
Desert of Treacherous Sands (II)

〈System: You have entered the «Desert of Treacherous Sands»!〉

〈System: You have been rewarded 50 World Fame!〉

Kieran noted that with the addition of this World Fame, he wasn't too far from reaching a Lord's standard. Once he achieved that level of renown, the moment he could create a guild inched that much closer.

However, aside from the matter of his World Fame, Kieran and his other party members quickly understood why this place was regarded as the Desert of Treacherous Sands.

Although they stood there for no more than a minute, the party marveled at the horror of numerous occurring events.

Several unnerving bubbles of unknown toxicity popped and released dense fumes into the atmosphere while sandstorms of varying sizes simultaneously swept across multiple zones of this desert.