
Returning Door

The mundane blade Kieran wielded was not designed as a medium for a recondite concept like Significance, let alone the sullied version Kieran drew upon to combat the darkness. 

What remained of the blade warped into scorched scrap, its edge missing. However, the blade's destruction meant little to Kieran as he tossed it aside and witnessed the Darkness Below split open.

Its disorienting blackness peeled away like a drape with a thick drawstring to reveal a strange place. Only some things here were a mystery to Kieran. 

He spun slowly, taking in his surroundings. 

The Darkness Below had not been destroyed, but his prison grew untethered, allowing it to fold in on itself.

Taking labored breaths, Kieran noticed this place was almost strangely similar to the Citadel of Resentments atop his head. This was no separate place but rather an extension of the Citadel far beneath its surface.