
Shattered Light

Kieran's fingers traced the information on the virtual docket, his expression difficult… no, seemingly impossible to decipher while gliding his finger through the rows and down the columns, simply to verify this couldn't be a coincidence. 

The applicant's identity wasn't entirely relevant; instead, their address caught his attention. 

A sort of universal address provided to many children.

Orphans, to be exact. Those discarded and unclaimed.

Intrigue rose in Kieran's gaze, and concentration stirred, becoming laser-focused once his vision became trained on Altair.

"Are you sure you're familiar with this kid?" 

Vacant of doubt, Altair nodded.

"I'm positive that I've seen this kid around. Though the entire event is foggy, his eyes just seem uniquely familiar. The kind of eyes you'll never get out of your mind once you meet them. Something… resonant is buried within that kid's eyes."