
Zero Singularity

Avesta discovered a method of achieving immortality from a USB. According to this method, if the entirety of humanity unites as one body, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. Spirit influences matter, thereby improving physical constants and achieving divinity! Simultaneously, as they become gods, the entire human race also transitions from a material civilization to a quantum civilization, crossing the river of time to reach the shore of eternity. For the sake of humanity, Avesta decides to implement this plan. However, the prerequisites for the plan are - First, she must convince all humans to enter a box that can only contain brain nutrition. Avesta feels that this problem isn't that big.....

Litch_Mei · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Avesta slowly opened her eyes.

Like a blind man seeing light again, a brand new and infinite world entered her eyes.

The light tube above the head flashes bright and dark at a frequency that ordinary people cannot detect;

There is a figure swaying back and forth under the closed door of the emergency room;

And the smell of disinfectant fills the air wave after wave...

All the information is clearly presented in her mind, all the living things she sees in her eyes, people's footsteps, conversation sounds, even breathing frequency...

There isn't a single flaw.

It's like watching a real movie, and the quality of the movie's image changes from the clear spectrum of 360P to the super sound of 1440P, and everything appears a little bit.

Everything in the world has never changed, but it has changed drastically.

Indeed, the world has not changed. What has changed is Avesta's perspective on observing the world.

There are endless inspirations in her mind, with just one thought, she can mobilize any knowledge and memory from childhood to adulthood.

As if recalling something, Avesta suddenly frowned. She took out her cell phone and searched for "Never Ending" on the internet.

But unlike before, this time Avesta added a "TV version" behind this name.

Immediately, the cover of the TV series "Never Ending" and a brief introduction appeared on the cover.

"At the end of the movie version, the main character found a way to overcome the drug's side effects, but it wasn't shown in the movie, so the USB couldn't create it."

"However, this movie was turned into a TV series 5 years later, because of the longer length, TV version needs a richer plot than movies, So there is a high chance that the TV series will show a way to overcome the side effects of Ambrosia....."

This thought suddenly flashed in Avesta's mind.

Due to some reasons, " Never Ending " TV series and movie version, they have all been banned by Central District, regular websites can only retrieve a rough introduction at most and cannot be viewed at all.

But after all, it was a network. Following Avesta's in-depth investigation, she finally found all episodes of this TV series on an unknown website.

Avesta jumped directly to the last episode and quickly fast forwarded to watch the entire episode.

As expected, in the TV series "Never Ending", a method to overcome the side effects of Ambrosia was discovered.

That's something called an "immune injection".

According to what is said in the TV series, immune injections are divided into two types, one of which can make people immune for several weeks in Ambrosia side effects.

The other one is permanently immune to the side effects of Ambrosia.

There is only one permanent vaccination in the world, it only appears in the finale of episode 23.

In other words, as long as she can get this permanent version of the immune injection, then Avesta can freely take Ambrosia, and finally there is no need to worry about any side effects.

Avesta turned off her cell phone, and she leaned back in the chair emotionally.

Although they all belong to the Earth Federation, due to political reasons, the two most powerful regions in the federation, Central District and North America, have always been in an open and covered struggle.

This type of struggle is not just war, but a form of competition between culture, news, science, technology, economics, and all kinds of pluralism.

Therefore, there are always some movies over there in North America that cannot pass the approval of the Central District, including the TV version of "Never Ending".

In Avesta's memory, she accidentally saw "Never Ending" adapted from a news television series while surfing the internet, when she was only 14 years old.

At that time, she did not care much. Immediately, this piece of information was submerged in the seas of big data on the Internet.

Moreover, this TV series was not a hit even in North America, so when she received the USB seven days ago, she didn't think about this at all.

Let's leave this aside for now, Ambrosia's effects...

In just 3 minutes of ingesting the medicine, she relied on the scattered memories from four years ago to quickly find a way to resolve the side effects of Ambrosia.

Moreover, in fact, it was her first step that took the wrong path.

Avesta thought quietly.

Choosing Ambrosia, in fact, is not the optimal choice, the real best choice, should be the super crystal from " Super power out of control ".

Why say that?

Because if she wants to research USB, she needs a lot, a lot, a lot of money.

Even if science and technology cannot analyze the existence of USB, but if USB power problems can be solved, it is also a capital investment.

Because as long as the USB has enough power, then there are limitless possibilities.

If Avesta's choice is superpower, she has 10,000 ways to get a large amount of money.

But Ambrosia is not the same.

Ambrosia is just a brain stimulating drug. Although it has immeasurable value, Avesta relies on Ambrosia to make money. She first needs to gain enough accumulated knowledge, then she can convert knowledge into money.

As for stock trading, don't even think about it, first, Avesta has no capital.

Second, the rise and fall of stocks usually takes years, if Avesta is speculating in stocks, she can only pursue short-term speculation after the price limit, adding leverage to other types of high-risk behavior.

However, the stock market in Central District is operated by bookmakers.

What's more, the number of Ambrosia pills is limited

Avesta had calculated it before, there were exactly 500 pills in that big bag, one pill's effect lasts for 12 hours.

Even if Avesta only ate one pill a day, she could only persevere for a year and a half.

Not to mention that Ambrosia has extremely large side effects.

In case the USB can't continue to be used, and Avesta can't find any other way to deal with the side effects of Ambrosia, then...

So, Ambrosia is actually not the best choice.

But since the choice has been made, there is no room for regret.

Avesta thought while standing up and walking out the door.

By this time, Avesta had determined that the person who ate Ambrosia would not die, and there was no need to continue waiting here.

However, while being around the mother and daughter, Avesta's ears moved and she suddenly turned her head to the little girl and said, "Your dad will go out immediately."


The little girl foolishly raised her head,

The young mother on the side was also stunned, raising her head and looking at Avesta in surprise.

Under her gaze, the girl in front of her had a pair of clear eyes, like blue sky crystals, without a trace of turbidity, she could even see her own shadow from the other person's eyes.

"He is a hero, so he can definitely turn danger into safety."

The girl smiled gently, turned around and left. There was no logic in the words that came out of her mouth, but it had a convincing taste.

The little girl's face was filled with innocence and looked at her mother, "Mom, is what she said true?"

The young mother opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer, but at this moment, the door to emergency room 2 suddenly opened.

"Who are Yang Yuexin's family members?"

A stretcher cart rolls out of Emergency Room 2, one of the nurses looked at the mother and daughter who stood up quickly, "Are you Yang Yuexin's family members? The patient's situation is temporarily stable, you can go inside to handle the procedures first."

"Ah!" The young mother was so excited that her whole body trembled, "Good! Good..."


After Avesta left the hospital, she took the train back to school.

The previous judgment that the little girl's father was fine was not a divination, but it was only because Avesta heard the sound coming from inside the emergency room.

This incident was reported on TV before, although Avesta didn't pay attention at the time. After using Ambrosia, she discovered that the little girl's face and the man on the news who dared to do good deeds had about 50% similarity.

What's more, the place where the incident happened was right on Renmin Road, not far from Shangdu Hospital. If someone were to call 120, the most likely place to go to work would be the ambulance from Shangdu Hospital.

The age is right, the time is right, the location is right, plus the little girl's appearance, anyone can determine the identity of that mother and daughter.

Of course, being able to confirm is one thing, but the prerequisite is that your mind can find this information from countless sources of information and string it out at the same time.

Since Avesta used Ambrosia, she immediately possessed such ability.

Amazing insights and logical thinking, what you see with your eyes, what you hear with your ears, all information in memory, all of them can be recalled at any time, and quickly connect to arrive at a reasonable judgment.....

This is the power of Ambrosia.