
zerk the new world

the world Zerk was created for a purpose to be the land of the gods or humans would win to have the planet Zerk

PlayerOliver · History
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128 Chs


Chapter 12: The Party-It's Friday afternoon. There's still another two days until the big event.I'm going to the dance tomorrow. I think about it everyday. Every minute passes by slowly because I don't want it to end yet, and neither does my heart.'I wish I could get away from my thoughts...'I said to myself.A loud knock on my door interrupted my train of thoughts, and I quickly looked at the clock. It was 5:00 p.m., meaning that Javier has already arrived.I went to the door, opened it, and found Javier leaning against it."Why are you here?"I asked.He took the key out of his pocket, and I handed it to him.He took out his keys and unlocked the door, stepping inside."Why haven't you gone to sleep?"I followed him.He shut the door behind us. He put the key on the kitchen counter.He came toward me, and I was surprised to notice that he looked tired and pale, like he hadn't slept well that night. His gaze moved around my room.His lips curved upwards."Wow, this looks very nice,''he remarked.He looked at me and smiled.'Doesn't it?'"Thank you.''This room hasn't changed at all,''he mumbled.I looked at the floor. 'Yes, it hasn't.'The room looked exactly the same, although it wasn't exactly clean, which made it seem even more empty than it had been just yesterday.The only difference was that everything looked different now. It was almost as if the room had been cleaned and repainted since Javier had last been there.There were clothes scattered everywhere. Some on the chairs, some on the bed. There were also two or three pillows scattered around. And on top of them was a pile of books.'How did this all come about? When?'"Well, today was the day. I wanted to leave my things here, so I went home and tidied up my bedroom.''So you're not staying long?''No, just until Monday,'' Javier told me.'Do you have a job yet?' I asked.'No. But I will soon.''And when are you leaving?''Next week. The university is taking care of my ticket until that happens.''That means you're leaving the country for good. Are you scared?''I don't think so. I mean, yes, I am a bit scared... but that's normal when you start something new.'''Don't worry, I won't get into trouble. If there's anyone that'a capable of getting into trouble it's your brother.''True, but I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me.'Then it's settled, I'll stay till the weekend. You're welcome to stay too, if you want. It wouldn't be that much fun living alone, anyways,» he added.I shook my head.'No, I couldn't accept your offer. Besides, you have school. You should study.]No. I don't.I've never studied and I plan to start studying at college as soon as I'm ready. So yeah, I don't want you to take care of me.I smiled at him."Good, because you're going to need your full concentration, considering that you're the future CEO of the Fabrikator Company and are attending Harvard University,''I informed him sarcastically.''Oh, I'm glad that makes you feel better,'' Javier replied jokingly.„It does, thank you. Now stop complaining!""You're welcome,''he responded smirking.I rolled my eyes.''Stop laughing and help me decide what to wear to the party. I'm hungry," he complained.I crossed my arms.'No, you're not. I bought you lunch and brought it to you. You don't eat at all and you barely finish your food.''Well then, go find someone else to bother. Like Maria!"Javier shrugged and gave me a mischievous smile. I narrowed my eyes at him."No, you're not allowed to bother her. She has nothing to do with you.""Ah! What a shame! Then it's back to my original idea."I sighed heavily, annoyed."Okay, then give me five minutes to think about it. Just wait here.''"No, I can't wait that long. Hurry up!""Alright, I'll hurry.",I said turning around to go upstairs."Wait. I can tell that you're upset. Why are you angry again?" He asked, following after me.I walked down the stairs."I don't know, I just hate talking to you.''"Hm… So, are you going to answer my question?""You've asked ten already.""I'm asking fifteen. Are you mad because I came and picked you up today or because I went to your house yesterday?""Both.''"Is it because of your sister or because you don't love me anymore?""What?"""I think you know. Is it because I didn't visit you for four years?""You don't know how many times I've thought about doing that, but it never worked,'' I answered. "So it's both?""Yeah, I guess. Maybe because I'm jealous.""Of who?"", I snapped.I saw him looking at me with those sparkling blue eyes, his perfect face was smiling, his hair was slightly messy, making him look cuter. I felt my stomach churning. It was weird; usually I'm not affected by such simple words.But somehow, hearing what he was saying to me was quite comforting to me."Your parents. Your sister. Your boyfriend. Me.""And why are you saying such ridiculous thing?""Because I'm worried about you, that's why.''"Why would you be worried about me? Why would I care? Why are you acting like it matters to you whether I love you or not? You're supposed to be the one caring, not me.''"But I care," he stated, taking a step closer to me. "I do," he repeated.I shook my head."Just drop it and leave,''I said harshly.I turned around and started walking away, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm."Let go of me,''I tried to pull away.He let go and held onto my wrist.I turned around again."I'm going to ask Maria to drive us together. Do you want to come?""If you really care, you won't mention anything about me going. I have work to do.""Are you going to tell everyone? Because I don't really want them to know.""No, you fool.", he answered."So you do trust me enough to keep your secret?""I trust you enough to not spread it around.""Then we have an agreement," Javier declared.We kissed.It was awkward at first, but we gradually relaxed into each other's hands.When we pulled apart, Javier looked serious again.

"I want to be honest with you, even if you're not interested in the same things.""Go on.""I've never loved any girl."

There was a moment of silence, where everything seemed to disappear for a while and my brain froze up.I stared at him, trying to figure out what to say next.