
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

Four Elemental Laws

They walked forward to the staircase and didn't said anything. The two behind the two teachers were also quiet. At this moment, two women silhouettes appeared atop the staircases. One of them has a faint orange hair and eyes while the other one's are indigo. They were staring at the two teachers. The woman with the indigo hair looked at Titus with an inquisitive and overbearing look while the orange-haired woman looked at the red-haired man with brows knit. They were like goddesses but with evil auras in them.

"This is a misunderstanding, Mei. Please don't get mad." Titus walked briskly upward and held the hand of the indigo-haired woman.

"What did I misunderstood? Tell me quick, Titus." She yelled at him with full force but the smile on Titus' face was still there.

"Mei, it is only you that I--"

"And why do you have Jay with you? Are you competing against each other? Competing who would make more girls blush?" Mei was clearly on a bad mood today. Titus vanished early in the morning, and her breakfast intake was small due to his absence. She asked around where did Titus went, and she got some intel. Some said that he went out with a girl in hand and others said that he ate with a girl in the third plaza. She was infuriated.

"Why does it sound like I am the one who is flirting here?" The red-haired man said.

"Shut up, Jay. Let us talk up there. If I don't hear any reasonable excuse from you, I won't talk to you the whole month. Hmph!" With that, that orange-haired lady turned around and walked up the stairs.

"Wait for me, Aisha." Jay ran towards her in haste.

Mei laughed loud after she saw the other two quarrel.

"Mei, that's despicable. Who would've known that you are two-faced?" Titus said to her.

"Shut up, Heart. I am not like her, and I trust you. Let's go, the two students must be startled." She said with a gentle voice.

Von's lips are twitching this time. Little did he know that this woman was as gentle as Titus.

"Sir Titus, your name?" Von was shocked when he heard Vin speak. He know that his brother would only speak on occasions which he need a definite infornation or stating a fact. This was his first time asking a such nonsensical question.

"Little boy, I am Mei Dreia, and he is Titus Heart Hedro." Mei answered them without hesitation while Titus is slighly blushing from embarassment. If someone heard that Titus' name, which is of course masculine in sound, has a second name of Heart, which is too feminine, then they would laugh at him, but not Vin. He knew them, their names and their laws and titles.

Von was also in daze. They know them too well. They were the pillar of the academy. They represent the four elements namely fire, water, earth and wind.

Their titles are so domineering that if someone heard them, they would certainly won't calm down.

The Scorching Fire, Jay Nova.

The Alluring Wind, Aisha Cree.

The Domineering Earth, Mei Dreia.

The Raging Water, Titus Heart Hedro.

They two were stunned for a moment. They know the legends of them. They were called the Four Elemental Laws, and they defeated a Supreme seven years ago. They were only seventeen that time. The academy was named Supreme Academy after that encounter.

Vin and Von was completely dazed when they realized it. Titus is the leader of the group, and he didn't hesitate to kneel in front of them earlier. Does it mean..

"Mei, these two are new students. Take them and help them register. Deliver them to their plaza afterwards." Titus said and walked up. He glanced at the two of them and smiled, then he turn around and went up.

"Follow me." Mei slightly chuckled. She knew that if Titus has recruited students, they would be low class. Titus is strong in the battlefield, but his foresight on these kind of things are certainly foul.

They walked forward and entered a room inside the mansion. There was a man inside seated on a sofa. His face was quite matured and maturity can be seen on his face. His body is somewhat bulky and his face has some wrinkles on it.

"Good afternoon, Principal." Mei spoke with a smile. "This children here are recruited by him. Can I assess them now?"

The man chuckled and nodded. He grinned towards them and stood. "That silly boy, he sure knows how to embarrass himself." The principal then walked towards a room and let them in. He strolled forward. He stopped when he was almost ten meters away from the door. They arrived to a room full of equipments and apparatuses. This is a laboratory for tests.

"Welcome to our laboratory. We shall commence the first test. The test would be strength test. Please step forward and punch the apparatus in your front." The principal said.

The apparatus in front is like futon in texture but behind it is a force tester on how strong the force applied. It would then reveal numbers, in kilograms that represent the force.

"You will strike three times, and the average of the three will be your score. Also, the passing score would be a hundred kilograms." As he spoke, Von stepped forward and hit it with a light punch. The numbers above his head went up and hit a hundred inside three seconds then it stopped. It stopped at one hundred exactly.

The principal and Mei were shocked by the scene. It was a hundred score flat. Some people would certainly go higher than that, but to their surprise, it was on an exact one hundred mark.

Von stepped backward slightly and threw a light punch again. The same as the first one happened. It stopped in a hundred kilograms and didn't lack nor exceeded.

"Can you please throw your most powerful punch?" The principal asked Von. He just smiled and did the same thing. He threw light punch but something unexpected happened. The bar didn't stopped at a hundred mark but it continued until it hit a thousand mark. It still continued for half a minute before it stopped. One thousand one hundred kilograms. They were stared to their wits. How did this happen?

While they were pondering, Vin stepped forward to platform, throwing his hands in the air and Von slapped it. The sound awakened the two people with them.

"Should I start?" Vin asked. Another nonsensical question.

"Yes, you may!" The principal was overjoyed. Where did Titus got this jewel? However, his joy vanished when Vin hit the apparatus. His power exceeded Von. He surpassed him almost six times his score. They were awed in shock. A normal ten year old boy would have almost forty to fifty kilogram power. A genius can exceed a hundred but lower than a thousand. What does this two signify? They aren't normal nor a genius, yet, why?

At that moment, he sent another strike. The strike was at six thousand again. The third strike came and another six thousand was recorded. At that moment, Vin walked towards the principal.

"Sir, we would want to keep the secrecy of our scores. Thus, please give us a normal rating. We don't want to stand out, we just want to learn." Von said without hesitation.

"Let's continue." Mei said and the principal nodded at her. They arrived at the second test, the mana concentration tester. They would infuse mana to the apparatus and would calculate its concentration.

Mana is the foundation of the Laws. Without mana, one can't utilize the seals. Mana can be soul energy, spirit energy, life essence, body strength or a combination. Due to mana's concentration, many powerhouses were born. Due to successive training and body tormenting, concentrated mana can create a core for sustenance of the Law.

Von stepped forward and looked to the strange looking apparatus. It is a ball of light that is constantly releasing a faint aura. Von didn't hesitate to place his palm and poured mana into it. The ball glowed into eight colors namely red, blue, green, yellow, orange, violet, indigo and white. Sometime after, another color showed up, black. A minute after, a gold color showed up. Then it glowed wildly and dispersed the colors in the air. The principal was shocked again but Mei was frowning. How could she not know? That's a ten element concentration, which means that his mana is so concentrated that it rivaled Mei's. Until now, her mana concentration is at nine element only. The principal is shocked too. He is only a ten year old boy, how did it happen?

Meanwhile, Vin already poured a drop of his mana on the crystal ball. The ball exuded an unprecedented glow. The color inside were eighteen, the colors added were scarlet, tangerine, cyan, pink, silver, purple, brown and a clear one. They were rotating until it harmonized with each other. A minute after, another color was added, crimson. Not long after, a twentieth color was added, gray. The crystal became dull and released the lights outside. A twenty element concentration.

Four of its colors represent the four aspects of mana, clear is for spirit energy, crimson is for life essence, brown is for body essence and hazelnut is for soul essence.