
Original Substitute

Adeia continued regarding Kieran with her mix of emotions. 

She recognized the gleam in his eyes for what it was — the desire to clash swords. However, the Followers of War didn't clash weapons for the sake of amusement. To touch blades with an enemy meant intentionally putting one's life on the line.

Was his life something Kieran was willing to proffer? No, absolutely not. 

Yet, he still wished to cross blades with Adeia. Her style hid enticing secrets and simplistic forms he wanted to learn and implant into his mind.

Though his old memories remained in a slowly dissipating fog, it had no bearing on his ability to foster new memories. On the contrary, the haze placed importance on Kieran's ability to create and acquire insightful knowledge, in large part bolstering the Mystic Gate's impact.

Rhaenys swept a gaze of interrogation over the contemplative Adeia.