

Truth is a two-sided coin. What someone thinks is true, may sound like fiction to another. Truth is an opinion. I thought what I was doing was pursuing truth, I was wrong. By joining an extermination agency that focused to the total elimination of all infected folk alike, I believed I was pursuing god's wish on the world. Killing monsters to save innocent lives. I never thought that it was the innocent lives I was taking and sparing the trash. It takes two opinions to find out the truth, and I feel like I'm the only person in the world that sees the truth laying in between the fine line of Justice and Prejudice. The truth is, no one is innocent. So they all should just burn in hell.

alaagon · Urban
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

3- The Purge

Derek rolled his eyes at Major. "Go ahead hero, stop this purge or whatever." He waved his hands around in a sarcastic way, blowing off the idea of Major being much use. "Look dude, this purge is happening and people are going to die. With a resistance as well, there will likely be a lot of casualties. Good people are going to die, you, me, any of us could go today. Even your little friends back in the agency. So don't be naive and say your prayers, you might not see tomorrow." Derek waved away and walked down the alleyway. In his quick absence, Mari joined Majors side.

"He's not being a downer for no reason, he's lost people. Good people. Friends. Also put this on." She handed him a black balaclava. "You'll be noticed without it. Last thing you want is to seem like an enemy. Your information will make you target number one for the agency and at that point you may as well kiss your life goodbye. Good luck. Anything you need?"

"I don't think so, I may be speaking out of place, but Derek makes for a terrible leader, no wonder these people are so out of it. Under that useless bag of wind, no wonder their lives are so depressing." Major turned his nose up at Derek who was still walking away . "Trash." He stormed out of the alleyway and sat down against the wall. "These people have no hope of survival. Derek may be staging a revolution but can't be bothered to put other lives before himself. He made an analogy of a kid dying, right in front of his parents for god sake. That guy can go right to hell." Major scowled at the thought of him. He was trying his best to start anew but was still surrounded by a deep negativity.

He checked his phone, and messaged his parents that he'd be home soon. "I have no plans of dying today, not a day after I've been freed." Mari poked her head around the street corner. 

"The train with the agency just landed by the way. Within about half and hour or so, the fighting will commence." Mari threw him a pocketknife with a blunt and rusted blade. "All I could find, sorry." as she walked away, she paused for a second, took a deep breath and looked back to face him. "By the way. I spared you that day because I knew that you were a good person inside. We shared a lot of nice moments together and you didn't judge me, you still haven't even after I turned you. So.... please don't die today." She walked off without saying anything more. Major picked up the pocketknife and tossed it at the wall in front of him, before standing back up and stretching.

20 minutes later...

The Agency troops were armed to the teeth, some with guns, some with swords and knives. They stormed out of the station and onto the streets where Major and Mari had previously been. Standing at the ready they started to split up into groups and search the people of the town, not realising that they too, were armed. After a few minutes, one agency worker, a young man, in his 20s or so, discovered a hidden gun, planted on a homeless mans body. His eyes ignited with fear as the gun was now pointed straight at his face. The homeless guy smiled and started squeezing the trigger. 


The homeless man was shot dead by another worker, standing behind the young man. He stood much taller and was accompanied with an energetic partner, who was bounding on the spot like a boxer. "Watch yourself, kid. They're armed." He held his hand up to the air to signal the rest of the corp. They all stopped to hear his request. He spoke loudly, almost shouted his words. "It seems that a resistance is among us. They're all armed." The agency members gulped in worry, not expecting a fight on this day. "Kill them all, leave not a soul alive." A young homeless guy, maybe in his early 20s stood up and fired two shots at the leader. 

He dodged the two bullets, pulled a pistol from his hip and put a bullet between his eyes. "Need I repeat myself. I said to kill them ALL!" Every person sitting on the street stood up and drew their weapons, already prepared for a fight. In the confusion, a homeless man in his 60s fired the first shots and the fight commenced. 

It sounded like a warzone, sounds of metal clanging and guns being fired. Major was still down one of the back streets and was staying there to help a few of the infected people leave. The plan was to push through the perimeter made by the guard surrounding the Grail. This plan was lead by Mari who was helping women and children get into an alleyway that would be safer for them to retreat through. On the end of the alleyway, an agency member ran round the corner and caught the retreating infected. He held his assault rifle up to them aimed into the crowd.

From behind, Derek grabbed his neck and yanked him to the floor with force, causing his gun to fall from his grip. Derek picked it up and unloaded an entire clip into the agency member. He looted more magazines and the mob of infected carried on into the alleyway, lead by Mari, the dead agency members body was trampled as they walked through the alley, Towards freedom.

"Well, well, well, what on earth to we have here." One of the agency members, the energetic member of the pair who killed the homeless man was looming over the body of the newly deceased agency member who was blocking the entrance to the alley. "Unlucky Johnny, stupid old fool, now I have to tell your wife about your failures to stop those retreating. I guess it just makes things messier after all." He stood up and walked over to his comrades corpse and he walked down an adjacent alleyway. The entire city sector was like a maze of backstreets and alleys that were near impossible to traverse. The man held his index finger on an earpiece, "Geose, you there? Geeeeose?"

The original man who killed the homeless guy in cold blood, and the leader who ordered the purge ducked behind a wall and responded to the incoming voice message. "Talk to me Fred, what's up?"

"Old Johnny Boy here is dead, been shot up by a heavy assault rifle, laying in a pool of blood, guts and bullets. No idea who the hell lit him up but they must've grounded him before shooting him." Frederick, kicked the body over disrespectfully to see the bullets laying under him.

"Be careful, probably an ambush of some sort." 

"Yea I hear ya, I think i'll just look for some stragglers, kill em dead if I see em. The Firing squad should deal with our little escapees. Anyway, good luck over there, bring me back a few infected teeth, I feel like adding to my collection today." Frederick let go of the button and stared down at the body on the floor. "Unlucky fool." He smirked at the sight of a corpse.

From behind him, a hand grabbed onto his neck. "Bout time you showed up, our little ambusher." Derek squeezed tighter and tighter, trying to inhibit his airways. Frederick smirked at his attempt and outmanoeuvred him easily, grabbing his hand. He pulled a pistol from his hip and shot Derek twice in the abdomen, causing him to fall back and smack the brick wall of the alleyway behind him. His blood splashed up against the walls and his head swung low into his lap from sheer pain. Derek managed to break Majors hand today easily but struggled massively to even grip Fredericks neck.

Derek, shakily held his head up towards Frederick, who was still standing over him, holding a gun to his head. "What the hell are you? No human is that strong, barely any Zombies are. You're a freak." Frederick broke out a deep, maniacal grin and squatted down in front of him.

"You're right, I am indeed a freak. I'm a half-zombie. Half human and half zombie. I get all the benefits of a zombie, without any of the drawbacks. One parent human, one parent zombie." He held two fingers up to demonstrate his words

"What on earth is that."

"Its simple really, when my fool of a father decided to deviously impregnate the disgusting creature of a mother, I then popped out, little old me. Born of a fool and of fodder. And just look at how that turned me. I'm a monster." 

"Let me guess, you turned this way because the agency killed your mother for being a zombie?"

"Incorrect! They needn't have bothered, I killed her myself when I was five. I made her suffer for being a lower race than both humans and myself. Then my fool of a father killed himself over the anguish of seeing his little baby boy, standing over his mothers corpse. I joined the agency to kill zombies, one day, i'll find that rush again, that same rush that I got when killing my mother, I've waited 13 years for that day. Thirteen long years in the agency." 

"You're sick."

"I know..." Frederick held his pistol up to Derek's forehead and pulled the trigger without hesitation." The sound of the pistol caught Majors attention as it was not in the direction of the main fight. He turned on the spot and started running towards the direction of the shot. 

The back streets of the Grail were an endless maze, he felt like he was running forever, before he found himself upon Derek's body, still perched up against that wall. A hole in his forehead and two more to match in his stomach. Majors eyes widened at the sight of him. He ran over to him and shook him vigorously. There was no life in his body, it was as limp as a doll. Majors face broke into a deep angered grimace. He felt like the world was dying around him. He felt guilty that his last thoughts of Derek were negative, even though he was trying his utmost to save these people. Major picked up his body and slung it over his shoulder, and started walking back towards the battle. "I'll personally make sure that you get a proper burial."


"So boring." Fredrick kicked a cola can at one of the walls in the slums. It bounced and fell into a pile of trash and leather. Out the corner of his eye, he spotted a small family hurrying through the alleys. They looked broken and injured. His eyes lit up at the sight of a broken family. He dashed after them and called for them to wait up. They stopped in their tracks. "You're going the wrong way, the exit for us is down that alleyway." The mother smiled.

"Thank you sir." They all hurried down the alleyway and into one of the darkest place in the slums. After a few minutes of running, the end of the alleyway had many bins and piles of trash all over the place, but ultimately, a dead end. They turned to walk back, but there was no point, Frederick blocked their exit. He couldn't help but break into an evil grin, like he was enjoying every moment of this. The consuming fear, present on the families face excited Frederick to the bone. 

He walked over and bent down in front of the child in the family. "Tell me young man, what's your name?"


"You're parents gave you a nice name. So tell me Tommy... are you afraid of death..?"

"Uhm... I don't know mister... will I go to heaven?"

"Hell no, you're kind don't go to heaven. Sorry little man." Frederick put his pistol to the child's forehead. "I'd give you last words, but, your voice grates on my ears." Bang. 


Frederick, felt blood run down his lips, he dropped the gun and wiped his mouth where there was once a dribble of blood. "Now who might you be?" Frederick turned away from the family and faced a shadow in the midst of the alleyway. 

"Do I need to tell you?" The figure was clearly pointing the gun directly at him, so he chose his words more carefully than usual. Despite being a half zombie, that shot still hurt badly. 

"Not really, you're not important. Anyone can shoot a gun, not everyone can fight fairly." Frederick held his hands in the air.

"You're not important either, anyone can die to a gunshot wound. So who's the nobody, the one with the gun, or the man killed by a nobody." Frederick broke out into a smile at his analogy. He walked over to the masked shadowy figure, who showed little sign of nervousness, still pointing the pistol. Frederick forced his chest onto the pistol and stared the masked man deep in the eyes. 

He threw his pistol to the floor. "A most unwise choice my masked friend." Major reached for his hip and tried to latch onto a small contraption on Fredericks belt. Frederick recoiled and swatted his hand away. "So you're an agency member, no one else would know where we keep our swords."

"Former, i'll give you a piece of advice, don't let me get that sword for your own good." 

"Why, think you'll be able to win if you have a sword?"


"Good luck then." Frederick swung at him with precise punches, like a seasoned boxer. It hurt to block the punches, Major was only just turned so he was barely stronger than the average human. He found that trying to weave the punches was easier. One punch clocked him straight on the nose and Major crashed to the floor like a knockout. His head was fuzzy and he lost track of where he was for a second. "What's wrong little man? Can't take a punch?" Frederick reached down and ripped the mask off. "Well I never, who would've though that you of all people would be under there. Hello Major."

"Nice to finally meet you." With his legs, Major swiped Fredericks hands away and once again reached for the concealed sword on his hip. Knowing his plan, Frederick dodged out of the way. Major grinned at his naivety and took the chance to kick Frederick to the floor. "What's wrong little man? Can't take a kick?"

Frederick thrust his legs upwards for a push kick. Major flipped over him and landed, stomping on his neck, causing him to cough and grab for his throat. He bent down, holding in the release switch on the small contraption on his belt. A handle shot out, as Major pulled at the handle, a sword unfolded out and clicked into place. Major hopped off of him and waited for him to stand back up. Frederick gripped his neck, coughing and spluttering. "Just because you have a sword, doesn't mean you can beat me."

"I thought I said I was positive." Frederick shook his head to recentre his focus.

Once again, he came in with a high right hook punch. With little effort, and one swipe of the sword, Frederick lost the very same arm. "He was grimacing in pain, trying to hide it from Major, who was more calm than before. With a sword in hand, Major wasn't any stronger physically, but was a lethal force. Frederick swung with the other hand next. Major ducked, pivoted and sliced his left leg clean off. Even though his wounds were slowly healing, Frederick was in an insane amount of pain. He refused to fall though, standing proud even in defeat.

Major held his sword up to Fredericks neck. "I wouldn't."

"Why not, scared of death?"

"No, you are."

"How so?"

"You're childhood friend, I think her name was Aureli. She's here today." Frederick had his hand to his earpiece. "I've already dialled her code as a traitor. One press of the button and she's dead meat."

"I'll play your game, even if you're bluffing. Now sit down and wait." Major picked up his mask, walked out of the alleyway and made his way towards the noise of the main fight in the streets.

"Hey Geose... Is that you."

"Fred? Where are you?"

"Do me a favour old buddy... There's a girl on your side, young adult, stick out ears and red hair. She's a traitor to us. Kill her on sight."

"She have a name?"



Geose clicked off his earpiece and started to search for the girl. With the features Frederick explained, she was quite easy to spot in a crowd. Geose walked over to her as she was fighting a battle against a zombie who was armed with a switchblade. She swiftly dispatched him and turned to Geose and saluted to her superior. She stared up at him. Even though she was taller than an average woman, she was still dwarfed by the seven foot titan of a man Geose was. "Reporting sir."

He squinted at her with a conflicting look, she just cut down a zombie with seemingly no remorse or inner conflict. He questioned Fredericks judgement on her, he couldn't understand the fact that she would kill her own allies to blend in, that's too far even for a traitor. Geose decided to trust his own judgement with this one. He drew his blade and placed it at her throat. "Somebody is accusing you of betrayal to the company, but i'll trust my own judgement. If you manage to prove to me that you're on our side, then you'll be spared." He lifted her chin up with his sword, striking fear into her.

Out of nowhere, Major hit his sword into the ground and kicked him away. Aureli drew her short sword and stabbed for Majors back. Her face was full of focus and determination. Major looked back with concern, understanding that she had no idea it was him. From both sides, Aureli and Geose started attacking Major. He skilfully parried all of the slash attempts but couldn't find an opening to strike back. Due to him being a zombie, his stamina was a lot higher and could fight for a much longer period. 

The 2v1 was evenly matched and equally as close. There was little opening between the two and they unfortunately worked well as a team, staying out of each others way and striking at the best times. Major stepped to the side and made the fight single file, with Aureli in front. She swiped and their blades clashed in the middle. From above, Geose swung his sword straight down. He was willing to take Aureli out with Major. 

Major broke the clash and kicked them both away for the quaking downward smack. It was then when he realised, Geose was willing to do anything to win, even if it cost him one of his colleagues. Major found this extra sickening because it was his childhood friend that he was willing to take out. He squinted and held his blade forward and distanced himself from both of them, who were circling him like a pack of hunting dogs. He knew that they would strike soon, it was only a matter of nerve and confidence, one thing he knew that Aureli struggles with. He just had to take advantage of this.

Out of mental stress, Aureli just threw herself at him with no real gameplan or strategy. He parried her weapon and kicked her to the floor defenceless. Geose took this opportunity to also go for a strike on Major, who blocked, not letting his guard down for a second. The two then engaged in a one versus one combat. Parrying, dodging, blocking, everything you could imagine in a sword fight. They twisted and turned like world class dancers, with just the same amount of grace and elegance, whilst also using the power of the greatest bodybuilders to maximise the power in every swing. They started to stand out more and more in the battle, drawing focus away from the purge and onto them. 

Both combatants weren't holding an ounce of effort back, before long, the entire of the battle stopped and watched the two of them fight instead, like the wager of the battle rested on the result of their fight. "You fight with honour." Geose was panting heavily as he spoke.

"I wouldn't fight any other way." After the second of breath they took, the fight resumed. They clashed swords and were pressing their full weight at each other, Major was doing well despite the size difference. 

Geose leaned in and whispered into Majors ear. "I would." With his other hand, he pulled out a large pistol and shot major in the abdomen. The pistol exploded in an array of fire , blowing a hole straight through his torso. He fired again and Majors leg was completely gone, blown to pieces in seconds.

In an deathly amount of pain, Major dropped to the floor and stared at the sky above him. The clouds darkened and it started to rain heavily all of a sudden. Geose walked over to him and aimed the pistol at his head. He started to squeeze the trigger to put an end to Majors life. Out of the blue, Mari ran in and kicked the pistol out of his hand and pushed him to the ground. She squatted down and grabbed his face. "Stay with me! Talk to me!"

"D....Derek. He's over there."

"Don't worry, well get him okay." she signalled for medical attention and two healthy looking zombies ran over and unfolded a stretcher for him. They lifted him on the stretcher and started running away to a shelter at the other end of the city sector. "Everyone, retreat and cover us!" Mari shouted as they all started to run away, shooting as they ran.

Geose looked over to Aureli who was picking herself up. She clocked his stare at her and looked back. "Now's your chance, lets see what side you're on." She saluted, shook the mud off her sword and headed for the crowd of infected. She was running much faster then they were, slashing wildly all around her as she made for the front runners where Major was. Many people tried to stop her but her speed and precision was much higher than that of a regular human. She sprinted as fast as her legs could take her. She saw the stretcher enter the nearby building. The two men ran out a few seconds later to face off against her. 

She slashed at them quickly, making them drop to the floor. Kicking the door down, she launched into the room with her sword drawn. Her eyes widened with horror and confusion. A half deceased Major looked back up at her from the stretcher. She felt tears rolling down her cheeks but had no idea why they were there or who they were for. "Get away from him!" She pointed her sword at Mari, who was sitting beside Major. She held her hands up and backed off from him.

Aureli scrambled down next to him and grabbed a hold of his hand. Her eyes were pouring with tears, full of confusion and anxiety. "How did this happen Major. Please stay with me. We've been friends forever. You said we'd be friends forever." 

"I know. I promised."

"Come back again, come back to the agency. Please....for me?"


From behind, Mari stabbed a knife through Aureli's heart. She looked down as the knife protruded from her chest, she felt blood run down her lips and onto her shirt below. With tears in her eyes, she took one last look at Major. He caught her as she fell limp. "Can I?"

"Yes." Mari walked over to her dying body and crushed her cranium. With weak and struggling arms, Major reached in and grabbed a hold of her brain, before pulling it out. He took one look at it before taking a large bite of it. It wasn't as he expected, it dissolved in his mouth like candy floss, completely differently to what he expected. 

After the entire brain was gone, he felt his wounds start to regenerate at a much faster pace and he also started to immediately feel the effects of consuming the brain, he felt physically superior and within a matter of minutes, he was back on his feet. He stretched out his tongue and a small glowing egg was growing on his palette. He picked it off and placed it into Aureli's brain cavity. He didn't know why he knew what to do, but it seemed all too natural to him.

Looking down at his friend, soon to be turned like he was, he felt a deep sense of loss after today. Many people lost their lives fighting a war they had no reason to. And they lost in a metaphorical sense. Both of the two monsters who lead the operation are still alive and kicking. He knew that he needed to put a stop to that immediately.

Major finally felt a need and purpose to grow and evolve as a person, it was no longer a selfish desire, but a realisation that justice was long overdue and no one else was enforcing it up until now.