
Rude Awakening

The threesome spent some additional time firing off varying looks at one another, but that didn't change the situation Kieran was dealing with. Part of his arm continued turning an uncanny color as the chilling darkness continued its insidious activity.

Kieran had never seen or felt anything like it before… on Earth. Xenith was filled with many fantastical marvels, but to Kieran's knowledge, Earth wasn't. 

Well… it didn't used to be. However, what he knew about this world was changing rapidly, and the focal point, though many, boiled down to one — Zenith Online, more precisely, Xenith itself.

The chilling darkness crept up his forearm, spreading towards his elbow. Its pace was laborious, making it seem all the more grim and lethal. The most painful deaths were the slow ones, for there was no suffering when one's death happened instantly — far faster than any human could perceive its onset.