
Scent of Death

Kieran and Altair groaned, each feeling more dreadful than when they had first woken up. 

Lillian had made good on her promise without compromising their safety. Safe didn't equate to enjoyable, though. 

A screen tracked the concentration of X-hancers in their system and plotted the absorption pace to maintain a constant flow without entering dangerous territories, which kept the two in a state of cyclic agony.

Seeing as they both stood on their feet, awaiting a ride to Bastion's last known location, their suffering seemed worth it. A con of their return to moderate health, however, was a hike in urgency. The rising shortage of X-hancer had gone from a mild burden that could be deferred to a maddening dilemma that called for immediate attention. 

Something told Kieran that other guilds were likely prioritizing their X-hancers by now and wouldn't part with them, especially if other Adepts manifested similar changes.