
Poignant Madness

The cadaverous being in the distance had undergone a genuinely astonishing transformation. 

Its ivory and distressing bones could no longer be seen, now wrapped in a layer of robust, sinewy muscle. Lacking any kind of dermis, it looked like a skinned abomination—grotesque yet teeming with rugged might.

However, this scene was transient at best, vanishing a few moments later once a squall of armor fragments circulated around its very body and joined with its flesh. Calling this being an armored nightmare was not an overstatement. 

After all, it possessed armor for skin. What kind of power was needed to breach this nigh-impregnable defense?

Kieran estimated only his strongest state could contend against it. However, this was only the fourth round. He wasn't too sure he was afforded that luxury. Then again, if he were, this wasn't a battle he could prolong. 

If it were up to him, of course.