An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.
One day later, after Null met her brother in the skyscraper, just outside Tokyo going down a dirt road, a black limo could be seen, inside the limbo were a bunch of grade 3 sorcerers, the sorcerers were going into a small town on the edges of Tokyo to exorcise a grade 2 curse running rampant in the town.
Two women and three men were inside the limbo. The majority of them were leaning their heads on the limbo's dark glass windows asleep, except for two. A woman with black hair with blue highlights, and a frail elderly man, both of them wearing black suits.
The two of them were talking about the upcoming curse.
" Apparently the curse we're going to exorcise controls insects, which is disgusting to think about."
Says the woman staring at the elderly man, the man just scoffs before shaking his head and looking outside Limo's window, he ponders to himself before speaking.
" Ah, I was going to tell y'all this later, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. I plan on retiring after this mission. I need to spend more time with my grandkids. "
The woman looks at the man in shock before a grin appears on her face and she speaks.
" Congrats, it's about time you retired. You're going to be like 100 in a couple of months. "
The elderly man starts to chuckle at the stupid joke until he feels the car slowing down. The elderly man glances back at the driver and sees him staring keenly at the road while pressing the brakes coming to a complete stop.
The driver stared at the road in shock until he looked back at the elderly man and spoke.
" Hey, there's a dead body on the road. It's a young girl... "
The woman and elderly man's eyes widened before they quickly opened the limo doors, waking up the other sleeping sorcerers. They stepped out of the limo and walked towards the dead body.
The young girl's face was completely bashed in, covered in bruises and blood, her nails were cracked with blood under them. It was clear that she tried her hardest to fight back. The elderly man stared at the body before speaking in a serious voice.
" This wasn't caused by a cursed spirit, this was definitely a human. "
The other sorcerers nodded their heads in agreement before the woman with highlights spoke standing next to the elderly man.
" We can't ponder on this for too long. We'll just have to drag this body to the side of the road and call someone to pick up the body. The longer we spend here, the longer the curse kills in that town. "
The elderly man sighed in agreement before grabbing onto the corpse's wrists, and dragging it, to the side of the road while this was happening, a ginger man was on the phone, the phone rang repeatedly but no one answered, the ginger man smacked his lips annoyed before he left a voice message.
" Hey, I'm leaving this voice message to ask you to send someone to receive the body of a young girl on the side of the road. We're about 15 minutes away from reaching the town, so you can do the math on how far along we're on this dirt road. "
The ginger man stopped talking and slid his phone into his black dress pants. He quickly signaled for the other sorcerers to head back into the limo by waving his fingers. They quickly entered the limo, and the limo started to move.
The atmosphere in the limo has changed. They were carefree being able to sleep, however, after seeing the corpse of the young girl, the atmosphere was dire and serious. Everyone stared blankly and silently thought to themselves.
The woman with highlights stared outside the limo window as hundreds of thoughts ran through her mind...
Why would there be a body of a young girl so far away from the town? I can't understand why. The amount of cursed energy leaking off her body suggests that a sorcerer killed her and not an average human. Was it a warning?
I know Furui was shaken up after seeing that corpse. He was just talking about spending time with his grandkids. I glance at his elderly body and see him staring blankly at the limo floorboard.
It's just as I thought. I need to somehow lighten up the atmosphere or our teamwork will be sloppy. If we beat ourselves mentally before we fight the curse, the chances of one of us dying are far higher. I cough catching the other sorcerer's attention but before I can say anything, in the corner of the window left to me, I see a figure sitting on a tree branch.
Before I can say anything a massive boom happens. I feel the limo lift up from the ground. I look out the window and see a sliced tire before the limo violently crashes into the ground repeatedly flipping. My head slams into the window as the other sorcerers slam into the limo's roof until we come to a screeching halt, and the limo is upside down.
I feel blood pouring up the left side of my face, as I unclip my seat belt and fall face-first into the limo roof, I glance around and see the other sorcerers rolling on the limo's roof in pain, I glance up at the driver before my eyes widened, a small cut went across his throat, he was dead.
" Hey, Aoi, Is dead. "
I yell out, the others stare at me in shock, however, they aren't looking at my face instead looking behind me, I glance behind me and stare out of the cracked window, I see two feet approaching me, I turn back around and try to crawl away before I hear the sound of glass shattering, I feel something grab onto my hair before I'm pulled back out of the limo.
My body scrapes around the ground, as I'm forcibly pulled, I lock eyes with Furui before my head is violently slammed into the dirt road. I feel a sharp pain engulfing the back of my head. My vision slowly goes dark until I can no longer see...
Three hours later after the sorcerers were ambushed, inside the Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School, Shoko could be seen working on an injured sorcerer calmly, until her phone rang. She pulled out her phone and answered a call.
She listened to the call in shock. She was just told that a group of sorcerers were heavily injured and were being sent towards her in ambulances. After the phone call ends, Shoko sighs heavily before placing her phone on the surgical table and murmuring to herself.
"There are far more sorcerers getting injured. What's going on?"
Shoko was getting overwhelmed by the amount of sorcerers, so she quickly finished up the patient on the table before they left. Shoko leaned on the table clearly drained. She stared at the tile floor under her blankly until the door leading into the operating room opened.
Shoko glances over at the door and sees Maki walking into the room with a deep cut going along her arm. Shoko stares at the cut before sighing and walking over to Maki. And grabs onto her arm, healing the wound while talking.
" I understand, you're trying to prove the Zenin Clan wrong, but over-training your body will lead to nothing. Expect long-term injuries. "
Maki nodded her head before talking.
" Thank you for healing that wound, but that wasn't the main reason I'm here. I was told to come to tell you that the injured sorcerers have arrived. "
Shoko's eyes widened. The sorcerer had arrived far earlier than she expected. She nodded her head at Maki before watching her leave. Shoko checked her phone lying on the table. The time was 3:25 PM...
After many hours, the time is 11:25 Pm. Shoko could be seen leaning against the surgical table with sweat running down her face. She had just finished healing an elderly man. However, she couldn't save him. The injuries he received were far too severe for even Shoko to heal. The elderly man's heart was shrunk.
Shoko took a deep breath before pushing herself off the table and standing up tall. While healing the sorcerers Shoko noticed that whoever attacked them left them alive on purpose. All the wounds were precisely done to be unfatal except for the elderly man who was killed.
However, Shoko came to the conclusion that the group was surprised when they were attacked, based on how much cursed energy they had. Everyone had almost full cursed energy except for the elderly man, meaning that he tried to fight back, which is probably why he was killed.
Shoko left the surgery room before walking outside. It was night, the only light source was a bright full moon. Shoko looked up at the moon before she heard a set of footsteps and looked forward. Shoko watched as two silhouettes walked towards her. The air started to crackle, as the footsteps of the figure stepped together in unison until a voice called out.
" Wow, you're finally done Shoko. "
Shoko watched as Maki and Panda walked towards her with grins on their faces. Shoko stares at them confused, until Panda and Maki suddenly start to run towards her. Shoko raises her guard getting into a stance until both Maki and Panda stop on a dime and start laughing before Panda speaks.
" Wow, we really got you Shoko. We're practicing scaring people. Halloween is going to happen in less than a week, "
Shoko sighed while shaking her head clearly annoyed by the two foolish actions, before she spoke in a serious voice while walking past them.
" Stop the silly antics, something odd is happening right now, I just can't put my finger on what it is. "
Panda and Maki glance back at Shoko walking past them confused. Shoko keeps on walking for 10 minutes after walking through a narrow alleyway. She is next to a road. She is waiting for a driver to come to pick her up. After a few more minutes pass, Shoko starts glancing left to right, trying to find the driver as her hair is blown in the wind.
Shoko noticed that something was wrong. Her driver wouldn't take this long to pick her up. She keeps on looking around until the smell of fresh blood enters her nose. Her eyes widen before she turns around and looks up.
Standing directly above Shoko on metal roofs, were two cloaked figures holding onto a dead body with its neck snapped. The two cloaked figure silhouettes were lit up from the bright full moon behind them. Shoko stared at the figures as sweat rolled off her nose...
The assassination of Shoko has begun...