
Gathering of Brigands

After watching Kieran execute these 3 Desertborn Brigand sentinels, a question rose in Altair's mind.

"How do you achieve these Executions? And, what are they? When I copied your action, I only received a Vital Critical, but I didn't execute the sentinel on the spot."

Altair was curious why Kieran's attacks were considered Executions but not his own. After all, he was an Assassin, a class specializing in surprise and large critical attacks. On paper, it should be easier for Altair to achieve an Execution. 

However, Kieran soon revealed the reason behind this. "An Execution is a rare type of critical. It's not that I have a 100% success rate of achieving Executions; it's simply easier for me with all my damage modifiers. If I'm being honest, I have at least four active at all times now."
