
Chapter 144: The Day Prior To The Culling Games.

Drip Drip Drip

The time was 2 PM, and the sound of dripping water rippled through the Penthouse. Two hours prior, Mute had met with the Jujutsu High Sorcerers. And just like he expected, the sorcerers agreed to the binding vow. Mute himself, could be seen standing in front of a window, with his hair soaked. 

He had recently gotten out of the shower. And was wearing only gray sweatpants. The wounds that covered his body from the many battles he was involved in during the Shibuya incident. Were gone, his RCT had fully returned. Sitting on the same cushioned chair, that Mute sat on the day prior was Mai holding onto a small wooden box. 

Inside the box were golden earrings. Of course, these earrings weren't normal instead they were a cursed tool. Something that Mute was about to explain to Mai. 

"What's the point of these? " Asked Mai with a confused look on her face. 

" They are a cursed energy transmitter. I need you to wear them before you enter the culling games. I'm guessing that Kenjaku is going to set up some type of barrier or veil. " Mai looked over at Mute before talking again. 

" That doesn't answer my question. I asked what the point of them was, not what they were. Besides if Kenjaku creates a barrier or veil surely, he'll block any signals that are transmitted with the barrier? " 

" Transmitter was a broad term, I shouldn't have used. The earrings don't use signals to communicate instead they use curse energy. Kenjaku wants me to enter the barrier, so I doubt he'll block my energy from entering or exiting the barrier. With those earrings, I'll be able to sense the curse energy surrounding you. But unfortunately for you, you won't be able to hear my voice. " Mai scoffed at the comment before she spoke. 

" That's a good thing. But you want me to be your scout, correct? "

" Exactly, I'll wait an hour or two before entering the barrier. Just survive for those hours and then you can use me to survive. As soon as I enter the barrier, I'll target the strongest there and eliminate them. The only problem with this plan is that I don't know the rules of the game. And knowing Kenjaku, they probably are some bullshit. " Mute said with an annoyed look on his face. Mai just shook her head, until she stood up from the chair and asked a question. 

" I'm about to go downstairs and get food. Do you want anything? " As soon as Mai said this, Mute's eyes widened and he spoke with a grin on his face.

" If you can pay for it. Then sure. "...

Many Days passed until finally, the day of November 1st, arrived. Standing on top of a skyscraper in Tokyo was Mute and Mai. The wind blew powerfully, making Mai and Mute's hairs flow in the wind. Mai held down on her hair staring through the gap in her fingers, until she asked a question.

" How do you know that the culling games are about to start? " 

"I can feel it. There's a lot of curse energy gathering here. It's most likely Kenjaku about to create a barrier. I say in less than two minutes one is about to form. " Responded Mute, Mai nodded until she spoke again.

" I have been thinking about it. And I finally want to ask you. During the first meeting with the Jujutsu High Sorcerers in that forest. What did you mean, when you said this meeting was most important to Shoko? " As soon as Mai asked this, the powerful wind blowing, stopped oddly. And Mute grew quiet. Mai stared at Mute's back confused until finally he spoke. 

" I can't tell you. I made another binding vow with Kenjaku to not discuss this. But it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. " 

" Not too hard to figure out? " Right when Mai started to think about it. The sound of warping wind rippled through the air before a massive pitch-black barrier formed. However, unlike Mute expected. It wasn't just one barrier. Instead, it was multiple. 

" There's more than one? " Said Mute surprised. Mai stared at the massive barriers in awe until abruptly Mute spoke to her. 

" Change of plans. We will enter the barrier together. " 

" Together? " 

" Yes together. I didn't expect there to be multiple barriers. I figure he would make one, and make it a single moshpit of powerful sorcerers. That would seem to be the fastest way to gather curse energy. And there's no point in scouting a barrier when there are several. " Said Mute, Mai quickly nodded and asked a question. 

" Which one are we entering? " 

" The left one. The other one is focused more on the sea and the left one probably has more resources for us to use. When we enter the barrier, you go left and I'll go right. I'll sense the energy around you using those earrings. And if there is someone strong. I'll appear next to you. "

" Then what's the point of splitting up? " Asked Mai. 

" It'll be better if you were far away, I'm sure the potency of my curse energy will attract several curses and sorcerers. And protecting you and fighting several sorcerers will be a hassle. " As soon as Mute said this, he and Mai quickly walked towards the edge of the skyscraper, and leapt off of it, hurling into the barrier. Unbeknownst to both Mute and Mai, the colony they entered was Tokyo Colony #1...