
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 80: Gojo vs Mute.

Inside the middle of Tokyo, a powerful gust of wind roared through the city as the air crackled from Mute glaring up at Gojo standing on the top of a glass skyscraper. Gojo grinned before cockily speaking.

" Don't you think our battle is a little overdue Mute? "

Mute smirked at Gojo as his cloak flapped wildly in the wind, Mute responded to Gojo in the same cocky tone. 

" I have to agree, your funeral is far overdue. You should have died when Toji tried to kill you."

Annoyance itched across Gojo's face, clearly, the statement from Mute brought up troubled past memories, seeing Gojo's annoyed face, Mute increased the snake spirit wrapped around his wrist size before slowly pulling out a long chain. The chain drops onto the floor making a loud thud before combusting into bright orange metal, Gojo gazes at the chain before he takes a deep breath and starts bending his knees, Gojo locks eyes with Mute before he leaps off the building, shattering the ground under him.

Gojo flies off the building hurling toward Mute, Mute stares up at the falling Gojo while he flicks his wrist spinning his chain rapidly. The chain spins until Mute yanks his arm, flinging it towards Gojo with incredible speed. 

The chain slithers through the air like a snake before it's frozen by Gojo's infinity, Gojo leans to the left falling past the chain until he spins with his leg high above his head. Gojo throws a lightning-fast axe kick. Mute crosses his arm preparing to block the kick until his eyes suddenly widen and he dashes back.

Gojo's heel narrowly misses Mute face as it slams into the floor making a loud bang followed by the sound of cracking, the floor starts to rapidly crack as Gojo stares at Mute with a confused expression clearly Mute and Gojo both feel something odd.

The confused look on Mute's face drops as he dashes forward swiftly swinging his chain. The chain flickers like a whip, Gojo tracks the chain with his eyes before ducking under it, and dashing towards the sprinting Mute, throwing a powerful overhand.

Gojo's feet come to a sliding stop as the overhand is mere inches away from Mute's face, the air starts to warp around Gojo's knuckles until the mighty punch slams into Mute's launching him off the building. Mute cloak blows wildly in the wind as his body descends out of the sky. Mute face is drenched in confusion clearly something is wrong.

Mute flips in the air while he rapidly descends, Mute glances to his left and sees a plethora of scaffolding on the side of a skyscraper, the air around Mute's body warps as he shrinks the distance, appearing on the the scaffolding. 

Mute stands on the scaffolding motionless until he spits blood out of his mouth while staring into the sky watching Gojo rapidly falling towards him, Gojo grins wildly while throwing a kick that Mute grazes the top of Mute's head barely missing. Gojo lands on the scaffolding before shuffling his feet, throwing a kick at Mute's head. 

Mute leans back as the kick slams into the glass skyscraper next to them. The glass shatters falling towards them, the glass keeps falling until suddenly turning orange, melting from the intense heat of Mute's chain. The chain flies through the molten glass as it hurls towards Gojo.

The chain gets mere inches away from Gojo before freezing to infinity, Mute yanks back his chain annoyed while stumbling back gaining distance away from Gojo, Gojo lunges toward the stumbling Mute before his eyes widen. Gojo sees a massive amount of curse energy entering the chain, the chain grazes against the falling molten glass, rapidly increasing the molten glass size, creating a molten wall in front of Mute. 

Gojo scoffs before powerfully punching through the wall, the molten wall is easily destroyed however, on the other side of the wall, Mute has vanished. Gojo stumbles forward until his eyes widen sensing an odd but familiar energy. Gojo's eyes look around trying to find the source of the odd energy, before the glass skyscraper on his left shatters. 

Mute crashes through the glass window throwing a punch, Gojo glances to his left before his infinity stops Mute's punch, Gojo scoffs before mocking Mute.

" Did you really think a- "

Gojo stops talking after seeing a grin appear on Mute's face, he's clearly figured something. Mute pulls back his right fist before throwing another punch. With lightning-fast reflexes Gojo ducks under the punch while twirling around Mute's body throwing an elbow.

The fast elbow slams under Mute's right eye, making him stumble back while blood pours down his face from a cut under his eye. Mute keeps stumbling back until Gojo dashes forward throwing a kick, Mute smacks his lips while he crouches dodging the kick before rolling off the scaffolding, falling to another level.

Mute lands on the wooden boards barely having enough time to regain his balance before being forced to dash back. A power punch grazes the side of Mute slamming into the wooden boards and snapping them in half, Gojo and Mute fall down with thousands of splinters falling with them. 

Gojo and Mute lock eyes before Gojo spins throwing a kick that slips through Mute's guard slamming into Mute's stomach, a shockwave ripples out as Mute vomits out blood. Mute is launched off the scaffolding with his right side grinding across the skyscraper, Mute twirls standing up on his feet.

Mute feet slide down the skyscraper with his gaze forward, watching Gojo sprint down the skyscraper, his powerful steps cracking the glass. In a split second, Gojo appears in front of Mute throwing a punch. Mute crosses his feet before twirling dodging the punch. Mute is about to swing his chain before his feet lose traction with the windows of the skyscraper.

Mute slips off the skyscraper, as Gojo throws a kick that slams into Mute's wrist making him drop the chain. Mute's body is propelled off the skyscraper before crashing into a nearby car park, Gojo leaps off the skyscraper and is about to land in the car park before his six eyes see a massive amount of cursed energy.

With a loud bang, the entire side of the car park is destroyed as a massive stone pillar is shot toward Gojo, Gojo stares at the pillar before flipping in the air narrowly dodging it. The pillar crashes into the skyscraper behind Gojo forming a horizontal stone bridge connecting the two buildings. 

Gojo lands on the stone bridge laughing, watching Mute slowly walk on the bridge approaching him. Mute starts to twitch his fingers sending a web of razor-sharp string towards Gojo. The web of string soars through the air until it unravels after slamming into Gojo's infinity. 

" Hey, if they asked who caused this damage you have to take the blame you know. "

Mute looked at Gojo confused until a red aura started to swirl around his body, Mute eyes widened knowing that Gojo was about to use "Red", during his years trapped in dungeons, Null told Mute most of Gojo's techniques. However, experiencing Gojo's attacks is far different than just being told about them, Mute will soon learn this. 

Gojo points his index finger in the sky as the red aura swirls into a red ball hovering above his finger, Gojo smirks before he speaks. 

" Red. "

The ball instantly shoots toward Mute. Casting a red aura over Mute's body. Mute smirks before slowly walking towards the red ball flying towards him. The ball powerfully flies towards Mute making the air swirl around it until the ball suddenly powerfully clashes with an invisible force. 

The air starts to tremble as the ball stays in the air motionless. Powerful gusts of wind admit from the two forces clashing. Mute walks towards Gojo with the ball illuminating his body red. Mute has veins popping out of his head as he constantly stops the ball from moving. Mute slowly approaches Gojo until he grabs the right side of his head. Blood starts to leak out of Mute's nose, and his right eye becomes bloodshot. 

The red ball fades away, while Mute stops a few feet away from Gojo. The reason Mute started to bleed profusely out of his nose is simple. The cost of stopping Gojo's attack drained a lot of Mute's cursed energy. It was easily the strongest attack Mute's ever stopped. 

Gojo scoffs seeing Mute's bloody face before he cockily speaks. 

" Your sister managed to survive two reds. Let's see if you can top that. "

Gojo lunges at Mute throwing a punch. Mute stares at the punch approach before his eyes dilate from him intensely staring at Gojo's knuckles. The air starts to warp around Gojo's fist until the fist slams into Mute's chin causing him to stumble back in clear pain.

Blood leaks out of Mute's mouth until Gojo lets out a loud laugh and speaks. 

" So that's what you're trying to do. What's wrong? Can you not stop my punches like you could with my Red? "

What Gojo said was correct. Since the first exchange, the first thing Mute checked was if he could stop Gojo's movements. Unfortunately for him, that wasn't the case. Mute has spent the entire fight trying to figure out a way to get past Gojo's infinity. However, Mute does know why he can't stop Gojo's punches. It's due to him not understanding how Gojo's infinity works. 

This isn't too surprising. A simple human mind cannot truly grasp what infinity truly is. But the biggest question running through Mute's mind is: How come their abilities don't nullify each other? The answer to this question is also quite simple. It's due to Gojo's six eyes. Gojo understands how Mute is freezing objects by constantly keeping them at the same distance until the object or attack loses power or momentum and falls to the ground or fades away. 

This question runs rampant through Mute's mind as he stumbles back. He takes one more step back before he takes a deep breath and sends a string soaring towards Gojo. Gojo stares at the string carelessly until his eyes widen sensing the strange energy again. Gojo looks to his right before a rigid piece of metal pierces through his infinity and grazes across Gojo's face, drawing blood. 

Gojo stands still in shock as Mute smacks his lips and yanks the piece of metal back with a piece of string that is wrapped around the piece of metal. The piece of metal shrinks back to its original size. Gojo wipes the cut with his thumb before he stares at the blood on his finger. 

Hundreds of thoughts run through his mind before he looks at Mute and speaks.

" I destroyed that blade. How do you have it? "

Mute doesn't answer Gojo's question, instead just shrugging his shoulders. The Inverted Spear of Heaven has the ability to stop any active technique. However, since this is only a piece of the cursed tool, the effect of the technique has weakened dramatically. If the cursed tool was at its usual strength, Mute could never enlarge the tool. 

The only reason the tool was able to pierce through Gojo's infinity was because it was there for more than 10 seconds slowly piercing through the infinity until Mute enlarged the blade causing it to shoot through the infinity.

Mute knew Gojo's eyes would be so focused on the air warping around his fist, to the point that he wouldn't notice such a small piece of metal piercing through his infinity. However, the only downside of wielding the tool is the fact that Mute has to pour a massive amount of cursed energy into the blade so the effects of the cursed tool don't shrink the tool back to its original size. 

Mute takes a deep breath, as Gojo stares at him. The cocky look on his face is gone. Gojo now takes Mute as a serious threat. Mute scoffs before he speaks.

" What happened to the smug look on your fac- "

Before Mute could finish, Gojo's body flickered before reappearing directly in front of him. Mute eyes track a fist before a mighty uppercut slams into his chin launching Mute high into the air. Mute grits his teeth in pain before a figure leaps up past him and a lightning-fast kick slams into Mute's side. 

The force of the kick propels Mute's body through the air causing him to twirl and flip in the air. Blood pours out of Mute's mouth before a red light blinds his vision. Mute can see the silhouette of Gojo upside down in the air with a red ball hovering over his index finger.

The red ball is fired towards the falling Mute. The force of the ball shatters windows from skyscrapers as the wind swirls around the ball. Mute stares at the ball approaching until he locks onto a falling glass shard and shrinks the distance between him and the shard appearing next to it. Mute watches as the red ball flies past him, as sweat pours off his nose. 

Mute takes a deep breath before he locks eyes with Gojo who is falling towards the ground. Mute stares at Gojo and is about to shrink the distance until a noise happens.


The sound of metal and glass being destroyed enters Mute's ears. Mute glances behind him before a red light shines through the broken windows. Mute's eyes widen before the red ball crashes through the skyscraper slamming into Mute's back. A massive explosion happens behind Mute as his eyes become hazy. The back of Mute's cloak is completely destroyed. As he falls out of the air.

While falling out of the air, the sound of jumping could be heard. Mute eyes widen seeing a fist inches away from his face. Before Mute could react a powerful punch slammed into his nose making a massive shockwave ripple through the air.

Mute's body flies through the air before repeatedly bouncing off the road before he flips in the air coming to a sliding stop next to a crowd of people, who stare at him in shock. Blood pours down Mute's face as he breathes heavily until a deranged smile appears on his face and he enlarges Toji's weapon. And lunges toward a charging Gojo. 

Gojo and Mute dodge each other's blows until ultimately a kick slams into Mute's stomach causing him to crash through a car parking lot. Gojo walks through the hole in the building as Mute lies back first on the ground breathing heavily. Gojo struts over towards Mute and stands over him. Gojo tightly balls his fist and is about to throw a punch until Mute grins.

Gojo stares at him confused until something slams into his chin contorting his face. A black rope has slammed into Gojo's chin. Gojo stumbles back as Mute rolls and dashes back coming to a sliding stop next to Miguel. 

Miguel glances at Mute before speaking.

" Right. "

Gojo looks at them confused before Mute and Miguel dash right at the same time. Gojo starts to chase after Miguel and Mute. The chase lasts for only three minutes until Miguel and Mute come to a sliding stop. Gojo's eyes widen when seeing a massive crowd of humans behind them. Miguel and Mute's plan was straightforward: find a massive crowd of people to limit Gojo's abilities. 

Gojo smacks his lips annoyed before he lunges at Mute and Miguel. Miguel swings his rope as Mute dashes towards Gojo enlarging Toji's blade. Mute swings the blade at Gojo before it slowly starts to pierce through his infinity, but before it can fully pierce. Gojo throws a punch that slams into Mute's chin, Mute staggers until a rope goes over Mute's shoulder, and the rope slams into Gojo's nose, rocking his head back.

Mute and Miguel continue to dash toward Gojo overwhelming him with their relentless attacks. Miguel swings his rope at Gojo's face causing a hole to open up in his infinity. The rope slams into Gojo's face before a kick from Mute slams into Gojo's chin making him wobble back. 

What Mute and Miguel are doing is. When Miguel attacks with his rope a small hole opens in Gojo's infinity giving Mute enough time to shrink the distance and land an attack of his own. However, a major problem for Mute is clearly becoming apparent. He is quickly running out of cursed energy from enlarging the blade. This is why he has given up on enlarging the blade until he is sure that the next attack with the blade is a killing blow. 

Miguel leaps into the air before swinging his rope down at Mute. Gojo looks up at the attack from Miguel before Mute ducks placing his hand on the ground. A massive pillar forms under Gojo's feet, Gojo's body is pushed up before the rope slams directly into Gojo's shoulder.

Gojo grits his teeth irritated before he spins slamming a kick into Miguel's side sending him crashing onto the ground. Miguel bounces off the ground in pain before he glances to his right and pushes off the ground flipping over a kick from Gojo. Miguel lands on his feet watching Gojo duck under a kick from Mute. 

Mute and Miguel throw a variety of blows at Gojo until Miguel's rope is halfway gone. Seeing that they were running out of time. Mute and Miguel locked eyes before nodding their heads. Miguel swung his rope, as Gojo casually leaned to the right dodging it. Until his eyes widened feeling his feet moving. 

Gojo glances at the floor and sees a pillar under his feet pushing him forward. Gojo looks forward before noticing that Miguel has disappeared. He glances behind him before he realizes that Miguel's rope is hovering around him. Miguel wrapped his rope around Gojo in a flash. 

The way Miguel moved so fast was from Mute's innate technique. Mute shrunk the distance between him and Miguel making Miguel appear behind Gojo in a flash. Miguel pulls his hand back causing the rope to tighten, clamping around Gojo.

The rope starts to burn away rapidly as Mute lunges at Gojo enlarging the blade in his palm. A deranged look appears on Mute's face as he swings at Gojo's jugular while yelling. 

" This is the end Satoru Gojo!"-


A thunderous clap suddenly echoes out, rippling through the air. Mute stares at his blade inching closer to Gojo's jugular until his body suddenly flickers, reappearing in a car park. Mute stumbles forward from swinging until a power sucker-punch slams into Mute's chin contorting his head and launching him through several cars. 

Mute's body slides across the concrete floor of the car park as blood leaks out of his face. Mute looks forward and sees a dust cloud from him slamming through cars. He stares through the smoke cloud until a woman's silhouette can be seen. Mute stares at the silhouette breathing heavily until the silhouette speaks asking a question. 

" Before we fight, I must ask you an important question. What's your type of woman? "...