
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs

First Day

"Vin, isn't it a bit exaggerated to leave them there?" Von asked.


:There it is, the universal answer to questions! It's like "the hell?" expression but sounds like "I don't know" or "I don't care" at the same time. To the one who invented this answer, well, good job on making an argument on flame!

:For example:

Q: You ate already?

A: Hmm.

Q: Where did you go?

A: Hmm.

Q: What do you want?

A: Hmm.

Q: Why did you leave?

A: Hmm.

Q: When will you come back?

A: Hmm.

Q: Who are you?

A: Hmm.

Q: Why?

A: Hmm?


A: Hmm!

:What a good way of ruining a day!

"You think it's better for them to rest there?" Von asked again.

"Shut up, Von!" Vin was infuriated. He walked towards the bed and lied down. He covered himself with blanket and closed his eyes.


"You laughed at him?"

"Yes, I didn't knew. I thought it was like hers or yours. It's a bit embarrassing to admit, but it's nothing like your laws."

"Foolish brother, we are talking to you right now because his surpass ours. Don't laugh at it. Be amazed when you see it clearly. Don't judge a book by its cover. Now wake up."


The cold dew could be seen on leaf blades and rays of the shining sunlight could be seen.

:Shining - sunlight? Isn't it obvious that sunlight is shining?

People were busy walking around and talking. They were like a bunch of ants at the bird's eye view.

Two silhouettes could be seen walking. They wear a caramel-colored long sleeves. They were fitted in them, and the collar has golden linings at the edges.

They also wear brown vests that that has slits on the back and on the sides. It has three buttons in front, and a golden line on the left part. It stretches from the back hem unto the front hem. On the right chest, the word "Monster" was embedded and under it is a monster with three horns and sharp teeth, grinning.

And there was this two, looking like that monster. They don't have sharp teeth, nor three horns, nor a grin. What they have is pale face and dispirited looks.



"Vin, wake up! We need to move early. The principal said that he would talk to us today!" Von woke him up.

"Okay. We will have a breakfast later." Vin said, running towards the bathroom and snatching a few clothes from the closet on the dorm. He then closed the door and took a shower for ten minutes, then he walked out with his ironed clothes. They walked out of the room, and they saw Aisha, who was still fixing her hair to a bun.

"You two, come with me in the office, the principal wants to talk to you!" She then walked outside the dorm and straight to the office.

They arrived there and talked with the principal. They were punished due to the incident where Vin made them all sleep.

And their punishment? The third test and they would be there for a minute.

Their faces paled after the exam. But still, the principal and Aisha, forgot to record their seals.

After almost ten minutes, they found themselves weary and exhausted. They were starving and no one can save them, but there is.

Von closed his eyes, he wants to sleep in the middle of the day, but he can't, because this is the first day.

He swayed back and forth and almost fell down when his head hit a soft and squishy bun. He looked at it and drooled.

Because of his hunger and exhaustion, he looked at it more closely and held it. He then jumped as he wants to eat the bun when a hand slapped his face.

He realized that there were no free food in the campus, but there are four teachers looking at him, with deadly glares and hostility.

He saw Mei still covering her chest when Titus held him in his collar. Jay was a bit cold and Aisha was glaring at him.

"You silly boy, how dare you get a bite from the spring bun?" Aisha and Mei laughed while Jay smacked his forehead.

"Come on guys, did you already forgot what he did?" Titus was furious.

"It's alright, Titus. Look at him, he is still pale from the exam box." Mei smiled but she didn't hide her anger.

"Huh?" This time, the culprit suddenly woke up.

They stared blankly at him. They don't know what to say this time.

"Ah!" Aisha shouted when she felt something on her feet.

"H-h-h-hel-p u-s..." Then it bit her on her ankle.

Vin was a bit dazed when he bit it, but still, he did it without hesitation.

They stopped for almost a minute and stared at the two kids. Titus was now rolling on the floor while Jay was chuckling loudly.

The two ladies were embarrassed but the two guys didn't mind them at all. The two was still on their dreams.

A few moments later, the six would be seen on the canteen on the Ninth Plaza. The two were eating while the four were still laughing. The two didn't mind them and when the bill was settled, they walked out of the canteen peacefully.

The four bid their farewells and headed straight to their plazas. The start of classes would be eight o'clock in the morning and they have an hour to wait for their respective classes.

The two walked towards the middle of the Ninth Plaza. They walked down the wide plaza and arrived at a small house with lavender on its yard. Four pathways could be seen because of the hedges are almost four feet tall. Lavenders are on its edges while shrubs are on the middle. Orchids could be seen and some tulips.

They entered through the west path and took a better look at the house. It has three doors: south, east and west; and has six windows each wall, three upper and three lower. It has a caramel paint with brown finishing.

The house is almost ten feet high, twenty square meters wide, and was very spacious.

Inside was a whiteboard and ten seats in the middle. There are some apparatuses and equipments. The two just walked in and didn't took a single glance.

They sat at the nearest desk, Von then slouched down and hid his face on his arms. Vin just took a pocket notebook from his pocket and wrote something on it.

He then folded his notebook and hid it on his pocket. This time, three silhouettes walked in from the south door.

On the middle, is a boy with blue long hair up to his back. His eyes were also blue and his slim figure was alluring.

On his right is a boy with a black hair, but not as black as Von's. He is also slim, but a bit shorter than the boy with blue hair.

On the left is a boy with a white hair, his eyes were hazelnut, but pale in comparison with Vin. His slim figure was a bit taller than the black-haired boy.

"Hi bubbleman!" The blue-haired boy blurted out.

Vin just smiled at them. He then slouched, but a hand gripped his shoulder.

"You had a nice display of skill out there. Wanna spar with us?" The white-haired man said. They laughed but Vin still buried his face on his arms.

"Or you are just a scared little shit that doesn't know his place?" The blue-haired man laughed.

"Is this your place?" Vin asked.

"Oh, the dog barked!" The black-haired man screamed, and then they laughed.

"Why don't we take a spar and see who's the dog?" Vin answered.

"And now you want to spar? Wanna know your place, shi tzu?" They laughed.

"Let's take this outside." Von stood up and walked.

The three followed but the blue-haired man lagged behind.

"We can understand him being here," he pointed to Von, "but you? You are nothing. Just because you're his twin, it doesn't mean that you are also worthy to be here." Then he walked out of the room.

Vin just followed him. His eyes were filled with dullness, like a lion seeing a mouse squeal.

He walked out, and took a glance on Von, who was waiting for him.

"You serious?" Von chuckled while Vin was closing in.

"Let them remember that pride won't take them anywhere." Vin patted his shoulders. They both followed the trio.

They arrived at the center of the plaza. The three was standing there, waiting for them to arrive. They were still laughing at him, calling him "bubbleman".

"It's not too late to ask forgiveness, surrender, walk on all fours and bark like a dog." The blue-haired man teased while seeing the two arrive.

"You ready, Vin?"  Von whispered.

He just smiled and arrived at the plaza.

Von also arrived and walked between them. He ordered the two parties to separate.

He then raised his hand and looked the both sides.

He chopped down the air and shouted.