
Zach's Flame

"~Ahh-hmph~" she tried to moan but he swallowed it and let it drown in the kiss. The air seemed to become more ambiguous as he turned around and placed her on the counter and tugged at her dress, Zoey was about to show him where the zipper was when he tore the dress off her with a single tug. "The zipper was on the side!" Zoey whisper-yelled, as her eyes grew wide while she glared at him. "Sorry" he says but didn't look the least bit sorry about what he did. His gaze finally settled on her body as he took everything in. Her large doe eyes which were widened as she stared at him, puckered lips which glistened and seemed slightly swollen from his 'passionate' activities, her busty chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her flat stomach which emphazised her slim, tiny waist, and finally..... He stared straight at her as he tugged on her panty, taking it off her waist in just that one tug. Tracing his face down her body, his nose made sensual motions on her thighs making her shiver in pleasure and boy-did he love how she reacted to his touch. "Can I?" He asks as he stared at her, waiting for her to give her permission.

Pe_Ju · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Forty Four

"So you're telling me that woman planned for you to be married to that stinky kid and you thought it'd be a good idea to marry the stinkiest of them all instead?" Grandpa asked in a voice laced with amusement.

"Hey! It was a good idea, until I discovered my husband has a daughter just a few hours after we registered our marriage" I say and gave Zach a pointed look. He rolls his eyes and walks up to me to grab my arm, pulling me up from the couch.

"If that is all, we would like to take our leave now. My wife is tired from today's activities and we still have a wedding night to plan. We'll come visiting some other time" Zach says walking towards the doors but was stopped by my Grandpa's voice.

"Where do you think you're taking my granddaughter?"


"No way, she's spending the night with me! I rarely ever get to see her so she's definitely staying here tonight" Grandpa says with a little act of stomping his legs on the floor like a little child.

"Zach's right Grandpa, we have a lot to talk about so we have to leave. I promise we'll be back as soon as we can" I say clasping my hands in front of me. He grunts and grumbles and finally sighs before stepping forward to hug me and then proceeds to hit Zach with his walking stick, I seriously don't know why he needs that.

"Just cause you married my granddaughter doesn't make me hate you less. We'll talk more about this later, but I really hope I don't see your face again for a while" Grandpa says walking towards the door.

"Yeah, same here" Zach replies placing his hand on the small of my back towards the corset making me take a sharp breath in at how tight it was.

We walked down the hallway and into the living room where the butler was holding onto Zach's daughter. She babbles and grind when she sees her father and almost immediately jumps from the butler's hands into her father's arms. We walk outside slowly and made our way towards the car.

"Bye grandpa" I say giving him a hug.

"Hope I don't see you again Mojo" Zach says with a smirk as he quickly steps aside to avoid getting hit by my grandpa's cane.

"And we'll talk more about those G-U-N'S next time" I say with a bright smile and stepped into the car, Zach getting in after me and the vehicle zooms off, leaving my grandpa standing agape outside his large mansion that I did not know he owned until now.