
Zathura: Birth of the Morning Star

Lexington Luther, a son of a Count escapes death by a hairs breath. He discoveres he possess a shadow physique that helped him learn the power of void magic. His journey has never been smooth sailing with his enemies around, ready to end him. As the person in the prophecy that will cause the Zathura, will he be able to stop what is to come, or will he lose himself to evil?

Xavier_DALOONWARR · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Lex stood to his feet, searching for clothes to wear when he noticed he didn't have any of those injuries he sustained earlier on. He felt intrigued by what was going on.

"I'm alive, but where is this place that looks weird and what is with this designs of source flow? I doesn't seem like magic"

Lex wanted to know more because he was used to seeing and experimenting magic and enchantment. Never in his life had he seen anything like this place.

Lex walked around the dark place until he reached somewhere that looked like a sitting area for operating something. Large pillars were everywhere and a short pillar by his side, which he didn't notice before also existed.

"What's with this weird patterns on these pillars and what actually is this place? It looks more like an ancient castle of ruins from ancient civilization before..."


Lex saw his hand was subconsciously touching the short pillar and a weird soud of activation sounded.

("Warship #001 has received pure shadow energy from a source. activating warship to distress function mode.")

A voice sounded loudly as everywhere around Lex lit up and lights filled the entire place at once. The shocked Lex couldn't believe what he just discovered.

"An ancient civilization. According to history, ancient civilizations used what was called technology before magic. when Mana seeped into the world, magic and technology were fused. Later, the war for power between humans became chaotic, and technology was lost. I don't understand what it means by shadow energy."

Lex mused to himself when he realized that he was on clothes already. What made him more surprised was the style of the clothes he wore. It was completely different from that of now.

"Um! Could you explain to me what this is all about? I really don't have any idea of shadow whatever you or whatever you are mentioned earlier."

Lex asked as he turned around in his spot. at first he thought maybe a person was hiding somewhere, but he later realized he was wrong.

("Shadow Energy was an element known as an outworldly power of destruction. It was the other side of the coin if Star Energy is on one end...")

The Warship system further explained that the ship was one of the many ships created by the first shadow. His powers were unrivaled and he was a genius mechanic at that. During his life, there used to be a symbiotic sentient lifeform called system during that time and with it's help, he became a person who was feared even with Mana. Shadow Energy was totally different from Mana because it was cultivated, unlike Mana which people had to gain affinity with an element before being able to manipulate that element. Shadow Energy originated from a being called 'Shadow Lord '. He was a very strong existence who fell into the world, this world. That person found the Shadow Lord and was blessed with the essence of the lord as well as knowledge beyond man. He created his organization which was rendered a civilization. Lex also learnt that that mechanic developed a device that could convert Mana into shadow energy, of which he used in crafting the warships and equipment his army used. He also had elite creatures created from Shadow Energy and other resources. In the end, he died with his army after the great siege led by the Legion of Valeria. All books related to mechanics were all in the war ship's database. And a single book about Shadow Energy.

"This guy was no ordinary genius. But I don't understand how or why you say I possess pure Shadow Energy?"

Lex asked with more a intrigued feeling. That feeling of becoming as strong as those said in the past would make him untouchable and able to complete his revenge.

("You happen to be a predecessor of the Shadow. it's not an ordinary power, it is that which possess a sentience to think and choose.")

Before Lex could speak or ask any questions, he was teleported into another room, where he laid on a bed with apparatus connected to his body.

("You are about to begin structure analysis and repairs. This process is a Sine qua non to awaken your Shadow energy within you. It is a very petrifying process and serves as an endurance test for you.")

The female voice sounded again with a serious tone as Lex was locked in place and the equipments were activated.