
zerk the new world

the world Zerk was created for a purpose to be the land of the gods or humans would win to have the planet Zerk

PlayerOliver · History
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128 Chs


But Huguel, being the hero he is, had heard of the planned attack and couldn't let it happen. He knew that violence and aggressionwould only make things worse and potentially cause harm to innocent students.

So Huguel quickly sprung into action, gathering a group of like-minded students who shared his belief in peaceful resolution. He knew that talking to Houka and convincing him to abandon hisplan would be difficult, but he was determined to try.

Together, Huguel and his group confronted Houka and tried to reason with him. At first, Houka was dismissive and even hostile, refusing to listen to Huguel's arguments for peace.

But Huguel persisted, using his natural charisma and ability to connect with others to slowly break through to Houka. He reminded him that violence would only perpetuate the cycle of hatred and division between the schools, and that there were better ways to address their issues.

Eventually, Houka began to see the wisdom in Huguel's words, and slowly began to disarm his fellow students and agree to a peaceful resolution. With Huguel's guidance, the students from both schools were able to come together and find common ground.

In the end, Huguel's dedication to peace and his ability to inspire others became a shining example of how compassion and understanding can triumph over violence and hatred. And with his leadership, the students of Zombo and the elite school were able to forge a path towards a brighter future, built on mutual respect and cooperation.