your name? "He says as he reaches for me.

Feeling no ill intention from him, I keep the card in my pocket and shake his hand with a smile. "I'm Zhanye Black."

As I watch him leave I open my Menu and start thinking. 'Status'

-Zhanye Black

CHARM: 57/100 -> 58/100

AGI: 67/100

STR: 53/100

INT: 75/100


Cooking: 75/100

God's Arena: 70/100

Exercises: 50/100

Voice: 43/100

Driving: 45/100

Piano: 59/100

Heal: 05/100

Jiu-Jitsu: 12/100

Points to distribute: 0

Proficiency and Distribute: 30.

'My statistic closest to 100 is intelligence. Maybe when she reaches 100, something happens? Maybe I should put all my points in Intelligence? 'As I get lost in my thoughts the class is over and I go home.

I sit in front of the computer and start researching these Brotherhoods. In the first hour, I couldn't find anything, but the deeper I went, the more information came. Until I could muster a little important information.

Brotherhoods have been around for thousands of years, they have always been secret groups that don't divulge anything to those who aren't part of it. They say that when you "Awake" you can be part of a fellowship, but no one knows what that awakening means.

'Maybe ... When I came from another world I woke up? But it doesn't seem to be this, I couldn't find anything related to another world. Maybe I'll just find out if I go there. '

[Ding, new mission! A Brotherhood has contacted you, but you haven't yet awakened your powers. Make a live stream with 5,000 people. Reward: Points to unlock a skill.]

'What??? Seriously? So has the system always had all these functions? But why does it seem that only I didn't have it? From what you have come to understand what Kevin said, everyone who awakens already comes with at least one statistic in 100. I think I need to go to that meeting of them and clear my doubts. But before that, I have to complete my mission. "I think as I go to sleep.

The next day I do my morning routine and start the live stream.

3, 2, 1, Live!

"Good morning everyone!" I say as I smile as the number of spectators climbs up.

[Hey Zy, why is today's live in the JustChatting category?]

"Today I will not play personal GoA. Today I'm in the mood to sing! "I say as I bring my piano closer.

[My God, will Zy sing today ??]

[I don't believe!!! Finally, Zy will sing !!!!]

[I waited for so long ... TT ^ TT]


Seeing the reaction of the spectators I am happy, and I am surprised that Vanilla isn't here today.

When they knew I was going to sing the number of viewers began to rise until reaching 1300.

"What should I start with?" I ask the chat.

[Apologizeeeee !!]

[In My Blooooooood !!!!!!!!!]

[Apologizeee or Photographs !!]

[Photographs or In My Blood !!!]

[The original!!]

"I'll start with Apologize then. Already the original song, I'm going to sing a new case we can reach 4000 spectators. So spread it to your friends! "

It's too late to apologize.

It's too late

I said it's too late to apologize

It's too late ... "

When I finished singing I saw that there were 2500 spectators watching.

[Buaah !! I love this song!!!!]

[This is also my favorite song <3 <3]

[Sing Photographs Now Zy !!!!]

[My cousin called me to come to watch, and I'm loviiing!!! <3 <3]

[I'm calling all my friends to come to watch!]

"I'm glad to hear that you liked it! I'm going to pass a quick commercial while drinking some water! "I say as I pass the commercial.

After singing the three songs I had already recorded in this world, the live stream was with 4800 people watching.

"I think it's time to sing the new song!" I say.

[Yeaaaahhh !!!]

[Finallyyyy !!!!]

[Please, don't make me cry anymore. (I.e.

'I sang this song for my father-in-law in my old world. But he didn't think he was as funny as I was. '

** Akira's House **

Today I came to spend time at my boyfriend's house, but unfortunately, I had to tell my parents that I was going to a friend's house since they don't approve of me.

We've been dating for five years. He treats me very well, I treat him very well, but my parents never approve of us together. So we found ourselves hidden a long time ago.

Today we were silly when he received a message on his cell phone telling him to enter a site that he wouldn't regret.

He came in and saw that it was a live stream and called me to go and watch with him.

Arriving there I see a boy with hair that looks like fire, a beautiful face and a body that looks like it was drawn. My boyfriend noticed my reaction and became jealous.

"Don't worry, honey. Who I love is you, "I say as I give him a kiss.

After that, he got better.

The boy in the live stream was singing some songs. From his songs I already knew In My Blood, since me and my boyfriend sang to each other several times to give up our love.

There came an hour when he said he was going to sing an unpublished song. Seeing the reaction of the chat I was surprised. Many people were very excited about their new music.

'If it's as good as In My Blood, I might enjoy it,' I think as I'm curious.

[This song goes to the couples or who dreams of becoming a couple and can't.] He says on the screen as he prepares to sing.

[This song is called Rude!

Saturday morning, jumped out of bed

And put on my best suit

Got in my car and raced like a jet

All the way to you

Knocked on your door with heart in my hand

I'm asking you a question

'Cause I know you're an old-fashioned man

Yeah yeah

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?

Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know

You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die

Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is no!

Why you gotta be so rude?

Do not you know I'm human too?

Why you gotta be so rude?

I'm gonna marry her anyway

Marry that girl

Marry her anyway

Marry that girl

Yeah, no matter what you say

Marry that girl

And we'll be a family ...]