
Zach's Flame

"~Ahh-hmph~" she tried to moan but he swallowed it and let it drown in the kiss. The air seemed to become more ambiguous as he turned around and placed her on the counter and tugged at her dress, Zoey was about to show him where the zipper was when he tore the dress off her with a single tug. "The zipper was on the side!" Zoey whisper-yelled, as her eyes grew wide while she glared at him. "Sorry" he says but didn't look the least bit sorry about what he did. His gaze finally settled on her body as he took everything in. Her large doe eyes which were widened as she stared at him, puckered lips which glistened and seemed slightly swollen from his 'passionate' activities, her busty chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her flat stomach which emphazised her slim, tiny waist, and finally..... He stared straight at her as he tugged on her panty, taking it off her waist in just that one tug. Tracing his face down her body, his nose made sensual motions on her thighs making her shiver in pleasure and boy-did he love how she reacted to his touch. "Can I?" He asks as he stared at her, waiting for her to give her permission.

Pe_Ju · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Thirty Two

"W-What?!" He splutters, eyes widening and mouth gaping.

"I'm serious. I know you might find this really wierd and shocking but please give me a chance to explain my situation and then you can decide if you'll help me or not" I say, almost begging and he nods his head for me to continue. Chris who was about to sleep has now sat upright on the couch watching us intently like his favorite TV show, all that's missing now is the popcorn.

"I am Zoey Zager, first daughter of Ralph Zager, Owner of Zager corporations. Apparently, my 'mother' thinks that she owns my life and has therefore decided to turn it into some sort of sick, twisted game. They're getting me married to Taylor Wright, the-" I was about to continue but Chris cut me off.

"Wait, you mean the actual Taylor Wright, that idiot?.....Your mother must really hate you" Christopher chirped from where he sat, staring at us as he sipped on the booze in his hands.

"Yes Chris, we know. Anyways, I was just suggesting the idea, we don't really have to do it, I mean, you have no reason at all to help me and you're probably busy with your own life, you probably have a girlfriend and who knows, you may be planning to propose to her when you- shit.... I'm sorry, I ramble when I'm nervous" I say as I stared at him as his black orbs held hints of amusement.

"It's okay. And i will help you if that's what you were trying to ask" he says and my face turned a bright red.

'i will help you'

'i will marry you'

I know it's not the same thing but it's literally what it translates to, I'm getting married. Fuck! This is sooo not how I planned my year.

"So, to avoid unnecessary rumors, I can take you out on a few dates, I'll propose by the end of the month, we'll let a few tabloids carry that around and we'll get married in six months, you can decide when we get divorced, that is, IF you want a divorce" he says and I stand, gaping at him.

"Umm....when I said I'll be marrying Taylor, I didn't mean later, the wedding is in three days" I say and I closed my eyes, internally praying and begging for him not to change his mind.

Lord give me strength.