
Zero Humanity: Battle of the fallen world in Apocalypse

When it is released on all gaming platforms, the free-to-play game Zero Humanity is a great success from the first week and then continues to attract all curious people from all over the world thanks to a mysterious countdown indicating thirty days and inspiring many theories. However, despite all the accolades and praise he has heard about this phenomenal game, Light Foster, a student far too busy with his quest for excellence, is the only one in his class who has not yet started a game. All his friends will insist on this fact until finally, the young man decides to register at the very last minute. What he doesn't know at this moment, is that the system screen he sees appearing right after, is only the beginning of a long nightmare...

luxaquilae0213 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The strongest and the weakest

Beautiful long hair as shiny as pure gold, magnificent eyes similar to incandescent flames, a sparkling complexion and an overwhelming aura, this is how the mighty Titania appeared in the eyes of Light who was left speechless in front of this pure beauty and her dream body.

She wore the same outfit as all the players with the addition of a coat similar to Xen's. A dozen golden screens floated around her displaying astronomical amounts of information of all kinds.

"I wish you didn't slip away unexpectedly during such crucial times Xen." she lectured without taking her eyes off her screens.

<New player detected>




Job:God Slayer


"Sorry but I came across something very interesting on my patrol and just didn't see the time." he explained with a relaxed air.

"And what is this interesting thing?" she asked before laying her eyes on Light and the information the system was giving her about him.

"I see he just hit you in the eye too." said the thirty-something with an amused tone.

"Yes, but not in a good way." replied the sublime blonde before making her screen disappear. "I thought that players below level ten had all taken levels or perished in the chaos. How do you explain the strangeness I have before my eyes?"

"He must have been hiding somewhere during the whole time of chaos and now it looks like he wants to join the guild." Zhaojun snapped out of his silence with an annoyed tone.

"Is this the truth?" asked the guild leader to Light, who had remained silent from the start.

This young woman had not ceased to surprise him since his arrival in the large room. He who expected to meet an older woman was surprised not only by the fact that they were both the same age but also by this incredible aura of leadership that emanated from her extremely attractive body.

He knew it was not the time to think about such things but this beauty piqued his interest so much that he regretted not having met her before this disaster.

"In a sense yes." he replied calmly.

"Really? The fact that you're still a level three intrigues me a lot Fost. Even if you had hidden in a corner, you would normally have a little higher level. How long have you been playing ZH?"

"I signed up yesterday at the last second."

"Seriously?!" Zhaojun wondered.

"Whoa! Even I didn't expect it!" Xen exclaimed amusedly.

"How is it possible?" whispered the blonde before pulling out a new screen and the young man's information.

The system allowed her to verify this information and the confirmation of the facts left her speechless. She remained a moment to observe him in silence without moving the slightest muscle as if she were analyzing the situation in every detail.

This didn't bother the young man the least in the world because he took great pleasure in admiring her magnificent face and her beautiful flaming eyes which seemed to literally consume him.


"Huh?" they all wondered when they heard her whisper.

"I refuse to let you join the guild."

"Is my level really that disturbing?"

"Extermination Patrols will be quick to get rid of any remaining dark creatures in Avalon. Latest reports indicate level 18 creatures. Even if I let you participate in one of these patrols, you wouldn't make it out alive."

"I still want to do it." Light said with a determined look.

"Is this madness or stupidity?" Titania asked with an annoyed look.

"And what else do you want me to do besides try? Hide among viewers and live like a wretched coward?"

"Isn't that what you've done so far?" The beautiful Zhaojun replied, giving him a cold look. "Where were you when all the players gave their lives to protect the city and save the innocent people? Where were you during this nightmare? Answer dirty coward!" she cried before collapsing in silence in the face of the yellow laughter of the young man.

"Yes, I am a real weakling. I abandoned my friends to run to join my family and protect it but this same family that I wanted so much to find and protect was devoured before my eyes despite my status as a player without my being able to do anything. " explained the young man with a look full of spite. "I'm pathetic. I was unconscious while all these people sacrificed their lives to protect their loved ones and all innocent people. I am just miserable, so miserable I should be ashamed to live and yet, as pathetic and miserable as I am, I refuse to run away this time."

"Why do you want to put yourself in danger so much? Anyone would have preferred to stay in the shadows and never set foot here. Your life is very important, you should at least try to keep it as much as possible."

"I've heard this track somewhere before but I have to say it sounds much better in your mouth." he said with an amused look.

"Drop boss! The two guards have already tried to reason with him but this guy has suicidal tendencies!" Zhaojun said.

"Xen, what on earth did you say to him to make him behave like this?"

"Absolutely nothing! It's just his nature, he has that flame in his genes and it saddens me that you didn't notice it!"

"What are you talking about?!" Zhaojun got angry, more and more annoyed by her superior's casualness.

"When I found him he was unconscious next to the corpse of an embryonic demon." he said with a more serious gaze. "His adversary had left him with an unsightly wound after having pierced his abdomen with a stake made from his bones. I don't know how it happened, but Fost managed to fight off the creature despite this mortal wound and get the win."

"I do not believe it one second! If it really happened then why is he still alive?"

"I don't know but when I found him the bleeding had stopped and despite his condition he was still holding the stake tight in his hand." continued the thirty-something with the same seriousness. "Titania, don't you think we should give this being who danced with death a chance?"

The guild leader who had remained silent to follow the whole course of the conversation turned her gaze to the thirty-year-old.

"Even if I give him a chance, there's no way to help him level up. You have certainly seen like all of us this warning message and the advice given to us by the system."

"You really are a good person." Light said with a smile.

"Are you finally going to listen to reason?" Zhaojun asked with a relieved look.

"I can't."


"I made myself a promise and I must do everything to achieve this goal."

"And what is this objective?" Titania asked before noticing the indescribable darkness in the young man's gaze.

"I will kill the black dragon."

This sentence had the effect of a bomb to the two young women and provoked a giggle from Xen.

He had lost his mind. It was the only explanation that the two young women could find for the behavior of this young man and the incredible madness he had just announced to them.

Until now, Zhaojun held back her anger and murderous urges so as not to pounce on Light. But at this precise moment, he had just poured the drop of water too much. If he wanted to die so much, she intended to satisfy his desire!

Just as she took out a magic dagger from her inventory to be able to stab the reckless young man with a mortal blow, she felt all the destructive aura of the two other occupants of the room who were only looking at her and because of that, she stopped her movement.

"I have a much better proposal." Xen said once his aura dissipated.

"What?" asked Titania.

"One of the neighborhoods I was supposed to keep patrolling still has low level creatures."

"How it is possible?" asked Titania with surprise.

"I gave this neighborhood a miss when I found Fost."

"How irresponsible!" cried the guild leader and Zhaojun.

"Don't worry! I placed a barrier all around and I intended to take care of it once Fost was integrated into the guild. Luckily I remembered!" he finished with an amused look that did not fail to annoy the two young women.

"And I imagine you want to let Fost handle it."

"Absolutely. I want him to take care of it alone without any reinforcements."

"Do you realize what you are saying? Even if the creatures present are low level, that does not mean that he will be able to get away with it."

"And what difference would it make if he didn't make it out alive?" Xen asked with a calm look. "Don't you consider him suicidal? He has told all three of us that he wants to fight and if he dies, he will be solely responsible."

"I see." sighed Titania before turning to Light; "Are you ready to participate in this test that Xen has just proposed, despite all the dangers it presents and your slim chances of survival?"

"No need to ask me twice." Light answered with a determined look.

"In that case, I give you carte blanche. Player Fost, if you manage to clean up the whole area indicated by Xen and above all, if you manage to come out alive, you will officially be a member of the Celestial Beasts Guild."

"Roger that."...