
Dou Luotian

[Master, that old woman is unique; I will show you her status now.]

'Show me.'


Name: Dou Luotian

Age: 100+

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Human, Half-Winged Race

Rank: lower order

Element: Light

Physique: Half-Human, Half-Winged Race

Abilities: healing light, rejuvenation, angelic protection, etc.

Strong: Light

Weak: Darkness


'Hmm? Wnged-race are angels, right, Mei?'

[Yes, Master. Earthlings call them angels, but cultivators call them the winged race.]

I see.' Zhang Fei responded with a slight nod, but he was still surprised that Wang Zetian's wife was a descendant of a human and an angel, and she even had healing and rejuvenating abilities. 'It's no surprise that they are still healthy despite their advanced age; it turns out she is a mix breed and possesses such abilities. Do you have any information about their rank?'