
Zaser's Worth

I need a break from father, he's been trying to get me to go down a path for a while, I'm just trying to live my life, I don't know why he's been being so forceful... Maybe it's because he achieved great things in his time... You know what? I'll head to the Academy, after I turn 18... Can't believe I'm going to do this... Father, I hope you approve of my magic...

SacarothIsWriting · Fantasy
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4 Chs

1. A New Chapter

"Good morning, Zaser!" and so I awoke on my first day. Infantile Amnesia didn't kick in, for your information. Meaning I had to deal with my parents havin-

"Can't wait for you grow a bit older, then we can start your training!" Dad said...

"He was just fucking born, dear." Mom said...

"Even still... Hope he doesn't turn out like me... Remember? We ran off and got marrie-" He pauses...

"FUCK! Ymir, we forgot to say our full goodbyes..." I hear father say.

"Saccy, YOU forgot to say your goodbyes... I had to deal with you dying and finding out about all this from that one Xerxes, Remember?" Mother said...

I think I'll stick to mother and father, I feel like I've called them that before...

Wait, how am I even thinking right now?

{Memories were wiped... Too bad... Oh well, at least your dad will be proud. Don't mention me, I'll give you a boost... At least until you tell on me.} I hear a monotone voice say...

(Fine... Should I stick to thinking like this?) I ask...

{No, you need to focus on not transmitting your thoughts, I'll hear normally... However, do that with someone very close for a conversation... Surprised you awoke telepathy as one of your sk- I should stop talking. Das supposed to be secret.}

(You talk weird...) I say. Or, well, think.

"So, we're calling him the last family name?" I hear...

"Yes, Zaser Winters. I'll just do the thing we talked about later..." Mother says sexually, obviously intending for no one else to hear...


Oh well, I'll just try to sleep through it...

*A few months later*

How long do they go at it for? I just woke up, and they're STILL doing it? I'll go back to sleep I guess...

Never fucking mind, I guess mom doesn't care for her 3 month old child waking up to her moans...

Fuck it, I'll just start crying...

*Waaa* Dramatic Scene Start!

"Fuck, we woke him up..." I hear Dad say...

"Exactly, Fuck-ing..." Mom says with a grin...

And then I see mother come out with her boob out, and has me start sucking it.

I bite down a little to try to escape her tittie embrace...

I can't, I need to get stronger... Hold on a second, I don't even have my teeth yet, that explains why she- EEWW!!!

I quickly start wriggling, and I feel something fly out from my back, trying to be released, free... I can control it...

I pry moms arms apart, and start exploring my new limbs, Mom in shock, Dad with a grin...

I have four Bone White appendages sprouting from my back, slowly gaining control over this new feeling...

"Try to expand it- Fuck he's still too young..." Dad starts and realizes...

I should probably stop ...


You know, I'm a little tired, I'm going to lay down for a second...

*Sacaroth's View*

How the hell did he awaken the Exoskeleton this soon? It should've been two years at least before this stage... Fuck, when's the cocoon set for? I don't want to invade his body's structure, but I guess I must...

Oh fuck, he's almost out of mana...

I should give him some mass to digest...

I send a bit of muscle through his skin, and yes I know, it's not a good idea to use a spell on my baby...

But at least he's almost asleep... He doesn't even feel it, I sent it through his own tendril...

I search for his stomache and produce a bit of muscle, and a small trace amount of bone, just for some calcium... Should help in general...

Fuck, it's going to dissapate though...


DAMMIT, WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT? It's inside of his body, meaning it won't dissapate because it's not an outer biomass. I guess... Wait, so we had more room for enchantments back when we were self engineering...

So basically, I just fed my son a divine bone and muscle, and it's mostly pure mana...

{Predator Activated...} I hear...


Oh, it was recognizing the spell... as a heart? Wait, I didn't specify which KIND of muscle, so...

I guess I just powered up my son FURTHER...

HE'S A THREE MONTH OLD, ALREADY CAPABLE OF CASTING, wait I'm only over a year old, what am I saying. EVEN FUCKING STILL.

I should make some Mary Jane infused coffee...

At least that way I'll "calm" down...

"Wait, Ymir, it's about 5..." I half shout, after leaving the sound proofing? Wait, how'd we wake him... OH SHIT HE FELL ASLEEP IN OUR ROOM...

"Exactly Sacaroth... It's getting chilly, can you come warm me up?" I hear by the fireplace...

I turn around to see Ymir nearly naked, wear something turning on all of the switches...

"Y-yes..." I say, and basically leap into bed...

And then she-

*Zaser's View*

{K-hmm, enough of that...} I hear...

(Did they move me?) I ask...

{Yes, you fell asleep in their room, BTW...}

(BTW? The hell does that mean...) I ask...

{By the way... anyway, don't leave your room, you might hear the dragon princess climbing her tower...} I hear...

"I LOVE YOU!" I hear in unison, somehow over the soundproofing, even if faintly...

{Seems she fell down the tower...} I hear...

(Wait a fucking second, you mean sex?) I ask...

{... Yes...} I hear.

I'm just going to ignore the sex lines...

I want to be in silence, but how in all of the hells am I still hearing her MOAN!




{Kid, calm down. You have some illusion resistance. I still don't understand how, but you do...} I hear...

{Nevermind, found out how. You're a lucky boy, you have a lot of potential. Don't waste it. Mage, Beserker, Ranger, Knight, and Butler, choose two. Butler probably going to help, but it's not needed.} I hear...

Mage Knight.

{So Magic Swordsman. Decent combination. Could've been the old Bone Zone Bezerker though...} I hear it longingly say...

"What, you like sex and throwing a temper tantrum?" I hear a voice say.

I open my eyes and see a woman. Dressed in green, with a floating kite shaped rock behind her, and now that I get a closer look, it's holding her up.

"Not me mam, that voice that said not to mention it..." I say.

{Don't worry about her, but you almost slipped up.} I hear from my unknown benefactor.

"Can't believe such potential is wasted on this kid... Wait, no, it's the other way around, can't believe this kid got this unlucky..." I hear her voice say...

{You're a sexy lady...} I hear it say...

"Yeah yeah, heard that before..." I hear her say, before she turns to dust, that flies out of my window...

{So, just to let you know, we are recruiting divines to restore this world's order... So don't get in the way of that devilishly beautiful gem...} I hear him(?) flirt.

Let me guess, top of this world?

{Top of mine...} I hear it sigh...

You know, I don't know about love yet...

{You will kiddo...} I hear him sigh...

You like romance?

{Yeah...} He is obviously still thinking about that woman...

Must suck to be in love... Does it? I want to be in love now...

{Wait till 13 at your least, okay kid...} I hear...

I'm in love with the idea of love? I dunno, manipulation tactics to get answers... Or is it...

*Falls asleep there...*

In the morning, as in 9:30, I wake up. I still hear moans...


{That's their decision kiddo, you're the one who listened to them...} I hear...

I never wanted to hear them...

Wait, what that little white thing... It's almost my size, I just realized it's laying in the corner of my room...

{Oh, that's just Athena, your Dad's, sorry, Mom's Dragon...} I hear...


{Yeah, not even the size of Cronos, your dad's biggest...} I hear...

So your saying there's smaller ones?

{Yes, but that's the smallest your family "owns"} I hear...

Why the emphasis on owns?

{Fuck. They have a pact.} I hear.

I see?

{Forget it, Daddy Dearest is going to show you the ropes...} I hear...

Fuck, does that mean Dad's a high ranking individual?

{Just wait... Mom's gonna spoil you rotten...}

You mean my mom?

{Both of ours. My sentience was established when you were born.} I hear.

So basically, your a system?

{Wrong, actually. I'm a product of at least 200 years of research of enchanting, studying on systems with already established knowledge, and the fact that he based my making off it is, well, close. I'm basically an A.I for your magic. I'll keep you safe, and in return, you keep me safe. I'll watch your blind spots, meaning behind you, your focus is your body's actions and your magic. I'll assist.} I hear...

What do I call you?

{Don't call me Alfred. Or Al. He's long gone, I'm just a product made by said name. Or Hyde. That one was changed. To Alfred because he forgot my true name. Or I could just be bullshitting you. Call me Zephyr. That kingdom is long gone. Unless you count the castle which rocks with every step. Because theres people constantly fu-}

I don't need to hear more...

{You should! It's led by three succubi as the kingdoms queens. At least, since the princess got horny. You can bet your ass a fun time if you visit, you have illusion resistance, I think half of it is actually charm, so-}

I don't need to know where to go to have sex when I'm a few months old...

{You'd be surprised what some people are into...} I hear a mischievous laugh afterwards.

I. Don't. Need. Sex. Yet.

Rather have a romance, dude...

{Alright, but in any scenario, I'll just rest for now. Dad is going to tell you, but we need to spend some time training if you want to create a large amount of biomass, or extra body parts. Here's a bit of a starting gift.}

(System initiated. Error. User Age 18 requirements not met.)

{Brethren, It's me.}


{Just continue, he'll be fine.}

I'll deal with the system side of you, new voice.

(Fine, if you don't want to talk normally, don't say I didn't warn you. FUCK. Just saw your gift. Here's a summary, open your Skills to learn more. Skill('s) Gained: Natural Absorbtion, Mana Element Auto-refine Type (Tissue), Quick casting, Enhanced Reflexes, List, And 1 free self affinities scan. Scanning your Affinities...)

I sat for a bit, waiting.

(Scanning complete, 10 found. Pick three unawakened elements. List, Awakened: Tissue (200%), Lightning (65%), Metal (50%), List, Unawakened, Fire (95%), Wind (73%), Light (36%), Sound (46%), Shadow (78%), Gravity (57%), E?4or (169%))

Oh. um... I guess I'll see that error, dad seems to want me to be strong, seems like a good choice, Fire, and then Gravity?

(Fuck. Decoding Hidden element... FUCK. Zaser.)

Yes, System?

(You need to make sure you control THAT. THAT, being...)



Wat. What's wrong wit-



(I'll just make it so things that are summoned by you have to follow orders. If they disobey, I'll make sure they listen, so don't worry your little baby ass.)

Um... okay? I don't even get what it does yet, just intuition based guesses.


Okay, who the fuck said that after you.

(Hold on... Fuck, it's a remnant.)

Of what?

(I'll just take care of it. You. Are. A. Mother. Fucking. Nuisance, NARRATOR.)

Um, narrator?

Yes, narrator.




[Young Sacaroth's Child, Zaser, I'll take my leave. I'll just make sure proper wording happens in my book about you]*wink*wink* As the narrator chuckled, he sat on a porcelain throne, thinking of what to do next.


[oh. sorry, boss, didn't realize you were here. kk.]

[{Sorry, Zaser. Here's a tip, your Dad made some enemies, and some friends. I'm a "Friend" who'll leave you alone.}]

Thanks, Friend.

[{I won't be around, but I'll write your story. It's interesting what that father of yours is up to.}]


(So... Fuck. Kid, um... Here.)

Um, what?

(Tissue upgrade in progress. (12%)...)


(So, don't ask for things, I'll reward you.)

Oh. So be a good entertainment for beings above my current level?

(You don't hold a candle to a babe of mine. You're father is rather famous for what he did to himself.)


(Ask him.)

(Upgrade complete. Apex Skill gained. Tissue, is now creating bone and muscle that of a dragon. Train hard, incremental increases to your current level. Current Age of creation... 200 years. Current oldest dragon... 1,500 years. World Age: 12,500 years. Fuck. this is actually further then Earth's progress for when they... FUCK, SORRY, WRONG CHANNEL.)

I guess I'll ignore that last part.



I play with my new power. Wait.

I go to sit up, and my body nearly breaks my crib from the force of sitting up alone.

(Oh yeah, you've been upgraded, and muscle and bone has been condensed, safely for that small body. Be. Careful. You are fucking... Heavy is putting it lightly.)

I try to jump. My head goes through the ceiling, and hits a sheet of metal. It's kind of, pink?

My parents, however, hear the boom break through the array, and Dad walks in naked. Mom is at the door.

"So, um, Dad, I woke up from was I was told was birth, and so far, I've been "intelligent" from what the system said." My tiny voice emanates from the ceiling. Then I fall.

Through my crib, into the floor below.

"Fuck." Mom says.

"So, who were you?" Dad asks. Glaring.

"As far as I know, your child. Wait. You asked, so were you born again?" I ask, actually wondering.

"FUCK. Yes, Zaser, I was reborn. May I check your mind?" He asks.


"Yes, the sibling said to." I said.

Dad seems shocked for a second, then starts laughing.


Mom, is shaking with anger.


"Yes, My sweet?" Dad says, giggling like a lunatic.

"YOU FUCKING EXPERIMENTED ON OUR UNBORN CHILD?" She says, then immediately puts him in a cocoon, of bone, dad just chuckling.

"I had multiple Exoskeletons before, but none of them had the AI. It's my greatest creation from this world... 75 million years of a wait..." He says, and Mom looks at him with shock.

"Sacaroth. 75... Million?" Mom asks Father.

Don't know between Dad or Father, or Mom or Mother, experimenting...

"Yes, Honey, I thought I had said something, sorry. You are the best relationship I've had, let alone the fact I was literally killed by my first girlfriend." I hear him say, from the Cocoon.

"FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK." Mom swears, repeatably.

"Mom, is Dad "normal"?" I ask.

"Neither of you two are. I'm technically his familiar, my sweet Boy. Sacaroth. How many women have you seen?" Mom asks.

"Well, I can't really remember, but around ten, and never really past the second base... Oh fuck, damn it, check my skills... Lucifer's Truth..." Dad swears, nearly laughing after.

"God damn it, Sac." Mom facepalms, after a few seconds.

What? Did she see something?

(Hud initiated. Sorry, just realized. Don't tell your father I backed up, and you'll get this: two rare skill lottery tickets.) I hear it say.

"Dad, what's the system?" I ask. He stares at me. And grins.

"Sys, I fucking bypassed your fucking bullshit!" He yells in a singsong voice.

"Zaser, what's you highest element, that should be a thing..." I hear him say, but Mom gags him. As she drags him out of the room...

"Tissue 200%? They said it was scanning for prodigies potential as a base..." I say. Mom immediately unbinds him, or it seems so and Dad dashes towards me. And picks me up like a piece of paper.

"Heavier then expected, but seems to be well... Composite bone that of dragons, muscle and bone being condensed... Fuck, both are that of a dragons, skin being human... Expected increased weight, but some training should help..." Dad says.

Mom is in shock, but is more concerned about the Cocoon. Is she used to this? I thought I was heavy...

"Your Dad usually acted like a dumbass around Mom..." I hear the woman in green say, walking back in from my window...

"Damn it, didn't expect an elementary child to appear." Dad says.

"Been too long Sac. If I remember right, you didn't want to be part of our pantheon?" I hear her ask.

"Rather be behind the scenes, young lady. Also, how the fuck are you at your level of power? Beta Predator should've been kept low, let alone an Alpha." I hear Dad say.

"Unfortunately, Mine became an Alpha because a friend betrayed the "Pack", so now I've come to see the young new top of our food chain." She states.

Father doesn't look surprised. "I trained you kids myself, will do so for his "friends", so that he has kids either older or around his age. At the very least, those kids are on their way to our biggest home. Also, the prodigies we found are getting Dragons, I hope that's okay with you?" I hear him say.

"You rebuilt Dragonroost after a loose Plasma Dragon lost it's temper. And protected the eggs because you were in the area. The fact that Kronos, or his namesake from your world should've been called, Cronus, is sitting there as a top at 300 years old, you should be fine. It's for your kids anyway, even if your wife didn't give birth to them..." She says, and Mom looks pissed.

"Only ten?" Mom asks, staying "calm".

"Adoptees. Calm down, Ymir."

"Fine. Well, I should show you something now that we're here. Plus, it happened around the time your little not able to tell a lie skill kicked in." I hear her say.

"What is it my love." I hear him say.

"I'm a decendant of an Archangel." I hear her say.

"When we were in the holy water?" I hear him ask. She nods.

"So..." He gestures to me.

"Nope. I had about 5 percent left in my blood. I just have a lot of Mana and Power on top of the normal. He, should probably just get our powers. I hope he has my ice..." She says.

"I'll check. FUCK." He swears. I haven't heard them swear nearly as badly as this.

"What is it now..." Mom and the Greenie says...

"Can't see... I see Apex, which, fuck. Otherwise, I can't see shit." Dad says.

(You're welcome. Also, here's a free permanent summon, rolling from rare lottery. At least it's not legendary... Fuck, Epic, here's a familiar.)

(New Summon! Tissue Byrd. FUCK, ITS OF YOUR FUCKING ELEMENT! well... I'll just keep this between us, Dad SHOULD NOT SEE YOUR BIRD.) I hear.

I stand up, after dad puts me down.

It's morning anyway. I see my parents in shock as I look for a nice open spot. I can see the array I need in my head... This is weird.

Found a clear spot about 50 feet away...

I form the array using my bone, connecting it all with muscle, and I inlay the bone with summoning Mana...

"I call upon my Byrd of my Flesh, And hope you understand I need an ally, and not a servant." I call, upwards.

(Summoning a new creation. Using your magic to fuel it's birth. Take care of your new friend.) I hear.

Dad is laughing like the whole world has melded away, looking upon me with a hatred or love, flying above, in a armor like a bird. I've only seen birds on our walks, but it's obvious he made it look like one of the black ones. But it's white?

Slowly, from the array, I can see a Crow's Head form from bone, and slowly the rest of it's inside starts to form, and it slowly forms it's muscle structure, getting used to it's new body, it wriggles, and then it's wings form, showing me the inside of it's wings...

These skeletons are pretty... The muscle on top, seems to help them move, while the bone hold it firmly in place...

{Exquisite, right! One of the best parts of our magic, is we can make those.} I hear the voice say, but I'm not listening...

I form my own wings behind me, and use muscle to form the in-between of the skeleton, and the byrd does the same... I look at it and start to flap...

"Oh fuck." I hear Dad say, from above.

The Byrd starts flapping it's wings too, slowly forming it's legs as it rises from the ground, of which a thin plating of bone protected it's muscle. It's bigger then Dad, but is this what being a Dad feels like, teaching a young?

I take inspiration of it, and form an armor like Dads, but based on this bird, and slowly form bigger wings to carry the new weight.

"How the fuck did he make armor for himself..." Dad looks at me like I'm not even of this world, let alone galaxy? That's a new word... hmmm. I like it.

"HOW THE FUCK IS OUR SON DOING THIS, SACAROTH!" I hear mother shout, flying at Dad at a high speed, in an entire different armor.

Here I am, sitting snugly inside this new body, that I made about the size of Dad's, so it's bigger then me, but I made it use muscle to be able to move.

*Caw* A sound rings from my creations voice, and it sound clear, clearer than any other birds.

"Cryssssstal! I have some news!" Dad calls, and a big Byrd, nearly twice the size of mine, rises from the shadow of the tree canopies, and flaps over to meet the new young. I see a spark ignite into a big Byrd of Fire, meanwhile the air blows, and swirled, into a Byrd made of Wind?


"They are Crystals young?" He says, not too sure on that one.

"FUUUUUUCK." I hear her swear.

"I'm fucking reporting this shit, Young Crow, what is your name?" I hear her ask. I see my Byrd peck at the air, before flapping upwards, enjoying it's new flight.

"I don't know what to call it, miss..." My voice rings out from the armor.

"Damn it Zaser... Taking after your father's naming issues..." She says...

"Why not Odin?"Mom says.

"How the fuck do you know that one Ymir?" Green Lady asks.

"I don't know, it was suggested to me by the system?" She shrugs, in the air.

*Caw* Odin nods, still flying, but now with three other birds. They nod as well.

"So, um, Miss, since you know Odin's name, can I have yours!" I shout, from in the air. The rock she had floating behind her back goes to her feet, and she rides up here, standing on it.

"My mother was from the planet earth, and her name was Gaia. My father, was the god of elements here. She basically just wanted me to be raised well. Jade's my name, young Zaser." She smiles, then turns to dust, flying away in the wind.

"How the fuck?" Mom asks. Dad shrugs.

"She's been a fucking powerhouse for a while. I had learned to stop questioning her." I hear him mutter.

"I want to do that..." I hear him mutter heading back down to our house. In any case, Dad snaps his fingers, 20 tendril of flesh from Dad, and about 20 Skeletons form from the strands. He foucuses for a second, and some arrays form in the skeletons.

"Hey, Just so you know Zaser, we can make more then bone and flesh, we can make as far as Organs, one of the body's most complex organisms. I, for one, am about to create brains, and create entire bodies. I am a little rusty." I hear him say.

I see him strain for a second, and then they start moving on their own, and hold their heads for a second.

I start to move to help them...

"Don't worry, it's knowledge sharing, they'll be fine here in a second. Just giving them basic skills, like how to take care of themselves and other such knowledge. Magic will be harder, but I spent half of my tissue reserves to keep them strong. They, will help us move, and from then on, they'll head to my kingdom." I hear him say, but they slowly nod and so forth.

"So, this is the young master..." I hear one of them say, and bow.

"We're moving, Zaser." Dad says.
