
Zero MP High Sage

- I bought magic from him, the mystery guy who could do everything but the voice in my head. This world was full of the unknown wait for me to solve it. Let's go together. - One day, Elliot couldn't use magic anymore. He would be fired from his magic research job and he couldn't do anything about it. In that terrible time, he found a mystery guy who clams himself that can do everything. To use magic again, no matter what the price he would pay but the important thing... Was he the real deal? "I'm Number Nine I'm glad to be your magic." "Will I let a stranger become my magic easily? Do you think who I am? I'm High Sage!" Please enjoy this friendship story and the adventure of teacher-students.

belive8080 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Unexpected Contact (1)

"Why it doesn't appear!!"

"Fireball! The wind! Just one thing please come out."

"What's happening to me!!"

I lost my MP[1] while did the magic experiment. It hadn't any omen or some ceremony, my MP just disappeared. For this world that everyone could use magic, it was the nightmare that no one dream.

No one had the same situation like me too. At least it hadn't appeared in the record.

The power that I trained from the young was gone, it made me despair, and didn't want to do anything, but I wouldn't give up the hope. I couldn't live without magic.

The up and down platform moved to pass me. My route was only the stairs. Magic Tools used MP as energy power that's why my life was cut from magic completely.

I couldn't turn on and off the Magic Lamps. I couldn't pass the door that had an Identity Check spell. I couldn't pick my saving money from Dimension Store. It was so sad, but I used to this daily life.

I walked up to the 17th floor and unlocked the steel lock to come inside room number 1704. This thing couldn't protect properties in this room so when I finished my meal, I hurried back to the room.

Even it was the office room of the magic researcher, my room looked like a small library. All these books were the resource of my research but now they were the hope. While Antidote, Curse Medicines, and Clearing Status Medicines didn't work, I had to use the knowledge of High Sage to solve this problem.

Books and groups of paper filled in the desk, the ground too. I wasn't an unorganized person, but this time I had to be special serious.

Knock Knock Knock.

Someone knocked on my office door. It interrupted my concentration, so I lifted from the book page.

"What's happening here… Good afternoon High Sage Elliot. Are you in there?"

The man's voice came inside. From this desk was far so I shouted.

"I'm busy!"

"I'm from Magician Confederation. May I ask some questions?"

It couldn't help I stood up.

Their contact detail always important things. In a world that everyone could use magic, Magician Confederation was the group of people who determined magic-users state. Divided the ability for job from regular.

Normally, they weren't in direct contact, but currently… I thought I knew their purpose.

"I can't allow you to go inside. I'm sorry."

I stood at the door. The guy that dressed in Magician Inspector's uniform tried to look inside my room. I closed the door and stared at him. The thing I got was an abashed smile.

He made a dry laugh before told,

"It's all right. I just come to ask something but… your door spell was broken, right? Would you mind if I contact the caretaker to fix it?"

"I'll contact by myself. Please tell your business."

"Y… yes sir! Er…"

The way I looked at him might be bad that's made him opened the small book so scurry.

"About your research… Would you mind if I… ask the progress?"

I frowned.

"N… not all! Just a little bit was enough! It's nearly the deadline but you didn't send it yet. We're worried… We're so worried about you! Do you know this year is your last? If you don't send, you will…"

I sighed.

"I'm! I'm sorry! Ah… you must know it. How can't you don't know? I… I apologize for my word!"

He speedily lowed his head. Even if he was Magician Inspector, his position was lower than mine. It had a lot of inspectors that were kicked off because they made High Sage angry.

But that High Sage wasn't me.

I responded in a calm voice, "I'm at work. I'll use a full of time. Could you tell Magician Confederation not to disturb me? My time is running out."

"A… Alright! Wow… full of time… That's so exciting." He wrote my word in the book with a smile before asked,

"It's… might be hard work."


"Sure! Because it's your 5 years of research. You are the Youngest High Sage in history. The genius Elliot Growing! Waiting for 5 years, finally, we can see it. Same as your father, your work will be recorded to history and assigned to education for sure. We cheer for you! I'll book your time and wait for your report on the conference day. See you next week!"

He lowed his head before ran out. I locked the door, returned to my desk, and threw weight to the chair.

"I'm at work… How can I respond like that?"

How could I work while I couldn't use magic?

It was 3 years ago from that day. My report only finished the theory section and stopped at the result section. I couldn't let someone do for me. I couldn't lie and write down without perform. My position was High Sage, the highest position of the magic researcher. I had pride. I had to do it by myself.

I opened a book that didn't suit my desk.

Everyone Can Be a Magician.

A popular book for practice magic for the beginner.

"Basic of Fire magic is about creating the heat. Concentrate on your palm. When the temperature becomes high, Fire will occur…"

Nothing happened. Fire Magic was easier magic. Even an infant could create fire when angry. This was very ashamed.

"The needle… isn't move again."

The MP meter in pocket watch shape stayed silent. My body hadn't MP like the same.


"Why did you leave me. What did I do wrong?"

One week with a problem that couldn't be solved. Did I had to accept my fate? Sometimes life had to meet some disappointments.

Never be like that.

It must have an answer in some books. No matter what I had to continue to be High Sage. I won't lie to myself. I couldn't live without magic.

The sentence didn't get to my head. My finger hadn't the strength to open the next page.

I fell into despair.

I search for the answer until my limit remained 3 days. The knocking sound came to frighten me again.

"Who there? I am busy."

I would scold if that guy from Magician Confederation come again. I hated people who couldn't keep their word.

"El, It's me. Your mother. Can you open it?"

The friendly voice made me stunned, I stood up immediately.

"Yes Sir!"

It used some time to unlock the steel padlock. When I opened the door, I saw her.

She was my mom.

Woman with long blonde hair and blue aqua eyes. Her appearance looked like a late teenager that made everyone hard to believe she was more than 40 years old. She looked like to has the same age as me. The more I grew up was the more we became brother and sister.

I had golden hair, but my eyes were the same as hers.

"I bring apples to you. Look! So delicious." she showed the apple basket.

"Thank you."

I closed the door when she came inside the room and locked it like normally.

"You… When do you fix the magic spell?"

"After my work finish."

"It's too long. Magic… interrupt thing, right? Your room is so messed. When you finish, you tell me. I'll help you clean it."


My lifesaver. If I didn't have her, I would die from starvation. Three years ago, I couldn't get out of my room because I couldn't send MP to prove my identity. She broke the door, so I got a new one. When she knew I wouldn't use the security spell, she visited me more often.

Her white dress flew by her enthusiasm. Mom jumped across papers and books to my desk. She sat on the guest chair, cleared space, and started to peel apples.

She loved to make the rabbit shape.

"Along the way I came to you, I heard many kids talked about the Magic Conference. Will you finish it on time? I'm so worried."

"Sure. It has a little left."

"Hm… Then, tell me when you want something I can help with, ok?! No matter what you want to eat, I'll prepare it for you. You use your brain too much I'll help you recover your health."

"Yes." I smiled back. I lied to her again.

I was High Sage from Knowledge Tower. The biggest official group of magic researchers in the world.

Tower had a long history. It had more than 100 floors and 100 office rooms. To be a member of Tower, you would receive a private office room and the right to use many research facilities. For remained the member status, it had only one condition.

Submitted research work to Magic Conference.

Just 1 work per 5 years.

"You… Did you have a problem?" Mom made eye contact.

"No. Everything ok."

"I can help you. I'm not clever but I know many guys who know, I can ask them. El, please tells your mom. What's happen?"

I kept my hesitate. Usually, others would tell her but I…

For the trust, I wasn't a good child.

I didn't have a high pride or dislike her. How I dislike the person who came to talk with a bookworm like me. The reason I kept this from her was that I wanted to avoid weird rumors.

Mom was always acting big.

For example, she used a high level of Heal to cure my fever. She brought me to mental healthcare after I studied curse symbols. She used Light Magic to make the old student uniform brighter more than the new uniform.

I had a lot of gossips. Born to be a genius didn't get the love. I was hurt by words many times.

"Mom, the truth is I…"

Always lied to you. I kept it to made me frustrate so much but I didn't need to worry anymore.

It was only 3 days left.

"I can't use magic."

It didn't take long to tell the story. Even it hurt, I was 26 years old. I didn't want mom to see me cry. Because I wasn't a funny type of guy, she knew this was true.

"Did… you tell this to Magician Confederation?"

"Not yet. But the result won't change. After the conference, they'll come to investigate why I didn't submit the work. That time… When they know I can't use magic, they'll take my certificate back."

Even I was fired from Tower, I still registered to other groups but lose the certificate I would become an illegal magician, dismiss from High Sage status, and truly out of the job.

Magician Confederation was a reliable organization. Although I was a genius, I wouldn't get an exception.

"I'm not giving up! Mom, I know I'm always selfish but if you can help me. Please do..."

I told her late. I prepared for her angry. She thought a little before asking,

"You can't use magic?"


"Just a little bit you can't?"


She mumbled, then raised hands and shouted,

"I'm waiting for so long! Hooray! Finally, my boy can't use magic! Oh my. What should I do? That right! I have to tell your dad but what mountain has he been right now…"

She was jumping liked dancing. Why? I quickly grabbed her shoulder.

"It isn't fun mom. Why you were so happy? You don't know how much I'm sad about this. Maybe all this time you… you don't want me to be Sage?!"

If she had that reason I would accept. Maybe she wanted me to go outside. Got along… with others and made some friends.

"No! It's not that! I'm happy for my High Sage son. I'm so proud of you! But how should I tell, I…"

Mom petted my head and treated me like children.

"Bad dream will be gone. It will be okay. I can help you whatever you know. Mom and dad already prepare it, you have to trust me."

She winked at me. I admired that she can positive all time. Mom left her hands out of me and made some distance.

"Heaven Guidance!"

She called the white staff from emptiness. This magic was Dimension Store Magic. It was a daily life spell that I couldn't use.

"Bring me to your way, Heaven Guidance. Make the protection around us. Double Dome of Safety!"

The double golden transparent dome covered us. Even if it looked like a simple thing, but this magic was a high-level protection spell.

Super soundproof and hide vision.

"You're going to use forbidden magic? Please don't do that. Let's use another way!" It was very risky. I didn't try at that level.

"My power can't help you. El… Do you know why you can't use magic?"

"I don't know."

"Your magic didn't disappear. It's still here and active. Even if you always be in your room, your magic is helping a lot of people, all around the world! Be proud El. It's because you try hard and become High Sage."

She smiled with a little tear. I didn't understand at all.

"What is the meaning! Where is my magic!"

"In the past, 27 years ago."

I stunned.

"Your magic is the power to eliminates the demon king. The Strongest Light."

I forgot to mention… My genius life, my talent ability came from my parents.

I was the son of the world-saving hero.

Without explain to me, mom held the black card up. It was simple but luxurious, had a shiny surface, and had vivid without any light reflection. On that card, it had one sentence written on it.


I couldn't read it. I never saw this alphabet before.

This card was the thing that change my life forever.

"What… will you do, mom?"

She turned to make a bright smile.

"I'll buy magic for you."

[1] Magic Power.

Our MC is at the age of work, looked strong but weak inside. What is the world background? Continue the story and add it to the library as you like.

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