
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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156 Chs

Chapter 79: Its Here

Mimiko and Nanako's hurried footsteps could be heard as they sprinted through dark cold alleyways. Heading towards the right side of the city. Unbeknownst to them a set of eyes was watching every single one of their movements. Mute and Miguel were standing on the top of a large concrete building. Right next to it was a slightly taller glass skyscraper. 

Mute and Miguel were explaining a plan on how they planned to defeat Gojo before they were distracted by seeing Nanako and Mimiko fleeing while carrying Negi. Miguel glanced at Mute before he spoke once again.

" Populated correct? "

Mute looks over at Miguel before nodding his head. Miguel leaps off the building falling towards the street. Mute crosses his arms watching Miguel fall off the building... 

Back in Kyoto. The sound of fighting could be heard. Followed by a yell of pure rage. Yuta takes a powerful step before dashing forward and slashing his katana. Geto grins cockily before sidestepping the slash. Geto punches at Yuta before he feints it and dashes back dodging a massive white claw. 

" Yuta. " 

Says Rika glaring at Geto. Yuta takes a deep breath trying to calm himself down, before tightly gripping onto the handle of his katana. Yuta slowly walks towards Geto before his body flickers reappearing directly in front of Geto. Yuta twists his forearm slashing across his body. The blade blurs in the air from the intense speed until.

Sparks fly through the air from a cursed tortoise forming in front of the blade. Yuta slices the spirit in half as Geto dashes back. Waving his hand sending several snake spirits slithering through the air. Yuta stares at the flying spirits unworried before a massive claw swipes the spirits destroying them. 

Yuta instantly dashes forward passing the sliced snakes with his eyes keenly focused on Geto. Yuta callsuses grip on the hilt of his katana as he swings at Geto who tracks the formidable strike with his eyes. The blade slices through the air until it narrowly misses slicing Geto's robe. 

Geto smacks his lips annoyed before he twirls throwing a kick at Yuta's chin. Geto's heel moves forward a few inches before powerfully slamming into Rika's shoulder. Geto scoffs before twirling narrowly dodging a swipe from Rika. Geto jumps into the air before landing on the brown metal shingles on a building next to Yuta and Rika. 

Geto looks down at Yuta before he extends his hand next to his face before a worm forms next to him. The worms spit out the handle of red nunchucks. Geto grabs onto the handle before pulling out the nunchucks. Geto glares at Yuta before speaking.

" Don't worry, your death will be the key to getting rid of these monkeys. " 

Yuta looks at Geto like he's insane before Rika lets out a loud roar and lunges towards Geto. Rika's attacks crashing through the building, forcing Geto to leap off the roof. As soon as Geto lands back on the ground, he's forced to lean to the right, dodging a precise thrust from Yuta. 

Geto grins while he moves his nunchucks with deadly finesse. One of the nunchucks swirls around Yuta's blade slamming into Yuta's chin causing blood to pour out of Yuta's mouth as he stumbles to the right before Rika's deafening roar is heard. Rika was furious after seeing Yuta getting hit. The powerful roar blew Geto back sending his feet skidding across the ground. 

Geto comes to a stop while Yuta regains his composure and points his katana forward in a stance while Rika stands next to him shielding him. Deeming white light glowed out of Yuta's eyes before he dashed forward thrusting his katana. The blade narrowly grazes the side of Yuta before Geto throws a quick knee that rocks Yuta's head back. 

Yuta stumbles back while Rika dashes past him wildly swinging her claws at Geto who sways his body evading each blow. Before he rolls under a swing and dashes towards the staggered Yuta.

Yuta sees Geto dashing at him with Rika chasing after him. Yuta gets into a weak guard while Geto stares through him calculating all of the weaknesses of his guard. Geto begins to spin the nunchucks in perfect harmony before he twirls throwing a wide attack. Yuta's eyes see a blurry object approaching his chin and out of pure luck. 

Yuta's wobbly legs cause him to slip making the nunchuck graze the top of his head only ruffling his hair. Geto stares at the slipping Yuta in disbelief until he spins narrowly blocking Rika's claw using his weapon. However, Rika's attack still launches Geto back making him crash through a building. 

Yuta sits on the ground breathing heavily before gingerly standing back up. Yuta glances at Rika before speaking. 

" Don't worry about me. Just make sure you destroy Geto. " 

As soon as Yuta said this, The sound of maniacal laughter could be heard. Followed by footsteps. Geto walks out of the hole in the building before speaking to Yuta. 

" Don't lie to her Yuta. You're only alive right now out of pure luck. "...

While Yuta and Geto battled raged on. Back inside Shinjuku. Mute could be seen staring down at sorcerers getting slaughtered by cursed spirits. Mute stares at the sorcerer as a powerful wind blows his cloak in the wind. Mute eyes focus on the battle between the sorcerers and the cursed spirits until his eyes widen sensing a powerful gaze looking down on him.

Mute looks to his right and stares through the windows of a massive glass skyscraper. However, he doesn't see anyone until he looks at the very top of the skyscraper. And saw a figure standing on top of the skyscraper glaring at him. 

A wide grin appeared on Mute's face as he reached up and took off his black mask before throwing it off the building he was standing on. The figure reached up as well pulling off several bandage wraps making two blue eyes pierce through the sky. 

The man Mute was staring at was no other than Gojo. Gojo and Mute glare at each other. Their grand battle will finally begin...