
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 98 - You Must Die Today

Hearing Yutian's low roar, Liu Pengfei's head wouldn't to call up. "Calling me to apologize? What international joke? I ..."

Liu Pengfei shouted as he turned his head back, suddenly as soon as he saw Yutian, he immediately stopped his words. How is it so unlucky, "Brother, you'd better leave this alone, we'll all still be friends in the future, how's that?" Encountering this killing god. Yutian's power, he had seen it today at the Capital University. Thinking that Yu Tian even dared to beat Huang Yulang, Liu Pengfei immediately felt his scalp a little numb. But in front of so many people, he felt that he couldn't lose his authority. Otherwise, how could he still mix in the capital in the future.

Yutian looks at Liu Pengfei, vaguely feeling that the outline of his face looks a bit familiar, pondering in his mind how to resolve this. But when he saw Liu Qian Qian pulling at his cuffs and timidly looking at Liu Peng Fei, he immediately felt angry again.

"I said apologize to her." Yu Tian looked at Liu Pengfei, his tone still cold.

"I ... "Seeing that Yutian insisted on apologizing himself, Liu Pengfei's face became a bit ugly.

Right at this moment, Liu Pengfei suddenly saw a person walk in the doorway, and a smile immediately appeared on his face. He hurriedly ran up, like grabbing a life-saving straw, tightly pulling that person's right hand, enthusiastically shouting, "Brother Tiger, you came at the right time. I have offended one person, can you help me smooth out this overkill?"

Tiger looked at Liu Pengfei with some surprise, this kid has always been so domineering in the past, how come there are times when he is afraid today. Thinking of this, he couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked in a deep voice: "Offended someone?"

Liu Pengfei did not add fuel to the fire and told Tiger the actual situation. Finally, he glanced towards Yu Tian and whispered, "That kid is very capable of fighting, this afternoon at the Capital University, even Huang Yulang's four bodyguards were planted in his hands."

"Oh." Hearing this, Brother Tiger was interested in Yu Tian. Even Huang Yulang dared to fight, not to mention other things, just for this courage, Brother Panther appreciated it.

Walking up to Yutian, Tiger stretched out his calloused right hand and said smilingly, "Getting acquainted, my name is Qi Hu."

"Yu Tian." Stretching out his right hand and gently shaking hands with the Northeast Tiger, Yu Tian's reply was short and strong.

"Brother, can you give me face and let this go today?"

Seeing Qi Hu's inquiry with arrogance, Yu Tian did not say much. Turning his sight to Liu Pengfei, his tone remained unchanged. "No, he must apologize."

With Qi Hu by his side, Liu Pengfei's guts rushed back up. Seeing that Yutian was not budging an inch, his worldly son's problem came back. So he had a hot head and drank at Yu Tian: "Yu Tian, don't be too crazy, Brother Tiger has said so, you don't even give him face? You have to know that you are not the only one in the world who can fight."

Hearing Liu Pengfei say this, Yu Tian's face slowly became a bit gloomy. Looking at Qi Hu, Yu Tian coldly asked, "What do you say?"

"It seems inevitable that we will have to spar with each other, if I win, this will be over. If you win, then I'll ask him to apologize to you." Qi Hu sighed helplessly, a hint of wariness radiating from his eyes.

"Good, then I'll teach you two moves." Yutian turned his head to look at Liu Qianqian and gently spoke to her, "You stand to the side first."

Liu Qian Qian looked at Yu Tian with a nervous face, her eyes inexplicably carrying a trace of deep concern. "Why don't we just forget about it, I'll fall anyway."

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll make sure he apologizes to you today." Yu Tian lightly patted down Liu Qian Qian's shoulder and softly comforted her. His body slowly exuded, a breathtaking aura.

At this time, when Pang Yuyan and Pang Xiaofeng saw what was happening over here, they hurriedly threw down their companions and ran over towards Yu Tian's place. Ye Wentian, who was with Peng Xiaofeng, saw this and also hurriedly ran over after Peng Xiaofeng.

Feeling this terrifying aura on Yu Tian's body, Peng Xiaofeng's face instantly changed drastically, he didn't know which bastard had made Brother Tian so angry, this aura he had only seen on the last occasion, when Peng Yuyan had been slapped by an outsider exploder, who had thrown him off his face.

Pang Yuyan also realized that Yutian's situation was not right and hurriedly ran over to ask, "Yutian, what's wrong?"

Yu Tian said a few words about what had just happened, then he said gently to Pang Yuyan, "You also stand aside first, I'm afraid that I'll hurt you by mistake later."

"Does it have to be like this?" Pang Yuyan looked at Yu Tian with confusion in her eyes.

"Definitely." Utena said firmly.

Hearing Yutian's affirmative answer, Pang Yuyan did not say anything more. She just silently retreated to the side and looked at Liu Qian Qian a bit out of her mind.

Peng Yuyan does not feel that Yutian, because see Liu Qian Qian beautiful, only a moment of spermatozoa, looking for Liu Pengfei unforgiving call him to apologize.

But why is Yutian standing up for Liu Qian Qian so much? If she wasn't wrong, they should have just met for the first time today. Pang Yuyan felt a bit puzzled, and she didn't bother to ask Yutian. She believed that Yutian must have his own reasons for doing so.

Peng Xiaofeng ran to Yu Tian's side, looking at Liu Pengfei and Qi Hu who confronted him, Peng Xiaofeng coldly shouted, "Liu Pengfei, you are really growing up pulling, really think that if I, Peng Crazy, go away, this capital city is your world?"

"Peng Shao, don't talk nonsense, this is a sparring match between the two of them, Tiger and Yutian, don't involve me." When Liu Pengfei heard Peng Xiaofeng's questioning, he was so scared that he hastily shrunk his head twice, he was really afraid that this Peng Xiaofeng would start to go crazy and beat him up for nothing.

"You really want to do it?" When Peng Xiaofeng heard Liu Pengfei say this, he immediately turned his sight to Qi Hu again. While others were unclear, he knew that Qi Hu was a member of the Dragon Group. It was also his third uncle Peng Hu Tao's subordinate, known as the Northeast Tiger. On one side was his third uncle's man, and on the other side was the person he admired the most, Peng Xiaofeng was heartily unwilling for the two of them to fight.

In fact, Peng Xiaofeng is still most worried about Qi Hu, he understands that, when Tian is in this kind of mood, there is only one thing that can happen to Qi Hu, and that is to see how the injury is. Peng Xiaofeng was worried that Yu Tian's hand was too heavy, and when he met Uncle San, he would not be able to speak well.

However, once Yu Tian had such an aura, Peng Xiaofeng was not in a good position to dissuade Yu Tian, because he knew that Brother Tian's heart right now was definitely not generally angry.

"Little Feng, get out of the way." Yu Tian's eyes gazed at Qi Hu, but his words were addressed to Peng Xiaofeng. Although the tone was flat, it carried the flavor of not allowing him to refuse.

Peng Xiaofeng could only helplessly retreat to the side, and before retreating, he whispered in Yu Tian's ear. "He is my third uncle's man." Meaning that he hoped that Yu Tian, for the sake of Peng Hu Tao, would show mercy to Qi Hu.

"Make a move." Yu Tian faced Qi Hu and spoke in a cold voice.

"Good." Qi Hu was not polite and swung his fist in a hurry.

Yutian clenched his right hand into a fist, facing the wind, and in the blink of an eye, he threw a punch against Qi Hu. In this punch, both of them had reservations and didn't use their full strength, after one punch, both of them fell back three steps.

"Painful, again." Qi Hu shouted after one punch, realizing that Yu Tian's strength, was still beyond his expectations, followed by another punch.

Yu Tian's eyes tightened as he stared at the incoming momentum of Qi Hu's fist, staggering his feet back and forth, swinging his fist to meet it without flickering or avoiding. When the two men's fists were withdrawn, Yu Tian retreated another three steps, while Qi Hu retreated as many as five steps.

Putting away his contempt for Yu Tian, Qi Hu put his right hand behind his back and flung it gently. Feeling an acidic numbness coming from his hand, Qi Hu realized that he had once again underestimated Yu Tian's strength.

Immediately after that, Qi Hu no longer attacked rashly, but set up a stance and fought with Yu Tian.

Yu Tian made a sideways turn and raised his left leg high in the air, sweeping it horizontally towards Qi Hu. Feeling the strong wind sweeping towards his face, Qi Fu quickly retreated two steps away and put his hands up to block Yu Tian's left leg, taking a few steps back in the process.

Because Peng Xiaofeng had greeted him, Yu Tian did not use his full strength with this leg. But even so, Qi Hu felt his hands go numb and a stabbing pain came from his little arms. Qi Hu was secretly happy in his heart, fortunately he had blocked it with both hands. If he had been careless and caught it with one hand, then it was estimated that his hand would have been broken by Yu Tian's kick by now.

Seeing how tough Yutian's stance was, Qi Hu was a bit annoyed while frustrated. He was at least a member of the Dragon Team, yet he couldn't even compete with a skinny kid in front of him.

Thinking of this, Qi Hu stood still and stared at Yutian with a hint of killing rising in his eyes, in addition to the monstrous wariness.

Suddenly, Qi Hu's body stormed up and rushed towards Yu Tian, a sideways left elbow, ruthlessly striking towards Yu Tian's chest. After Yu Tian reached out to frame the elbow of the book, his body slid away half a step towards the right in a smooth manner, Qi Hu's right hand was suddenly horizontal, cutting towards Yu Tian's neck.

Yu Tian closely tilted his head, narrowly avoided, before the arrival of Qi Hu's successive legs, Yu Tian had long ago a vertical leap, retreating a few steps. Let Qi Hu is very strange, Yu Tian seems to have known, he also has such a leg.

Stabilizing his body and taking a deep breath, Yu Tian's eyes stared at Qi Hu with a deadly stare, the expression on his face becoming more and more gloomy. Suddenly, a shocking murderous aura erupted from his body, quickly suppressing everyone around him.

Feeling the suffocating atmosphere, all of them couldn't help but shiver. It gave one the feeling of being outside with a chilly wind piercing one's bones.

Peng Xiaofeng looked at the situation in front of him and couldn't help but panic. Having been acquainted with Yu Tian for so many years, he had never seen the killing aura emanating from Tian's body that would be as strong as it was today. With this aura, it could be concluded that Yu Tian had already made up his mind to kill Qi Hu.

No, there must be a way to stop it. There are no family factions in the Dragon Group, they are only loyal to the current No. 1 Chief. If we kill the Dragon Group, not to mention what will happen to Uncle Sam, the country will not let Tian go, and even they, the Peng family, are afraid that it will be difficult to keep Yutian.

Thinking of this, Peng Xiaofeng hurriedly looked his head towards Peng Yuyan, he hoped that his cousin would be able to stop Yu Tian's killing intent. He knew that at this point in time, if Yu Tian, if even Peng Yuyan had no way to stop him, then what he, Peng Xiaofeng, had to do immediately next was not to stay here and watch the show, but to return to the Peng family as fast as possible and look for the old master to find a way to protect Brother Tian.

When Pang Yuyan received Pang Xiao Crazy's eager eyes, she immediately prepared to open her mouth to dissuade her, but to her surprise, it was still too late.

"You must die today." Yu Tian shouted angrily, no longer having any reservations, his body quickly bounced up and kicked in the air, fiercely kicking towards Qi Hu's head.