
Zachary's little mistress

'She was intoxicated by him; too intoxicated that it started to taint her delicate soul' ... Amelia Sunfield, princess of Scrollrealm was faced with a challenge. With her father's deteriorating health, she had to get married in a few weeks. Things could only get worse when she married a total stranger who she believed to be good. Abused and mistreated by her new husband, Amelia had only one person to run to.. Zachary, her guard. ... "Zach, I plead with you. Go from me, please. Darkness can never mix with light," Amelia murmured, looking into his dark eyes. She couldn't fathom the look he carried but it wasn't something she wanted to know. "You've sinned too much. You've killed innocent and guilty, Zachary. It isn't something I can overlook" Zachary's face held no emotion beforehand; hearing her made him smile. "Haven't you heard, Little mistress that darkness follows light? Remind yourself that, without darkness, there would be no more light. No matter how dark things seem right now, stay by my side and I promise to protect you. I was created to do that, Little mistress," he replied and she sighed. His next words made a chill run down her spine and she became frigid instantly. "I only need a cup of your blood daily"

Gray_Titan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Strange man?

The horn sounded again, and in time, a chubby-looking man stepped forward from God knows where. He had a smile on his face as he made his way to the center of the Colosseum.

"What ho! how fare thee?" The man greeted before letting out a cough. "A special day is today. The day our very princess would be getting a guard"

The crowd cheered.

"Before it formally starts, I'll like us to acknowledge our king. Since he began his reign, things had gone from good to best, and-" he praised, while the crowd interrupted with their continuous cheers. "King Collins Sunfield"

King Collins stood up from his chair so people could see him clearly and the cheers doubled. The commoners were truly happy to catch a glimpse of their king. After a while, the cheering toned down and the man continued,

"And to the person whom we are gathered for, Princess Amelia Sunfield of Scrollrealm"

Cheerings began again and Amelia stood up so everyone could see her. She smiled and waved them all before sitting back.

"Without introducing another, I will make a brief statement. If you're here with a kid below the age of twelve, it is advisable to shield them away from whatever would be happening at this stage. The amount of blood might not be something their young minds can handle," he paused for a while then said, "May it begin"

The fifty-two soldiers made their way to the center of the field. They all gave a bow to the king, and another to Amelia.


The sounds of swords coming out of their respective sheaths could be heard, and so, the fight began. Amelia's eyes narrowed seeing the soldiers charging at one another.

Brutally fighting one another while most of them sustained injuries. Amelia tore her eyes away from the stage. She had tried suggesting to her father to have it be a challenge where the soldiers would go through several tasks.

He refused, insisting he wanted it to be a tough brutal battle. In no time, many soldiers had sustained injuries, hereby tapping out. The person with the highest kill so far was a blonde man whom the crowd kept on cheering for. He had the speed and strength that in one push, he'd pin his opponents until they surrender.

Those who proved stubborn ended up getting slashed by his sword.

In no time, the people on the stage became fewer until they were just five contestants remaining. Amelia felt the urge to puke. The color on her face had drained and she became pale.

Struggling to keep herself composed, she let out a sigh. Among the remaining contestants, the blonde man prevailed. The men began fighting again, and if one were to take a closer look, the blonde man was the most energetic of all. The others were obviously tired as they tried to get a hold of their sword.

The blonde man was about to take the opportunity to attack when a voice was heard,

"STOP," the organizer of the event screamed. "That's enough already. We've recorded 15 deaths so far and 30 injured ones. Of all five here, the king would choose who he wants for our Princess"

Everyone knew who would be picked, it was just for the king to say the word.

"My pick," King Collins murmured as he stood up which earned him cheers from the audience. "You"

King Collins pointed out to the blonde man who smiled happily because he had been chosen to serve the royal household.

"We all expected that.. Congratulations, young man," the organizer spoke while the audience rejoiced among themselves. The other four contestants left the field in a dejected manner, leaving the blonde man alone on the stage.

Clearing his throat, King Collins stood up and spoke,

"It ended quicker than I thought it would. I'm very glad my fair daughter has gotten a guard for herself," he paused before continuing, "I think the event is over, snacks should be shared with whoever that needs and-"

He was interrupted by a strange man walking into the stage. The man was dressed in a black baggy shirt and pants. He held an apple in his hand which he munched. A smile was present on his face as he made his way to where the blonde man stood.

The crowd began to murmur among themselves, while a particular person amid the crowd had her eyes widened.

"Crazy..Crazy Zachary. What the hell are you doing here?" Agatha gulped as she frowned. This man was so crazy to show himself in a public place. Rubbing her temple, she sighed and watched out for whatever he wanted to do.

"Yes? May I know why you're here?"

King Collins asked the strange man who had appeared on the stage from nowhere. Instead of replying, the man bit into his apple again.

"Milord, a lunatic. A lunatic. What do we do?" Lord Richardson asked confusingly. Everyone wondered who the strange man was.

"I said, who are you and what is your purpose here?" King Collins inquired, slightly raising his voice. Once again, the strange man ignored him and kept on eating his apple.

"How dare he ignore you, Milord! Is he not aware you are our king?" Lady Shirley asked angrily as she sent a glare to the man on stage who seemed so relaxed with the smile he carried on his face. "Assign a guard to send him out"

"Maybe he cannot speak, Shirley. I think he's interested in the fight," Ernest commented with a smirk on his face.

"Interested in the fight? By chewing apples?" Shirley lashed out, noticing the smile on the strange man's face get even wider as if he heard what she said.

"Milord, do you give this man a chance to fight?" Ernest asked, completely ignoring Shirley who huffed in anger.

"Do you think I should?" King Collins questioned back as he rubbed his hand on his beard in confusion. Truly, he didn't know what to do. He earlier listened to what Ernest said to Shirley and it might be that the man couldn't speak. "What if he cannot speak? How would he then guard my daughter?"

"I do not see how speaking is related to guarding, Milord. If he has the potential to protect her by all means, he can be given a chance"

In all of this, Amelia stared at the man who had appeared from nowhere, chewing apples. He even had the insane mind to ignore her father. Her eyes narrowed at him.

"Are you interested in the fight?" King Collins asked the man on the field. As if hearing, the strange man took a brief look at the king, then, he once again ignored him.

"Go on, if it's a fight you want, you're free!" King Collins shouted frustratingly. The strange man offered King Collins a smile while eating the remaining piece of Apple in his hand. When done, he took steps away from the blonde man who looked confused about where the man came from. Shrugging his shoulders, the blonde man held his sword and moved in to attack. The audience was so much interested in what was about to happen since the other man held no weapon.

The strange man quickly dodged the blonde man's attack with ease. In a split second, he kicked the sword off the blonde man's hand. With a speed no one had seen before, he reached for the sword and without wasting another second, he slashed the blonde man into two equivalent portions.