

Someone who is lost, in their own mind, while awake they're feeling like sleeping, watch 'her' journey at her own life, and maybe in a future the life she has beyond stars that one think wouldn't even be reachable or exist in the first place. ___________________: ☆A/N:(Ye~) ☆Book 1Main MC world: -Berserkia-(Original) ☆Book 2: -DXD- (Where love interest will be introduced~,and no not harem, one girl, but what's the fun on saying who it's~) ☆Book 3: Idk, but probably will be something I know. ___________________: ▪︎Note; Character is OP in her own way, expect her getting her ass whooped a lot, in her way to seek strength... things go 1 to 100 pretty fast sometimes.

ReyKale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chap 13.4- The Battlefield


{Location: Giant crater, Mino City; Time: 4:19 p.m.; P.O.V: 1rd Zero}:


I feel like I have been sleeping.

On so much bullshit happening around me, the situation that we're living.


I've got them all back... Or better, got them to feel what they're.

I now see, why I had such a mission, these things are selfish beyond comprehension.

They will kill innocents so their race can be the only one left, because for the likes of it some "GOD" told them to.

They don't deserve one little bit of empathy.

After what I saw, with these things settled I can finally think straight, it's like until now I was just acting, my head was going with the flow, the first one said some things like this would happen.

Now this second being made of light helping me get a hang of this Skill, and there's the girl, I know her, but I don't remember from where.


Finally looking at my surroundings, destruction, everything was destroyed on a huge crater, steam going up from everything.

'Huh..Looks like it not only freed my head, but the power too, {Increase} should be easier to use now I think.'

I try to summon a coat of mana around me, and an aura of flames rises around me, burning with rage and determination, but they're just heat given form with mana.

I focus where I feel a ton of manas, and take the first step towards it just to receive a fireball to the face.

I see dust rising and settling down, it didn't even hit because of my aura.

If they seek war in a time of peace, I shall gift them what they want.

"{Increase Manas: Armament}"


{Heroes P.O.V, Minutes before}:

"Huff...huff.... runnn Prin!!"- Zoh running with everything he can says.

"Those stupid people are gonna blow up, the concentration of mana on her was insane! huff" - Prin sprints while talking to Zoh.

Both finally getting to the wall, where they see the others, just they're about run to ask for help.


Zero's gigantic explosion happens, both duo and the group of other heroes having their mouths wide open in awe.

Everyone brace themselves for the impact as the strong winds come trashing everything in their way.

Zoh grabs Prin and jumps behind a house.

The other heroes thinking fast do the same in another residence.


Zoh looks at the place they're seconds ago, a carriage hit there and then the wall.

"He..he... That was close..."- Sweat dropping hid his forehead, looks like this is not going to be a easy day for them.

"We better regroup and go fast!! She was having troubles with just out group, if we have the other two groups we take her down! here and now!*gets up*"- Prin runs to the other group after the trashing of wind ended.

Zoh just get his stuff together, for what he's going to face, smoking a cigarette, his last one.

Meanwhile Prin.

"That thing did this, if we take it down we can get all the power, just imagine!"- She's trying hard to convince them to attack now, and it's working, seeing the destruction they know this being would give them a huge power-up.

A knight with a large sword stepped up, his armor having red and white markings on the gray metal.

"We will help, the faster we end this, the faster humanity prevails! LET'S GO BROTHERS!" -As soon as he shouted his followers probably his summoned comrades rushed towards where the explosion happened while shouting and rising their motivation.

The other group of hero's were six, they had knight armor, but more plain in grey and white.

"Well, our friends haven't returned yet, so let's rock!"- They followed the first group.

Prin looking at them going smiles, and hear some shuffling behind her, not even turning knowing who it's for the smell.

"The last one? Maybe it's telling us something, don't you think? Zoh." - Zoh walks to her side, as both follow the knights.

"She's strong, and that she changed what looked like a Boss phase, she will be stronger, we may really go down... Still don't really understand some stuff it hurts my head..."- Prin side eye him, knowing exactly what he means, something is wrong.

"Yea, I can feel it too, just can't put the finger on what's it's, but I think we will learn now, wanting or not."


{Zero's crater, seconds before the fireball; P.O.V 3st Narrator}

Prin and Zoh have being suspicious of something since they wake up here, some thing's are weird and out of place for the do and say, and it's like they're forced to do such things, their friends don't look too much into it, since all they want is the grind.

But they promised themselves to not kill anything that can talk if they can, Zoh while the Mino attacked happened was just clashing axes, never giving the final or fatal blow.

Prin, tried hard to stop a strange urge to kill some minotaur kids and get stronger, she punched herself in the face and walked away.

Looks like the humans couldn't put them 100% under their control, Zoh was a veteran at the army, he died of lung cancer and was brought to this place.

Prin was a mom, having two sons that she was proud of, after dying of age she was sucked to this place in a younger body.

Both where in their old age, Zoh was 48, and Prin 75, so they hit pretty well together, because almost all the others were some teenagers with strange fantasies, they took a liking to one or another fellow summoned, but they've seen them killing without thinking so they know, these people will kill if they gain something for it.

As they approach they see one of the knights in gray and white fire a fireball, looks like a Skill.

Prin gets to the tip of the crater and sees an explosion happening and dust and rubble flying everywhere.

"That.... is going to be a pretty 'big' problem."

Zero looks at them, and smirks.

Prin froze, the one in front of them is different from what they have fighted before.

"Well.....If I go like this..*breaths in the rest of cigarette* ahhhf, might as well go with style!"- Zoh spins his axe doing cool moves and activating his Aura and {Manas: Armament}.

"Heh... Show off, {Hawk eye}"- Prin activate hers powers as well, her eyes turn into orange with black slits, she activates her Aura and {Manas: Armament} too, and aim her bow.

Zero looks at both, and nods, her emotion sense being completely back she knows, they're not bad, but the others, sees her just as a piece of meat to get stronger? The Spar guy was talking some stuff like that.

"Do.... Your worst...*smirks*"- She gets into her stance.


"OOOUUUUUUU!!!"- Yells ring out as the crater becomes a fighting ground.....

Will edit later.


ReyKalecreators' thoughts