
The Confusing tale of a Fairy

Chapters I wrote in my docs that are rotting so I decided to upload it here. p.s It's not in chronological order

Mamako_Mikoshiba · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Search for clues

Solaeater and Zephyrus decided to part ways seeing as the both of them have their own goals.

"Goodbye SOLAR EATER!" Zephyrus yelled to Solaeater

Solaeater stared at Zephyrus with an unamused face though nonetheless also said his goodbyes. "Farewell, my dear friend. With heartfelt sincerity, I hope that fate, like a faithful companion, brings us together once more. Until that cherished day arrives, I shall eagerly await our reunion"

'Solaeater is clearly showing off" Zephyrus thought so while trying to hold off her laughter. Zephyrus looked out in the distance until Solaeater visage wasn't seen. She turned around and started on her journey once again.


'It's been a few days since I parted ways with Solaeater. I continued my search for clues about the organization called Arm and so far this is what I have found"

Arm is an organization dedicated to their leader called Polaris or the White star. No one knows anything about this leader even their gender.

It is unsure when the Arm organization started- it is said they were an organization for only 30 years but some say it has been alive for 200 years ( I doubt that number but then again I don't know anything )

The goal of the Arm is to give salvation and revive the true only God?? ( sounds like a cult tbh )

The organization is made up of many races - humans, androids, demons, mermaids, and many more ( Which includes the person who killed zelda )

They have a rank system of some kind. There are 7 people that have a rank and are seen as key operatives of the organization. They are called the Seven Deadly SIns. ( kinda emo )

"UGHHH" Zephyrus screamed, frustrated. She spent weeks in the city that was supposed to be the place where you can find anything yet all she had was just basic information. Zephyrus was at loss - how can she attempt to take revenge when she doesn't even know where to find the location of Arm.

'If only someone could give me a sign on how to continue'

While Zephyrus was sitting on an ELECTRONIC BENCH (BECAUSE SHE IS STILL IN THE CYBERPUNK CITY) there was suddenly a large amount of papers?

SWOOSHH~~ Zephyrus quickly grabbed one of the papers that were floating in the air. In the paper it says ""When life throws questions your way, take a moment and just say 'Eris, show me the way!'"

"This is clearly a scam" Zephyrus said to herself "I AM NOT THAT GULLIBLE TO GO TO SOME PLACE - I AM NOT DESPERATE" Zephyrus yelled out suddenly.

A concerned citizen looked at Zephyrus with bafflement before proceeding to call the police "Hello Police there's some crazy lady here - I think she escaped the hospital" The citizen reported.

Zephyrus, still occupied in her yelling, was suddenly approached by authorities to escort her back to wherever she escaped from. "WAIT I'M NOT CRAZY" Zephyrus resisted the arrest

"That's what they always say" The police sarcastically replied back and then took her to a mental institution. And that is the end of Zephyrus Jourdottir, she would soon go crazy thinking she made everything up starting with her being a fairy, her sister and homeland burning into flames. She never got her revenge. –THE END–

"SHUT UP, THIS IS CLEARLY NOT THE END AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Zephyrus shrieked at the narrator that is very innocent.