
The sword of light

Serina and her companions knew that they had to find the Sword of Light if they were to stand any chance to defeat Vlarox . They set out for the Dragon's Lair, where they hoped to find the legendary weapon.

The journey was so long and they were tired, but eventually they reached the entrance to the lair. Inside, they found a plenty tunnels , guarded by dragons that could breathe fire and ice.

Serina and her companions fought bravely against the dragons, using their unique gifts to vanish the creatures and make their way deeper into the lair.

Finally, Serina and her companions reached the heart of the Dragon Lair, where they discovered the Sword of Light. It was guarded by the fiercest of all dragons, beast known as Agrathor.

Agrathor was unlike any creature they had faced before. It could control the elements and shape the earth beneath their feet. Serina knew that they could not defeat Agrathor alone.