
Zerø: Chronicles of Time

The universe nears its end, and the war has no signs of stopping. After a careful consideration, Zyndra takes the matters to hand, and ends it once and for all. But, the aftermath of the battle made everything messed up, and everybody, now, is living in realms

AoiKiyori · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
83 Chs


"Eat first. Here's some of the dishes I made."

He served some egg fried rice and sautéed seafoods.Ten pair of eyes glimmer as they saw the food. Zion's cooking is always the best. The food they thought they won't taste is right here in front of them.

"So yummy!" Aira said as she took spoonfuls of the dish. Mina also giggled with her.

"Hey, Aira, calm down." Zion said as he poured water to each one's glasses. After five minutes, the people eating calmed down, with their stomachs full of food.

"So, how have you been?" Zion asked, sitting in between Aria and Niana. Niana and the others drooped their heads. In the field of power, they are above others. Their powers stand out, and no one can match them. But in the field of business, they are just children.

No one wants to acknowledge barbaric people in a field of decision making and risk taking. As their fathers pressure them, the five of them can't even enjoy a sumptuous meal like what Zion gave them.

Zion clapped twice, and the table in front of them was disassembled into four, and the floor took them in.

"What are your plans now?" Zion asked as he pet Aria's head.

"Money is needed for equipments and supplies. If we don't have money, our output will be cut off, and the flow will stagnate." Niana said, counting the disadvantages.

"We have no definite plans for now, but we are not backing down." Niana's eyes exuded fierceness and calmness at the same time.

"That's the spirit." Zion said as he then opened his Inventory.

"Louis, come here." He then gave him a pair of boots.

"What's this?" Louis said he tried to fit his feet in.

"Huh? It's a bit... big." He said but his last word was low in volume.

"That's my technology. When someone wears it, it adjusts itself to the owner. But the truth is it just uses magic to adjust itself and stores the unused metal to fix itself later." Zion said as he pulled other nine on his storage.

"Pick one. I can color it any way you want." Zion said as he let them choose their boots.

"That will help you in your dungeon clearing. For now, don't talk about me in front of the enemies we met last time.

"He said and he also took another boots and fit it to himself. He colored it black and stood far from them.

"You can use it like this." He said and he made his aether flow to his feet. He then rushed forward, and stopped before even crashing to the wall. He looked back to Niana and the others, and saw their amazement.

"You can use it to engage and disengage, and it can add speed to your movements and travel time."

He then walked towards them, but now, he showed them another perk of the boots. He walked, but his steps stop midair, and he walked like he is climbing the stairs.

"This is called Air Walk. You can use it to travel faster and travel in the air. The only problem is that the aether output is large, and draining. Well, I guess the draining part is negligible if it's you lot." Zion smiled and floated down.

"Thank you, Zion. This is a great help." Keith said as he tried various acrobatic moves mid air. The group then stayed for a moment and when the dawn arrived, they all then got ready to call it a day.

"By the way, Niana, I have something to talk to you after this." Zion said as he cleaned up the place.

"Sure." Niana was shocked, bit put it in the back of her mind. Cedric and the others then went out after that. They all thanked Zion for the gift and all of them had smiles plastered on their faces.

After a few minutes, Niana went inside the room again.

"What do you need me for?" She asked as she sat on the only chair in the middle of the room. As she said that, a table appeared and Zion took out some items from his Inventory. A tiara, an armor, vambraces, a pair of gauntlets,  shin braces, and a pair of leggings.

"Try it on." Zion said as he turned around. "This.." Even with a complicated feeling, Niana still wore everything that was on the table. The equipments adjusted to her body and her curves and her body were emphasized.

"Woah, nice equips." She said as she tried some things.

"There are some additional skills and abilities I put there." Zion turned around and nodded.

"The tiara on your head has the skill 'Eagle Eye' that can see up to fifty meters ahead. It also has the ability to stop mind attacks and abnormal statuses."

"The armor has the ability to deflect physical and magical attacks to an extent."

"The leggings has the skill 'Swift Wind' which can be used to boost speed. You can use it anywhere."

"Also, I only have one of each right now so I didn't want the others to see it yet. Try it, and tell me your suggestions."

"Right." Niana said as she looked at her equipments.

"Before I forget, the gauntlets have the skill 'Strike Punch' that can release five times your normal strength. It also has the ability 'Parry'. You can try it next time if you want."

"Also, those two can be used even with a weapon." Zion then smirked.

"Nice!" Niana smiled at Zion."Also, this is for you." Zion pulled almost 50 boots from his Inventory.Niana stopped for a moment and she smiled wider.

"Those boots are made with low quality alloy, but is durable enough to last for half a year." Niana knocked on one of the boots using her knuckles.

"Sell these boots for a silver each, you can earn a hefty sum."

"Find a merchant, let him manage the sales and the usage of the money. Just make sure you can protect him."

"Also, try to make a firm under a name you want, and make sure it is registered in the Merchant Guild."

"We will strike them while they are not yet ready, and we will continually strike them at their weak points, without letting them recover." Zion's aura rose and his fists clenched. You hit me, I hit you back harder. Niana felt the pressure, and she also saw the savagery in his eyes. A change is coming.


Jonathan is a butler of the Oregon Family. He is a fan of the third daughter of the Oregon Family Head. All of the other eight siblings of his liege is corrupt and crooked.

A week ago, Jonathan lost his job when Niana was disowned by her family, and exiled from the house. Now, he is standing outside the room of his liege.

Looking inside for the last time, he sighed as he reminisce all of the memories of his liege and all of the important things that happened. As he walked out of the house, the maids in his way started to whisper to each other, saying that Niana was a rebel, and a traitor.

Jonathan just continued on walking until he managed to get out of the mansion. As he walked out, he saw a familiar figure not far from him.

He smiled and his heart full of joy. This is the beginning of the legend of Celestial Oblivion Suprema.


Standing in front of Zion is Iubert. The former is sitting, meditating on the floor while the latter is sensing the fluctuations in the soul of the former.

"You are a genius in this, boy."

The soul fluctuations became even more intense, and the white aura has showed signs of solidifying. Iubert's eyes squinted as he tried to seize up if what Zion was doing is right or wrong.

"A talent even making the Four Sage's talent look like normal. Very good, but you can't still control it." Iubert said as he sent a soul wave to stop Zion. The latter then fell down on the floor, panting heavily.

"Your soul is strong, but not strong enough to jump to the next realm." Iubert said as he helped Zion to stand.

"Sir, how many realms do I have to go through to master the soul?"

"First, you have to control your energy flows, then I will teach you. For now, try your hardest to strengthen your foundations." Iubert said as he patted his uniform.

"All of your lessons here will start as your flow starts. Learn to flow your energy and you will do great in your soul. Learn more, and grow." Iubert smirked and left the room.

"Flow? I think I can." Zion said. He then left the room and went to his room. After sealing the room with a magic circle to avoid eavesdropping and spies, he sat down the floor.

"Gateway, may I see the page?"

["Yes, Master."]

[Arcane of Spirits Chapter 7: Bestowing]

- a chapter of an Arcane Book. It has some secrets to it.

This is a reward he got when he drew some gacha back when he was out of the academy. He did not expect that he can use it as soon as possible, but not yet.

The chapter of the book was all about granting a spirit to a weapon, a pet, or even to transportations. It is like an enchantment, but the enchanted one will have its own spirit to fight and choose their masters. And now, he also got a very special skill because of the Arcane of Souls.

Necromancy and Zomancy.

Necro means death and Zoe means life. After that, two symbols appeared on the air. They are two arrow like symbols but also like half notes as in half notes in music:

One of them is a black one, pointing down, with green, red and violet aura. It looks ragged but filled with intent to destroy and attack. It flew to his left hand and his left iris became blacker and deeper.

On the left hand is the arrow pointing up, with blue, yellow and orange aura. It emits vitality and a strong sense of security. His right iris then became whiter and a mellow clearness can be seen.

The two symbols went on the back of his hands and disappeared. It seems that he got some good harvest just by reading.

"Gotta test then out." He said as he walked out of the room, towards the herbology room, and to the forest.


Star Forest.

Levy, together with Tony, Aki, Alyssa and Dave are killing some monsters to gain experience. Levy Louvred, their leader. Their group is one of the most favoured by the Second Head of the Oregon Family.

Her mother, Leonia, was a candidate for the academy, but due to her good reputation but not resounding name, she lost to Simon. Dave just joined them to rub salt to their injuries, and to always keep them in check. But, all they know is he is their friend.

"Niana is down now, and Dr. Oregon can now usurp the seat of the Head of Oregons, Mr. Nathan Oregon." Dave said as he peeled off a Acro Rabbit. The meat of an Acro Rabbit is plenty, especially the legs and the lower part of the body.

There are six kinds of monsters in this place. First, is the Archaic Species. They are the kind of monsters that are native to the land. The Acro Rabbit is an example of it. They are the native species of the land, evolved into higher forms due to lack of interference from higher life forms. When the portal opened, they have been stagnated in the evolution.

The second one is the Directive Species. They are the ones who came from the portals. By now, there are fourteen open portals in this world: the original seven and the other seven that opened during the First Calamity. The portals opened are the following: Humans, Demon, Abyss, Nether, Demons, Venom Sloths, Void Creature, Crystal Beasts, Ogre, Orc, Goblin, Cherubim, Angel, Purgatory and Vampires.

The third one is the Corrupted Species. They are species that as said, corrupted. Their bodies rot but they are still alive, but does not have intelligence and signs of life.

The fourth one is a rare type of monsters: the Berserk Species. They are infused with mana or aether or hex that led them to go berserk. Any of the three species above can transform to berserk ones.

The fifth one is the Draconic Species. They are descendants of the dragons. They are powerful in their own fields and are epitomes of power. Included in it are the Phoenix, Qilin, Bakunawa, Unicorns, Pegasus, Yeti, and even Golems.

The final one is the Supreme Species. They can be one of the above species who has developed human-like features and human intelligence.

As Dave was peeling the rabbit, a storm was brewing on their planet.