
Zenin's Last Plan:

An adult from Earth is reincarnated into JJk with no knowledge and is forced into Zenin's desperate plan to finally kill Gojo.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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151 Chs

Chapter 136: RCT Switch

" Your death will be more worthless than Yuki's " 

Mute and Yuta glared at each other, the wind roared powerfully as the two special grades glared at each other, Yuji watched as Mute slid his feet apart getting in a stance. Yuji knew how powerful Mute was. All the rumors about Mute paint him as a powerful rogue sorcerer who killed lives with no remorse. 

Which is entirely true. However, unbeknownst to Yuji. Mute's curse energy has returned almost fully. This estranged fact was running through Yuta's mind, who was confused... 

How? That doesn't make sense. Hakari should have battled him, so he couldn't recover his energy. Unless Mute could fend off Hakari without burning more curse energy than he regains? But that is also unlikely. Tsk, what the hell did he do?

I'll figure it out later, right now, I need to focus on battling him. Shoko is currently healing Hakari. If I can fend off Mute for a minute or two. Hakari will be able to join me, making it a 2v1. My chances of winning skyrocket if he joins. But he probably knows this and will try to kill me quickly. 

And the best way to kill me, isn't engaging in direct combat, it's forcing me to protect something, which is why, his eyes are glancing around, looking at Yuji and Todo. Damn it, I miss fighting brainless curses. I tightly hold onto my katana's hilt, before I feel my pupils shrink and I focus on the curse energy surrounding the area. 

When Mute teleports with his cursed technique. He must first focus his curse energy on a certain object or person. The result of doing this, is that a small almost unnoticeable trail of curse energy stretches out from his body. And gathers near that object. 

It gives me a way to predicate where Mute will teleport. However, to counter this, Mute creates several trails that spread from his body aimlessly. The fake trails gather curse energy next to several other objects, making it a guessing game where he will teleport.

I'm sure the fake trails have some inconsistency in their energy but only someone like Gojo-sensei could see it. I watch as the trails of curse energy start to gather energy until suddenly, Mute crosses his fingers and starts to chant. 

" Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure "

I watch as a pitch-black veil descends from the sky, I peek around until Mute speaks with a grin on his face. 

" Looks like you have some more allies, Yuta. " I stare at him confused until I glance to my right and see Panda gingerly walking toward us with Kusakabe following closely behind. I stare at them before Mute abruptly speaks to the curse behind him. 

" You think you can handle that brat, and Todo by yourself? " The spirit nods its head while gingerly standing up, the spirit in a single swift motion, lunges at Yuji. I quickly lean to my left getting ready to cut him off, before suddenly Mute teleports in front of me, throwing a lightning-fast punch that I narrowly block with the dull side of my blade...

As Yuta and Mute begin their rematch, nearby, Hakari could be seen leaning on a destroyed red car while Shoko was healing his missing limbs. Shoko's face was covered in sweat and her body was trembling. It was quite obvious that she was running out of energy. Hakari had regained one of his hands and was waiting for the other. 

They were both quiet, their minds racing with thoughts on how to defeat Mute and the curses. Before suddenly, a veil descended from the sky. Trapping them, Hakari glanced over at Shoko, speaking. 

" That veil? Who do you think created? " 

" Mute. Before Geto passed away, he taught Mute several veil chants. " Hakari nodded, while staring foward sensing the powerful cursed energies of Mute and Yuta. He took a single deep breath prepping himself for the battle... Until a sudden chill went down his spine. 

Hakari quickly snapped his head back, before locking eyes with a strange man, that easily walked through the veil. The man pressed his thumb on his forehead while grinning. Shoko glanced back before her heart sank and the man spoke.

" Who said? I passed away? "...