
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


"A curse." Zaine answered.

The others gasped, except for Vin and Von.

"The Curse of the Destruction God." Vin stated blankly.

"What's that?" They asked.

"Nope. It's better that you don't know." Vin answered, leaving Von staring at him.

"Vin, won't you tell me?" Von asked.

"It's for your safety, Von." Zaine said.

"Then why do Vin know it?" Sora asked.

"I don't know either, but no one can know anything about it if someone else knows it. The other ones to know it will.." she stopped.

"Will what?" Dalia asked.

"Will die. A catastrophic death." Vin said.

"What?" Everyone said, including Zaine.

"Don't be afraid. I know that curse. Because.."

"Mom had it." Von aswered.

"Yeah, our mom had it." Vin also said.

"Then why did you lived?" Zaine asked.

"Father dispelled the curse. And only I know how to do it." Vin said.

They all fell silent.

"Don't worry." A voice was heard outside the room.

Six silhouettes went inside the room.

"Sir, or should I say, Uncle Mel." Von greeted.

"Silly kid. We knew all about Zaine. Dariel asked us to dispel it. You got a good brain, Vin. Just like him." Melchor said.

"Good kid, I didn't knew that you are his sons." Kiana hugged the twins.

The six were Titus, Jay, Aisha, Mei and her parents, Melchor and Kiana.

"Let's end it here. Guys, you can leave now." Jay shooed them away. Vin patted Zaine's shoulder and walked out.

The six teachers also walked out, leaving Zaine behind. The room was now filled with silence.

Zaine just stood there, doing nothing. Her eyes were still wet from tears and her hair was a bit mess.

Her line of thoughts were a mess and her heartbeat is a bit fast. Her legs were trembling in fear, but a joy came in to her heart.

She clenched her fists into a ball and walked out of the room. She ran afterwards and no one knew where she went.


"Good morning!" Melchor greeted his ten students with vigor.

He is wearing a tight black suit and a rectangular pair of glasses. His hair is paved to the right and had some color of white in it.

"This is our first class, and I know you knew each other already." He started. "And I know you did a good job out there yesterday." He smiled and picked a piece of paper from his suit.

"This is the results from yesterday's test. They gave each one of you points, including Von, for having a good match and a good sportsmanship, except Vin." He stared at Vin and the others' gazes fell on him too.

"I won't tell you what happened, but you can ask him later about it. And so, we won't waste any time babbling and chattering around. Let's have our lesson for today." With that, he pressed something on the table and a hologram appeared in the lectern. Similarly, there are also holograms in everyone's desk.

It was a hologram of a seal. The seal was blue in color, it has four blades, it has a red band and an octagon plane on the core.

"Our lesson for today is element fusion." He stated. "Look at the seal in front of you. There's the blue base and a red band. We all knew that blue represents water and red represents fire."

"But first, let us learn more about cores."

"Cores have different types as we all know, the linear, planar and symbolic. And we all know that the latter is stronger than the former, but that's not the secret behind it."

"Cores are emulsifiers. They creates mana waves to help a seal obtain a fusion on its own. Especially the octagonal planar and three symbol seals. The three symbol seals can achieve a fusion of almost ninety percent, but there were time that it would achieve a hundred."

"That seal in front of you achieved that, but as you can see, there in little to no difference. The only difference is that the band is slightly mixing with the color of the base of the outer ring." As he said it, they notice the thin violet color between the band and the outer ring base.

"Also, the skill is almost perfect. Take a look." He pressed another button and the seal projected a blue dragon with fire on its body. It plunged down and fire erupted, then water put them all out. Smoke was created and they stared in shock.

"Smoke can be used to block vision of others, but the point is, the fire and water were used at the extremes. This can only be done with the help of the cores."

"This element fusion is called aberrant. It can only be formed with a peak level seal."

"Next is this." He pressed another button and two seals appeared on the holograms.

The first seal is a pure blue with three blades. It has a single line vertically. The other one is pure red with also three blades. Its core is also a single vertical line.

"This is called magistrate fusing. It involves two people that has the same core, or the same band, or the same seal color, or the same number of blades. It can fuse the attacks and have a more powerful one." He pressed another button.

A swirling fire appeared, and a tempest. They arrive at the middle and formed two swirling colors. The two won't mix but the radiance is not wavering. It hit and created a crater. The explosion was monumental.

Melchor then pressed another button. This time, another seal was projected in the holograms.

It is a pure violet seal. It has three blades and a single line in the middle, vertically.

"The third one is called the team fusion. It involves as many as you like, as long as the mana of the amplifier is enough."

He pressed another button, and now the ploy changed. The blue and red seals released the earlier swirling fire and tempest, but the violet seal absorbed them all. The violet seal then released a violet ball, everything it touches would burn or would be wet, but sometimes, it would just vanish.

"The amplifier is the violet seal, which represents void. It was equally distributed fusion. It could burn, give water, or make a thing vanish, but the drawback is, too many mana is consumed. Thus, a group fusion is almost impossible to make."

"Sir!" Riku raised his hand.

"Yes Mr. Greyse?" Melchor asked.

"Can you please specify to us the colors of the seal and their element counterparts?" He asked.

Melchor smiled and pressed another button on the table. It produced almost thirty different seals.

"Beast seals have a beast drawn on its band. Weapon seals marks its own appearance on the blades of the seal."

"The primary elements are fire, water, earth, wind, light and darkness. They are represented by red, blue, yellow, indigo, white and black respectively."

"The complex ones are time, space, void, chaos, gravity and cosmos, with the colors silver, gold, purple, violet, caramel and fuschia."

"The most complex ones are life, death, destruction and creation. They have color combinations of white and black, but not gray."

"In short, they are light and darkness, two extremely immiscible elements that even cores couldn't fuse. You can only know that these are their laws when you look at the bands. These seals won't have any other bands, they would have white when their seal is black and vice versa. Also, only a few can have a law like this."

"The bodily mana sources are spirit, soul, life essence and body. They have the color of clear, hazelnut, blood and brown."

"The secondary elements are counterparts of the primary ones. Lightning, ice, metal, soundwave, shadow and radiation. They have the colors scarlet, cyan, tangerine, pink, charcoal and cream."

"The other two are nature and poison, having the colors yellow and green."

"If you are asking why there are eight plazas, it's because of the most abundant element. Fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness, space and nature are the most seen. They are also the laws of the Eight Gods."

"They all have double laws, and created this school. The Ninth Plaza was created solely for their captain, who didn't achieved godhood, but that was only a tale."

"Okay, now, we would go out. Your first task for this week is to have a fusion skill with one of your classmates. In two months' time, you would face teams with powerful elements, so don't cower and fear, and I want you to be the champions this time."

"I would be seeing you everyday, and will guide you through. Go now, in an hour, you must make me see a wonderful fusion skill."

With that, the ten of them stood up, looking at each other. They don't know how to pick a partner.

"Sir, do we need a partner or we can form trio?" Theo asked.

"Fool, I said fusion skill. You can have any number you want, but I think that less people, more chances of fusing. You can mix three, but having the perfect combination is far from perfection. It would just consume mana and have nothing."

"Anyways, let your class representative decide your pairings." Melchor said.

"Uhmm, Sir, we don't have a class representative yet." Lily complied.

"Then I elect Vin as your representative. Any objections?" Melchor stated.

A moment of silence. No one dared to object.

But the silence was broken by a hand being raised.

"Sir, I think Zaine can do it." Vin said.

"So be it. Zaine, you are the class representative. Now, decide the pairings." Melchor chuckled.

Zaine was in daze when she saw Vin electing her. It was good to have him as the head, but having her as the lead would only mess things up.

"But let Vin be the captain. The two of you must work hard for the class." Melchor added.

"Sir, it's my honor." Vin smiled.

Zaine still looked to him and saw his smile. Her gloominess was wiped away.

"But if I can't do anything by myself, I need Vin to help me." She said chuckling.

"Fool," Vin chopped her head using his hand, "you don't need me. If you can't do anything, we are here to help you." He then smiled again.

She looked around and saw the others also looking at her. Their smile completely vanished her doubts.

"Don't cry now. Maybe later." Dalia hooked her hand on hers and Lily hugged the two.

"Enough with the drama, we have an activity for today." Von then ran outside.

"And also, I like the idea of pairing others. Von, you pair with Lily." With that, he ran outside completely.

The others laughed and ran with him.

Youths. Melchor sighed.