
Zero Humanity: Battle of the fallen world in Apocalypse

When it is released on all gaming platforms, the free-to-play game Zero Humanity is a great success from the first week and then continues to attract all curious people from all over the world thanks to a mysterious countdown indicating thirty days and inspiring many theories. However, despite all the accolades and praise he has heard about this phenomenal game, Light Foster, a student far too busy with his quest for excellence, is the only one in his class who has not yet started a game. All his friends will insist on this fact until finally, the young man decides to register at the very last minute. What he doesn't know at this moment, is that the system screen he sees appearing right after, is only the beginning of a long nightmare...

luxaquilae0213 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Welcome to hell

He was there, in the sky, in plain sight. He was so gigantic that he could hold the entire solar system in the palm of his hand. It no longer seemed to have days or nights because of his mere presence, but a strange and supernatural light made it possible to distinguish him clearly while illuminating the entire planet.

Humanity and all living beings present on this poor blue planet felt as insignificant as grains of sand before the creature with the immeasurable wings and the incomprehensibly muscular and well-built body.

He was as black as pure vantablack, and his eyes shone as scarlet as fresh blood. If it had been just a simple drawing posted on an artist's website, it would certainly have paid off for its illustrator, but at this precise moment, the only thing it brought was fear and despair.

No one had even dared to breathe during the interminable seconds of his immobility and tears had already flowed down many paralyzed faces.

"It is surely a mere dream." a few muttered in strangled voices.

[ Survivor System ]

<!!!! Alert message !!!!>

< The majestic and almighty black dragon has just appeared >

Level: Impossible to assess

Weakness: Unable to identify

Chance of Survival: Extraordinarily nil

< The Apocalypse begins now >

Hardly had they time to finish this message that the terrifying dragon let out a howl so powerful, so violent, that the entire universes were shaken by it.

However, the effects were purposely weakened by the terrifying Destroyer so that the Earth would only be hit with a mighty tremor before thousands of scarlet portals appeared all over the globe to release creatures of every possible race.

Demons, elves, giants and other creatures appeared all over the world and immediately began slaughtering all humans in their path with the most intense pleasure and satisfaction.

Light was taken out of his contemplation of the black dragon by the upper half of a grown man's body which fell on him and saved him ironically from a murderous blow of an ax launched by a dwarf with a more than disturbing smile.

The young man got up immediately and pulled his friends with him to force them to run along with the rest of the panicking crowd. They ran to the entrance of the university grounds and had the unpleasant surprise of being picked up by a disgusting amalgamation of hands and mouths the size of a two-story building.

The sickening creature picked its prey from the crowd and threw it with great pleasure into its many sharp-toothed mouths while a host of other creatures descended from all directions.

All seemed lost for Light and all the humans present until an earthquake struck so violently that even the murderous creatures crashed to the ground to stand still.

As soon as the quake stopped, Light sprinted like a madman towards this miraculous opening and hurried on the way leading to his house while making calls to his family with his cell phone working again.

He got no response from his parents but it was his younger brother Tyler that he managed to contact by avoiding the creatures and sniffing around in the middle of the terrified crowds.

"Where are you?!!" he asked his brother without stopping running.

"In the city center!...With all the others!...We are looking!...shelter!..."

The call ended with cries of distress and gunshots, the same ones he managed to hear as he increased his speed in his run to finally find a kind of earthquake shelter in which sinking thousands of people under the protection of armed soldiers.

Light took at least a good two minutes desperately searching for his family members, his heart pounding and his breathing ragged. He didn't care about all the crying and all the violence that the terrified refugees showed. All that interested him at that moment was to find these beings dearer to him than anyone else in this world.

He forced his way several times in the middle of the gatherings and finally, it was his father who pulled him towards them to take him in his arms with great relief. They were all there, safe and sound, Light couldn't help but cry his joy.

"Everything will be fine now." reassured them, Thomas, the father of the family with a big smile.

"Do you really believe it?" Asked Sully, the youngest.

"But of course my dear! You know dad is not one to lie!"

"Yes, that's true! Daddy never lies!" the little one reassured herself as she hugged the big black man with a shaved head.

Elisa, the mother of the family, was holding little Michael in her arms, who had become silent from the shock, although his older brother remembered that he was not very talkative. The beautiful brunette with features exhausted by illness hummed her favorite song to try to comfort him.

Tyler, who was five years younger than Light, tried to take his mind off things by handling his cell phone while biting his lip to keep from crying and breaking the lie of peace established by his parents. None of them had peace of mind and the gunshots ringing outside didn't help matters.

What had just happened? Why was all this chaos happening now? Was it some kind of divine punishment? Or just a horrible nightmare? Was the dragon gone?

Ever since that countdown ended, the world they all once knew crumbled before their helpless eyes and an unbearable fear consumed them from the inside, making them imagine the worst possible scenarios.

Light hoped with all his heart that the authorities would manage to turn things around or at least bring them to safety. He really hoped so but a big part of him whispered that it was just a waste of time.

Everything looked like a fictional scenario. The reality he knew had just been shattered so many times that it seemed foolish to cling to the success of armed forces already incapable of stabilizing the world order in times of peace.

This place was not a shelter. Nothing in this city could serve as real protection against these creatures straight out of the bestiary of a video game. He had to flee, look for another way out, something inside him was screaming at him but he couldn't leave his family.

His mother suffered from advanced cancer. She was very weak and the idea of dragging her and all the others into this uncertain quest for survival seemed unacceptable to him.

To clear his mind, he took out his cell phone and tried to contact his friends who had also surely had the chance to run away, well that's what he hoped. Unfortunately, he couldn't reach Diego or Henry and even less Ling Yao, which didn't help his feeling of worry.

He then looked for a game and came across Zero Humanity, whose icon sent a shiver of terror through him. The miniature dragon was the exact copy of the dragon he had just seen in the sky and now that he thought about it, it was indeed this game, or at least this augmented reality screen, which had announced the coming of this destructive.

"System..." he muttered unconsciously before the golden screen reappeared to cause general amazement.

"That thing again!" shouted an angry man.

"It's that filth that attracted that dragon and all that shit!" another yelled as he stood up.

"A new misfortune will befall us!" cried a terrified woman.

"Big bro, you better put that thing away." Tyler said with a shaky tone.

"But I don't even know how it works!" answered the young man.

The moaning and screaming continued until the crowd decided to throw him out while holding back his family who were trying in vain to help him. He struggled and tried to reach out to them but the crowd was far too strong and a new message on his screen caught all of his attention.

[ Survivor System ]

<!!!! Alert message !!!!>

<Imminent danger approaching>

< Collision in 3... >

< ...2... >

< ...1...>


The explosion fell suddenly and its power caused the entire building to collapse. Light and the soldiers who remained outside were the only ones to come out alive, but the violence of the impact did not leave them unscathed.

Light, from the shock, couldn't feel his left arm anymore and was bleeding from his forehead, the scarlet streak running down the entire left side of his face to blur his vision. An unbearable pain ran through his whole body and it was with difficulty that he stood up in the middle of the rubble.

When he saw the pile of debris that remained of the tall building, he fell to his knees, his face shocked and completely lost. Above the pile of concrete shards, a humanoid creature about three meters tall, with pale skin, three pairs of arms as thin as dead branches and a huge smiling mouth, searched the rubble for lifeless bodies victims of his attack.

It had on its enormous belly a second even larger and threatening mouth from which arms protruded to facilitate the search.

<!!!! Alert message !!!!>

<Gluttonous Embryonic Demon Detected>


Weakness: Physical Attacks, Fire

Chance of survival:30%

The screen had just appeared again without his understanding why and to tell the truth, he didn't really care.

There was no way his family could survive the building collapse. He hadn't been able to do anything and this deep feeling of guilt was growing inside him. If he had survived, it was because he had been thrown out of the building at the last moment.

Was it he who had attracted this monster? Was he responsible for the death of all these people? He should have died with them. Why did this damn screen appear? If that hadn't been the case, he wouldn't have been saved, he would have ended up like all those poor innocents, he wouldn't have anything to regret.

As he stood there staring at the pile of rubble, he saw the demon's hands pull out his father's body and shove it into his large belly mouth.

"Don't even try!" he yelled furiously before rushing at the creature with full speed.

The demon turned one of his hands towards him and out of his palm came a bony stake that hit the young man head-on, sinking into his stomach and knocking him into the debris.

<!!!! Alert message !!!!>

<Player Injury>

< HP:59 >

< Foreign body detect >

< Continuous HP loss >

< HP:58... >

< ...HP:57... >

< ...HP:56... >

Light was pinned against a wall, the stake preventing him from freeing himself. His father had already been devoured before his eyes and the rest of the family followed without him being able to do anything.

The soldiers had tried to fire but the creature had quickly got rid of it to continue its feast.

An explosion of images flooded into the young man's mind and his eyes turned to the great dragon still present who seemed to revel in the suffering of Humanity.

All this was just a show for him. All these lost lives, all this carnage, this chaos, it was all just a kind of distraction for him. He laughed at their misfortune, he laughed at their suffering, how dare he?!!

An unbearable anger burned throughout the young man's being. A destructive, infernal anger, an explosion of hatred.

He was not going to let it go! It was out of the question to die! Not until that motherfucker paid for his crime! Him and all those underlings, he had to kill them! All as many as they were! He had to kill that fucking dragon! For his family, for his friends, for humanity, he was going to kill him!!


This intense fury allowed him to withdraw the stake and run towards the demon with a power that surprised the creature when its own stake buried itself in its head and then descended to the belly before being sliced in two by the devastating movement of a Light howling all the violence of his frenzy.

"Don't think you're going to get away with this!!" he yelled, glaring darkly and furiously at the giant dragon. "YOU'LL BE NEXT!!!" he finished before fainting.

<You defeated an embryonic gluttonous demon>

< You have gained a level >

< +3 points in each stat >

< You have gained a level >

< +1 point in each stat >

<Your level up stopped the bleeding>

<You have defeated your first enemy>

< +3 special gifts >

<Welcome to Hell Fost>

<Hope you survive>...