
Zenin Days

Toji in Sakamoto Days. Pretty self-explanatory. ___________ Synopsis: Post his death at the hands of the strongest sorcerer of the modern era, Toji finds himself in Sakamoto Days in a younger body. In an unknown world with assassins, Toji fits right in. Slight AU Rion x Toji

JaxWolf4 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Writing is hard.


3rd P.O.V.


A knife goes through the back of a man's throat. "*Glurk*"

Unable to get any words out, he fell, face first, on the console.

The woman behind him, Kumanomi, flicked her knife, removing the blood.

Haruma sweatdrops. "That wasn't very good sportsmanship."

Kumanomi raised an eyebrow. "Huh? We're assassins; of course, it won't be 'good sportsmanship.'"

Gaku narrowed his eyes as he saw the screen in front of him.

This was it.

If he did this, he would be known as a traitor and an enemy of the JAA.

Only if he gets caught, that is.

He has already killed JAA employees to get this far.

It was now or never.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "*Inhale* *Exhale* I'm going to kill Sei."

Picking up a chair, he aimed it at the screen.





"The Security System has been disabled."

Kumanomi put her hands on her hips. "That was weirdly easy. Whatever, I guess it's going to start."


Elsewhere, a group of 12 people stood in an aircraft.

The man at the front spoke. "We're looking for something called the database. We've been ordered to gain information on its location using any means necessary. Kill anyone who gets in our way."

As if it were rehearsed, they all replied. "Understood!"

Usually, the security system detects a large aircraft approaching the JCC, but this was no longer the case due to a 13-year-old boy and his orphan family.

After a few minutes of flying, they finally arrived above the island.


The frontman, also known as Takeshi, smiled as he pressed a button that opened the hatch.

He smirked. "Remember, no survivors."

With that statement, all of them, except Takeshi, jumped out of the plane, most with parachutes, others without.


On the ground, a teenager pointed at the sky. "Woah, look, a bunch of meteors."



He gets crushed into a pool of blood from a 6'8 man with shiny skin.

The man attempted to crack his neck, but it didn't move as it made a creaking noise. "Time to get to work."

Another student spoke up in a neutral tone. "Ahh, oh no, he died."


His head gets punched clean off.

The man wiped his hand on his shirt. "Man, I should really start asking around, but this new body of mine is fun. Whatever, Takeshi said no survivors, so I doubt he will care if a couple of kids get killed."

He smiled as he saw the rest of his allies land on the island.

The man sighed. "Disappointing."

His smile quickly faded as he turned to see a fist before his face.


He stumbled back as another 6'8 man appeared.

It was Hyo.

Hyo spoke up while shaking his fist. "Damn, that hurt. What the hell is your body made of?"

The man's nose started bleeding, much to his surprise.

Laughing, the man stood straight, licking the blood flowing down to his lip. "HAHA, that wasn't bad! I guess you could call my body special. Now then, who might you be?"

Hyo looked nonchalant as he put on his brass knuckles. "Hyo, member of the Order."

The man raised his fists. "An Order member, how interesting. I'm Hiroshi."

Hyo cracked his knuckles. "I don't care who you are. You're going to die."

They both threw their fists at each other.


It didn't take long for the entire island to erupt into chaos.


A shorter man with spiky hair was chasing students. "HAHAHA, WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY!? AREN'T YOU ASSASSINS!?"

Something strange about him was the large metal blades sticking out of his middle knuckles.

Blood dripped off the blades as he looked at the sky. "I'm so glad I accepted his offer."

Another man with long black hair shook his head. "Did you really have to go overboard? It's useless if we don't get any information about the database."

The first man, named Nakamura, shrugged. "Takeshi wasn't specific about how we should do this, so let me let loose for a bit."

As the two men were deciding their next action.


Out of nowhere, someone moved, taking them off guard.

Narrowly avoiding getting stabbed in the neck, Nakamura did a backflip, jumping up onto a second floor while the other leaned on a pillar.

Nakamura crossed his arms. "Well, well, well, I was wondering when someone interesting would show up."

The newcomer spoke while holding a sharpened pencil. "I'm not going to sit idle as my students are being slaughtered."

It was Satoda.

He leaned on the railing. "Hah, this will be fun."

She narrowed her eyes and gave him a hollowed look. "Stepping on this island was the worst mistake you two will ever make."

His smirk only widened. "We'll see about that."

Satoda and the man jumped toward each other, and the other man, Yoshida, yawned as he watched.


A blonde teenager with a hammer stood across from an intruder.

He sighed. "What a pain in the ass."

It was a woman with a scaled body.

She smiled at him. "You aren't bad. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm K-"



It gets stopped as she raises her arm.

Shishiba rushed and swung his hammer at her. "I don't care. You're going to die, after all."

Her smile turned into a wicked smirk as veins appeared on her face. "You damn punk!"


Four other intruders can be seen in the library.

One of them spoke. "Damn, where is this stupid thing?"

Another shook his head as he kicked a bookshelf over. "Why can't we get this stupid thing over with? I'm done killing nobodies."


The entrance to the library slowly opened.

Catching the attention of the four, they turn around.

A third rolls his eyes. "It's just an old man."

The old man spoke nonsense. "_̷͓̆-̶̝̥͗_̵̣̘͌-̸͙̘͋̚_̷͉̑̕-̷̢͍̋̃_̴̝̺̉̾-̷̡͇̆_̸̧̪͛-̸̨͍͊̃_̷̥̈-̴̱͛_̵̧̎̈-̴͖̻̄̚_̷̭͐͛ͅ-̴̟̈́_̴͉͕͌-̸̛̼̌_̸͍̞͌̾-̶̢̃̓_̵̪͛̅-̷̢̰͂́_̵̻̜̏-̶̻̍͂_̷̬͋͛-̴͙͂͋_̵̫̠̊̚-̵̭̈̒_̸̪̮̌-̴͈̮̍_̴̯̆-̶̦̣̋͘_̴̟̝͝"

The fourth intruder speaks up. "Just kill 'em so we can get back to this."

A few words escaped the old man's mouth. "Scumbags like you four don't deserve life."


His sword is drawn for not even half of a second.

Something strange happened to everyone.

They all had one thought.


'Why am I looking at the sky?'


They didn't know that they were already dead.

Everything went dark for them.

The old man they thought wasn't a big deal ended up being Takamura, the phantom of the JAA.



Putting up his arms, the intruder kicks Boiled in the stomach.


Boiled goes flying as he crashes into a wall.

The intruder gives a disappointed expression. "While you're better than the others, you're still weak."

Boiled smirked and pulled out a cigarette as blood covered his body. "Might as well have one last smoke."

After taking many strikes, he could barely move his body.

The man shook his head. "I'm going to end this. You're boring."

He walked over to Boiled and raised a fist.

Boiled smiled. "You really are hard-boiled, friend. What took you so long...Toji?"

The man tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.


He quickly spun around as he felt a gust of wind pass him. "What?"



He couldn't react as a dagger was shoved through the underside of his head, exiting his skull.




Toji smiled. "That makes three."

Cliche school terrorist invasion.

JaxWolf4creators' thoughts