
Spread of Ruin

Agrianos unhurriedly approached the great blade Heartsbane that was thrust into the ground.

As a connoisseur of weapons of destruction, a strong blade like Heartsbane naturally caught his attention. After grabbing it and hefting it from the ground, Agrianos analyzed the great weapon with growing fascination. His eyes gleamed brightly like a young child having found a new toy, but more than that, he seemed… inspired.

"A pretty neat design. The edge is super sharp, too. And the grip isn't all that bad. Gives me some ideas. Perhaps I'll get that old imp to forge me up something wicked. In the meantime…"

Agrianos flexed his arm, Heartsbane whipping across the air as a result. Pure destruction unfolded in the distance as one of the Wailing Sierra's mountains was cleaved in half. 

Sparing a glance in that direction, Agrianos gave a wan smile.