

I made this story a long time ago. So please be nice whenever it doesn't make sense. But this story is about a group that tries to make it with fighting evil everyday and having a family to take care of. Hopefully they can do both.

GeekyCryBaby · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

S1-Episode 3

The week was long during the day. Everyone tried to go back to normal but they couldn't. With Maria's death, Paarthurax, stayed in his home with her body. He tried bringing her back with one potion after the next. He tried spells, different powers but nothing worked. So he laid his head next to her body. It was not decaying or anything. It was still normal...like if she was alive.

Suddenly the door to the room opens. Some light hits Paarthurax in the eye.

"Hey!" He yells angry.

"Sorry..." April says shutting it quickly.

"Oh...it's alright.." he calms down realizing it's her. "I'll leave you alone if you want." He stands.

"No no. It's alright. I was just coming to see her but I don't mind you being here.." She sets him back down. She looks at Maria's body. "I can't believe she's gone..." She touches her cheek. "I remember like it was yesterday that we came here, looking for a new home." She smiles as she remembers...

*20 Years Ago*

Maria and April were walking a trail. Both woman looked to be in their teens. April with her pigtails while Maria had her hair to her shoulders.

"Okay! That's it!" April throws the map she was holding down. "We are lost!" She sits on a rock.

Maria picks the map back up. "Yep! We are..." She looks around. Hills and hills of nothing. "Great..." She sits next to her sister. "This is just great..."

April sighs. "We have been walking for days...I feel awful!" She grabs her bottle of water.

Maria rolls her eyes. "We need to find a far away place from mom and dad...if not they will find us and probably take us back to be their slaves!" She stands. "Now..." She pulls on April. "Lets keep going.."

"Ugh! Fine!" April chugs her water as she walks with Maria.


April sighs. "All we wanted was to get away from our past..." She starts to tear up but wipes the tears away.

"It's okay. You can cry. I have..." Paarthurax holds Maria's hand. "I just need to find a way to bring her back..."

Suddenly the door flies open.

"What the hell?" Paarthurax quickly stands.

"We found it!" Nolan says out of breath. He was sweating a lot.

Paarthurax and April look at one another.

Nolan smiles. "Lets go!"

"Go. I'll stay here with her.." April sits down next to Maria. "I promise she'll be safe..."

Paarthurax nods. "Thank you.." He turns to Nolan. "Lets go.."

Nolan and Paarthurax walk to a group of men.

"Whose all going?" Paarthurax says crossing his arms.

"Me." Nolan says taking some water from Casey's hands.

'Hey!" Casey groans.

Jason nods.

"Okay who else?" Paarthurax looks at the group. "No one else? Really?" He becomes angry when Jason and Nolan grab him.

"Don't kill anybody." Nolan holds him back as Jason stands in front of them.

"If any of you wish to fight please stand forward...if not than you can pack your things and leave!" Jason crosses his arms. "Now who will fight?"

Ten men raise their hands.

Jason turns to look at Paarthurax.

"See and you wanted to kill them." Nolan laughs a little as he lets go of Paarthurax.

"Now lets get some fairy dust!" Paarthurax flies off.

Nolan and Jason do the same.

"Yeah don't worry! We'll catch up!" Casey yells from the ground. He groans. "Show offs..." He looks at the other men. "Come on!" he goes to the horses. "We have to make sure we follow them or we are all dead men!" He gets on the horse.

An hour passes as all the men go on the adventure. They stop when they notice the land turning a purple green color.

Paarthurax and the other two fly down. He bends down to touch the grass.

"What is it?" Nolan ask concern.

Jason turns to him. "It's fairy dust..."

Nolan smiles. "Yes! We did it!" He punches the air.

Casey and the other men on horses approach them. "Did we make it?"

Paarthurax stands. "We did.." He looks at the land. "We are now in the fairy lands.." he looks at the others. "Get ready to kill some fairies!"

All the men yell but Casey. He swallows hard. 'Idiots!'

The fairies all dance and sing as the men approach them.

"There they are..." Nolan says smiling. "Ohhh I can't wait!" he bites his lip.

Jason rolls his eyes. He looks over at Paarthurax. "You doing okay?"

Paarthurax nods. "Yes...anything for her.." he swallows hard.

Jason nods and turns to the other men. "On the count of three you all attack. Got it?"

The men nod.

"Good..." Jason looks back at Paarthurax. "We will get her back..."

"I hope...." Paarthurax stands.

"One..." Jason gets his sword ready.

"Two..." Nolan smiles big. 'Oh I can't wait to get some fairy sluts!' He bites his lip again.

Paarthurax takes a deep breath. "Three..." He charges in as the other do.

The fairies all scream and try to run.

"Hey now! I got you!" Nolan says grabbing one of the female fairies. "I'm going to have fun with you!" Suddenly a knife goes through her chest. "The hell?"

"You need to stop with this whole creeper act....it's really sad.." Jason grabs his knife and walks off to kill some of the other fairies.

"What act?" Nolan growls. "Oh you shut it! Nothing's wrong with me wanting to get some sex!"

Paarthurax grabs to fairies and smashes their heads. He collects their fairy dust. "Three more should do the trick.." he looks over at the other fairies that are being killed. "There has to be a source somewhere.." he looks around. "Come on!" He finally spots the castle. "Yes!" He rushes to it. When he approaches it, he sees two royal guards waiting for him. "Well well well...look what we have here...two little fairy guards just waiting to die.." He smiles. But the two guards shout and he goes flying. "What the?" He sits up. "How are they so strong?"

"Because I made them that way.."

A bright light shimmers from the top of the castle blinding all the men and fairies.

"Queen..." Both guards say as they bow down.

"Queen?" Paarthurax says as both Jason and Nolan help him up.

"They have a queen now?" Nolan sighs. "Since when?" He looks confused.

Jason just stares.

"Since they started to figure out that it wasn't safe for them anymore to be left alone..." A beautiful woman flies down, in front of them. Her hair was long and shiny. It was blonde with white strips. Her dress was white as well but green leaves were around her. Her skin sparkled. Her eyes glowed a bright purple and green.

"Damn..." Nolan drools a little.

"Ew man!" Paarthurax pushes him. "Get a hold of yourself!"

The woman giggled. "It's okay...I know I'm beautiful..." She flew a little to some dead elves. "You poor souls..." She kissed their bodies as their souls went into her. "Now you may rest in peace..."

"Someone is full of themselves..." Jason stares at her.

"Nonsense...I only say what the truth is...and for me I am what you call beautiful.." She smiles big. Her pointed ears matched her teeth. Two sharp teeth lay on the opposite of her mouth.

"Did you see that?" Paarthurax whispers to Jason.

He nods. "Vampire.."

"Vampire?" Nolan laughs. "Yeah right! This beauty is no blood sucker!" He looks at her smiling.

The woman laughs. "It's true I am no blood sucker...I am be-"

Paarthurax stabs her through her stomach. "Blood sucker...." He pulls away.

She growls. "YOU....YOU ASSHOLE!" Suddenly her beauty is replaced by a ugly old woman. Her skin was gray as her once blonde hair was replaced with grey as well. "HOW DARE YOU!" She slings Paarthurax away making him hit a tree.

"Hey! You bitch! That's my friend!" Nolan yells going to him.

Jason looks at the men. "Get ready!" He turns back to her. "Now!"

All the men attack her. She blocks them with her long arms. Her nails dig into some of them, causing them to scream in pain.

"Damn that blood sucker!" Paarthurax says as Nolan helps him up.

"Yeah yeah. Come on big guy" Nolan puts his arm around his neck. "You okay?" He slaps his face. "Come on I can't lose you right now"

Paarthurax stands. "Yeah I'm alright. That tree was hard as shit!" He rubs his back.

"That's my guy! Lets go kill this bitch!" Nolan smiles big.

"What happened to her being beautiful?" Paarthurax laughs.

"Oh shut it!" Nolan rolls his eyes smiling. "Lets just get this over with."

They stand in front of her. Man after man it thrown away.

"YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR YOUR SINS!" She laughs evilly.

"Damn bitch is strong.." Jason says standing next to the others.

"She got you?" Nolan asks looking concern.

"Only a little. But I can still fight." Jason nods.

Nolan nods back at him.

"Ready?" Paarthurax looks at them.

"Ready..." Jason smiles.

"READYYYYYYY!" Nolan yells excited.

"LETS GO!" Paarthurax runs at the woman. He manages to get on her shoulder. "Die!" He goes to punch her but she grabs him.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO KILL ME! I WILL NOT DIE TO SOME MORTAL!" She bites his shoulder, causing it to bleed.

"FUCK YOU!" He screams in pain.


"Huh?" Paarthurax looks at her confused. Suddenly blood hits him in the face. "Ah damn it!"

She drops him as she stands. "No....this can't be..." She holds her face. "I can't die...not now..." She suddenly drops to the ground.

"What the heck just happened?" Nolan goes to Paarthurax.

"I don't know.." Jason looks around.

Paarthurax looks up. "There..." He points to somebody floating.

"Whose that?" Nolan raises a brow.

A man, with his arms crossed, was floating in the air.

"Oh he didn't do it! I did!"

"AHH!" Nolan screams, making him drop Paarthurax. "What the hell is that thing?" He points to a blob like thing coming out of the woman's body.

"Oh names Kobolds!" He says smiling. He forms into a blob like creature with clothes.

"Hello?" Paarthurax waves as he looks confused.

The man flies down, next to Kobolds. "We are not the enemy. We are here in search of the chosen one.." His features were unnatural. "You've met Kobold...he is a mixture of all different kinds. Unlike him I am just a elf...a wood elf..." he looks down at the woman. "This thing was causing a lot of deaths since it got here. We were sent to make sure she was taken care of but when we did-"

"You saw us fighting her." Paarthurax stands up looking at him.

"Yes. Indeed. We do not want to harm you. We know you are here for some fairy dust?" The elf picks some up. "You won't find any here. This is not good fairy dust. You need the good ones."

"How did you-" Nolan begins to say when the elf interrupts him.

"I can sense it.." The elf smiles. "Come. I will show you the way to the royal city."

"Wait...what should we call you?" Paarthurax asks confused.

"Call me...Toross" he smiles. "Now lets go.." he takes off.

"Lets go.." Paarthurax says but is stopped by Nolan.

"How do we know that they could be trusted?" Nolan crosses his arms.

"I don't but we need that dust for Maria.." Paarthurax flies after Toross.

Nolan looks at Jason.

Jason sighs. "We must..." He flies after Paarthurax.

Nolan rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah.." He too flies after them.