
Zach's Flame

"~Ahh-hmph~" she tried to moan but he swallowed it and let it drown in the kiss. The air seemed to become more ambiguous as he turned around and placed her on the counter and tugged at her dress, Zoey was about to show him where the zipper was when he tore the dress off her with a single tug. "The zipper was on the side!" Zoey whisper-yelled, as her eyes grew wide while she glared at him. "Sorry" he says but didn't look the least bit sorry about what he did. His gaze finally settled on her body as he took everything in. Her large doe eyes which were widened as she stared at him, puckered lips which glistened and seemed slightly swollen from his 'passionate' activities, her busty chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath, her flat stomach which emphazised her slim, tiny waist, and finally..... He stared straight at her as he tugged on her panty, taking it off her waist in just that one tug. Tracing his face down her body, his nose made sensual motions on her thighs making her shiver in pleasure and boy-did he love how she reacted to his touch. "Can I?" He asks as he stared at her, waiting for her to give her permission.

Pe_Ju · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter two

'Holy sh*t!' Her inner goddess yelled.

'How can someone be so goodlooking?!.....

...' Zoey said in her head as she almost drooled, but her determination to teach him a lesson swept her out of her reverie.

"Do you go around telling everyone that?" Zoey said and the man seemed to find her words funny as he broke into laughter the next minute.

"Fiesty....I like that" Zach said with a slight smile.

"Do you really think that line still works? Even if it does, it doesn't work on me" Zoey said with her chin raised high.

"Oh...are you sure?" He said lowering his face closer to hers, whispering in her ears, his sudden closeness made Zoey feel a stir within her, a stir she shouldn't concur to, or at least that's what she thought.

"Hmmn, I'm pretty sure" Zoey said with strained breathing. Seems to her like she had too much to drink, well whatever as long as it could help her snag this fine looking piece of meat.

"We could remain standing here, in the midst of all of these sweaty bodies who have their brains on overdrive, arguing about nothing....or, we could walk out of here together, I've got a room reserved on the top floor, what do you say?" He asked with raised brows as he withdrew his face from hers, but still close enough to make them exchange breaths.

"I'm not that kind of a girl....but I'll do it since my best friend ditched me earlier, there's no one to go home to anyways" Zoey said staring intensely into his blue orbs as their faces grew even closer.

"The elevator is that way" Zach said leading her forward after breaking off from the stare down. They stepped into the elevator together, leaving a huge gap between themselves, waiting, until the elevator made a 'ding!' sound.

Zach put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to his body.

"Why's this floor so empty?" Zoey said her thoughts aloud.

" Cause it's exclusively for me" Zach said walking foward to open and hold the door for her, leaving Zoey gaping at his words.

Sure enough the decor was nice and fancy but she didn't bask in it for too long as Zach directed her to the mini bar and she sat on a stool. 'This guy is definitely rich' her inner goddess whispered the moment she stepped into the room, it wasn't even a room per se, it was more like a penthouse.

"Care for some wine?" Zach asked picking up a bottle of wine from the mini bar and Zoey nodded in response.

"I should be high with a capital 'H' when I'm done with the glass, I think I had one too many drinks" Zoey said feeling her head getting lighter.

"I hope you hold your alcohol well cause I don't want you passing out on me" Zach said with a flirty smirk.

"I won't...~I hope~" Zoey said, whispering the last part. She brought the cup to her lips at the same time Zach did too, they were staring at each other until when Zoey dropped her glass. Time seemed to freeze for Zach when Zoey dropped the glass and smacked her oh-so-tantalizing lips together.